Characteristics of Households - Childinfo.org

Characteristics of Households - Childinfo.org

Characteristics of Households - Childinfo.org


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VII WATERAND SANITATIONSafe drinking water is a basic necessity for good health.Unsafe drinking water can be a significant carrier<strong>of</strong> diseases such as trachoma, cholera, typhoid, andschistosomiasis. Drinking water can also be taintedwith chemical, physical and radiological contaminantswith harmful effects on human health. In additionto its association with disease, access to drinkingwater may be particularly important for women andchildren, especially in rural areas, who bear the primaryresponsibility for carrying water, <strong>of</strong>ten for long distances.The MDG goal is to reduce by half, between 1990 and2015, the proportion <strong>of</strong> people without sustainable accessto safe drinking water and basic sanitation. The World Fitfor Children goal calls for a reduction in the proportion <strong>of</strong>households without access to hygienic sanitation facilitiesand affordable and safe drinking water by at least one-third.The list <strong>of</strong> indicators used in MICS is as follows:Water• Use <strong>of</strong> improved drinking water sources• Use <strong>of</strong> adequate water treatment method• Time to source <strong>of</strong> drinking water• Person collecting drinking waterUse <strong>of</strong> Improved Water SourcesThe distribution <strong>of</strong> the population by source <strong>of</strong> drinking wateris shown in Table WS.1 and Figure WS.1. The populationusing improved sources <strong>of</strong> drinking water are those using any<strong>of</strong> the following types <strong>of</strong> supply: piped water (into dwelling,compound, yard or plot, public tap/standpipe), tube well/borehole, protected well, protected spring, and rainwatercollection. Bottled water is considered as an improved watersource only if the household is using an improved watersource for other purposes, such as handwashing and cooking.Overall, 100 percent <strong>of</strong> the population is using animproved source <strong>of</strong> drinking water — 100 percent inurban areas and 99 percent in rural areas. There is no bigdifference between regions, wealth index quintiles or byeducation <strong>of</strong> household head.Figure WS.1: Percent distribution <strong>of</strong> householdmembers by source <strong>of</strong> drinking water, Serbia, 2010Sanitation• Use <strong>of</strong> improved sanitation facilities• Sanitary disposal <strong>of</strong> child’s faecesFor more details on water and sanitation and to accesssome reference documents, please visit the UNICEFChildInfo website http://www.childinfo.<strong>org</strong>/wes.html.MONITORING THE SITUATION OF CHILDREN AND WOMEN 91

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