Characteristics of Households - Childinfo.org

Characteristics of Households - Childinfo.org

Characteristics of Households - Childinfo.org


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Table HH.3R provides basic background informationon the households. Within households, the sex <strong>of</strong> thehousehold head, residence, number <strong>of</strong> household membersand education <strong>of</strong> the household head, are shown in thetable. These background characteristics are used insubsequent tables in this report; the figures in the tableare also intended to show the numbers <strong>of</strong> observations bymajor categories <strong>of</strong> analysis in the report.The weighted and the unweighted numbers <strong>of</strong> householdsare equal, since sample weights were normalized (SeeAppendix A). The table also shows the proportion <strong>of</strong>households with at least one child under 18, at least onechild under 5, at least one eligible woman aged 15–49 andat least one eligible man aged 15–29. The table also showsthe weighted average household size estimated by thesurvey.Gender structure for the heads <strong>of</strong> householdsindicates that 86 percent are men. About 70 percent<strong>of</strong> households are urban, while the rest are rural.The majority <strong>of</strong> households (about 77 percent) havethree to seven members. In 82 percent <strong>of</strong> interviewedhouseholds, there is at least one woman aged 15 to 49and in 50 percent <strong>of</strong> interviewed households at leastone man aged 15–29 years. In 48 percent <strong>of</strong> interviewedhouseholds there is at least one child under 5 years <strong>of</strong>age, and in 78 percent a child under 18. The surveyestimated the average household size at 4.8 persons.<strong>Characteristics</strong> <strong>of</strong> FemaleRespondents 15–49 Years <strong>of</strong> Age,Male Respondents 15–29 Years<strong>of</strong> Age and Children Under-5Tables HH.4R, HH.4R.M and HH.5R provideinformation on the background characteristics <strong>of</strong>female respondents 15–49 years <strong>of</strong> age, men 15–29years <strong>of</strong> age, and <strong>of</strong> children under the age <strong>of</strong> 5. Inall the tables, the total numbers <strong>of</strong> weighted andunweighted observations are equal, since sampleweights have been normalized (standardized). Inaddition to providing useful information on thebackground characteristics <strong>of</strong> women, men andchildren, the tables are also intended to show thenumbers <strong>of</strong> observations in each background category.These categories are used in the subsequent tabulations<strong>of</strong> this report.Table HH.4R: Women’s background characteristics,Roma Settlements, 2010Percent and frequency distribution <strong>of</strong> women age 15–49 yearsby selected background characteristicsWeighted Number <strong>of</strong> womenpercent Weighted UnweightedAreaUrban 69.0 1461 1369Rural 31.0 657 749Age15–19 20.2 429 37320–24 16.7 354 43925–29 17.1 363 40730–34 15.1 320 29435–39 11.8 251 23440–44 9.1 193 19345–49 9.8 208 178Marital/Union statusCurrently married/in union 76.6 1622 1690Formerly married/in union 9.7 205 205Never married/in union 13.7 291 223Motherhood statusEver gave birth 80.8 1711 1798Never gave birth 19.2 407 320Births in last two yearsYes 20.8 440 550No 79.2 1678 1568EducationNone 17.1 363 398Primary 67.8 1437 1454Secondary 13.9 295 251Higher 1.1 24 15Wealth index quintilePoorest 18.7 396 487Second 19.1 404 429Middle 19.1 404 396Fourth 22.1 468 418Richest 21.1 447 388Total 100.0 2118 211842MULTIPLE INDICATOR CLUSTER SURVEY 2010

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