Characteristics of Households - Childinfo.org

Characteristics of Households - Childinfo.org

Characteristics of Households - Childinfo.org


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VI CHILD HEALTHOral Rehydration TreatmentDiarrhoea is the second leading cause <strong>of</strong> death amongchildren under five worldwide. Most diarrhoea-relateddeaths in children are due to dehydration from loss <strong>of</strong>large quantities <strong>of</strong> water and electrolytes from the body inliquid stools. Management <strong>of</strong> diarrhoea — either throughoral rehydration salts (ORS) or a recommended home fluid(RHF) — can prevent many <strong>of</strong> these deaths. Preventingdehydration and malnutrition by increasing fluid intakeand continuing to feed the child are also importantstrategies for managing diarrhoea.The MDGs are to: 1) reduce by one half death due todiarrhoea among children under five by 2010 comparedto 2000 (A World Fit for Children); and 2) reduce bytwo-thirds the mortality rate among children under fiveby 2015 compared to 1990 (Millennium DevelopmentGoals). In addition, the World Fit for Children calls for areduction in the incidence <strong>of</strong> diarrhoea by 25 percent.The indicators are:• Prevalence <strong>of</strong> diarrhoea• Oral rehydration therapy (ORT)• Home management <strong>of</strong> diarrhoea• ORT with continued feedingIn the MICS questionnaire, mothers (or caretakers) wereasked to report whether their child had had diarrhoea inthe two weeks prior to the survey. If so, the mother wasasked a series <strong>of</strong> questions about what the child had todrink and eat during the episode and whether this wasmore or less than the child usually ate and drank.Overall, about 8 percent <strong>of</strong> children under-five had haddiarrhoea in the two weeks preceding the survey (TableCH.1). Diarrhoea prevalence was similar in all regions.The peak <strong>of</strong> diarrhoea prevalence occurs among childrenaged 24–47 months.Table CH.1 also shows the percentage <strong>of</strong> children receivingvarious types <strong>of</strong> recommended liquids during the episode<strong>of</strong> diarrhoea. Since mothers were able to name more thanone type <strong>of</strong> liquid, the percentages do not necessarily addto 100 percent. About 36 percent received fluids fromORS packets or pre-packaged ORS fluids and 68 percentreceived recommended homemade fluids. Approximately73 percent <strong>of</strong> children with diarrhoea received one or more<strong>of</strong> the recommended home treatments (i.e., were treatedwith ORS or any recommended homemade fluid). There isa difference in administration <strong>of</strong> ORS or a recommendedhomemade fluid between urban (86 percent) and ruralareas (61 percent).72MULTIPLE INDICATOR CLUSTER SURVEY 2010

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