Characteristics of Households - Childinfo.org

Characteristics of Households - Childinfo.org

Characteristics of Households - Childinfo.org


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Solid Fuel UseMore than 3 billion people around the world rely on solidfuels (biomass and coal) for their basic energy needs,including cooking and heating. Cooking and heatingwith solid fuels leads to high levels <strong>of</strong> indoor smoke,and a complex mix <strong>of</strong> health-damaging pollutants. Themain problem with the use <strong>of</strong> solid fuels is the products<strong>of</strong> incomplete combustion, including CO, polyaromatichydrocarbons, SO2, and other toxic elements. Use <strong>of</strong>solid fuels increases the risks <strong>of</strong> acute respiratory illness,pneumonia, chronic obstructive lung disease, cancer, andpossibly tuberculosis, low birth weight, cataracts, andasthma. The primary MICS indicator is the proportion<strong>of</strong> the population using solid fuels as the primary source<strong>of</strong> domestic energy for cooking.Table CH.6: Solid fuel use, Serbia, 2010Percent distribution <strong>of</strong> household members according to type <strong>of</strong> cooking fuel used by the household,and percentage <strong>of</strong> household members living in households using solid fuels for cookingPercentage <strong>of</strong> household members in households using:ElectricityLiquefiedSolid fuelsNo foodNumber <strong>of</strong>householdPetroleumNaturalcookedSolidmembersGas (LPG)Gas Coal,Straw, Agriculturalin theMissing Total fuels forligniteCharcoal Wood shrubs, crophouseholdcooking 1grass residueRegionBelgrade 81.9 10.0 1.2 .1 .5 6.2 .0 .0 .0 .1 100.0 6.7 4193Vojvodina 43.7 25.6 17.8 .4 .3 11.5 .0 .4 .3 .0 100.0 12.6 5407Sumadija andWestern Serbia36.4 7.0 .4 .1 .4 55.4 .2 .0 .0 .0 100.0 56.2 5969Southern andEastern Serbia49.7 7.4 .0 .1 .3 42.4 .0 .0 .0 .1 100.0 42.8 5305AreaUrban 67.2 12.9 5.5 .2 .2 14.0 .0 .0 .1 .0 100.0 14.3 11501Rural 30.7 12.1 4.4 .2 .7 51.5 .1 .2 .1 .0 100.0 52.7 9373Education <strong>of</strong> household headNone 27.1 4.8 3.3 .7 .0 63.1 .0 .0 1.0 .0 100.0 63.8 408Primary 30.6 11.0 3.9 .3 .6 53.1 .2 .1 .2 .1 100.0 54.2 6669Secondary 54.8 13.8 6.1 .1 .4 24.6 .0 .1 .0 .0 100.0 25.3 9870Higher 77.8 12.4 4.3 .1 .0 5.4 .0 .0 .0 .1 100.0 5.5 3913Wealth index quintilesPoorest 14.7 9.3 2.2 .7 1.3 70.7 .3 .4 .4 .0 100.0 73.3 4175Second 24.9 14.3 4.2 .1 .4 55.8 .0 .1 .0 .1 100.0 56.5 4178Middle 50.3 16.2 8.3 .0 .0 25.2 .0 .0 .0 .0 100.0 25.2 4173Fourth 74.2 15.0 8.2 .1 .2 2.4 .0 .0 .0 .0 100.0 2.6 4173Richest 89.9 7.8 2.0 .0 .0 .2 .0 .0 .0 .1 100.0 .2 4175Total 50.8 12.5 5.0 .2 .4 30.9 .1 .1 .1 .0 100.0 31.6 208741MICS indicator 3.11MONITORING THE SITUATION OF CHILDREN AND WOMEN 87

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