Characteristics of Households - Childinfo.org

Characteristics of Households - Childinfo.org

Characteristics of Households - Childinfo.org


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MODULE BR — BIRTH REGISTRATIONBR1. Does (name) have a birth certificate?If “yes“, ask:May I see it?Yes, seen 1Yes, not seen 2No 3DK 8BR2. Has (name) been registered with the civil authorities? Yes 1No 2DK 8BR3. Do you know how to register your child’s birth? Yes 1No 2BR3A. Does (name) have a health insurance card?If “yes“, ask:May I see it?Yes, seen 1Yes, not seen 2No 3DK 8MODULE EC — EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENTEC1. How many children’s books or picture books (name) has? None 00Number <strong>of</strong> children’s books 0Ten or more books 10EC2. I am interested in learning about the things that (name)plays with when he/she is at home.Does he/she play with:[A] homemade toys (such as dolls, cars or some other toysmade at home)?[B] toys from a shop or manufactured toys?[C] household objects (such as bowls or pots) or objects foundoutside (such as sticks, rocks, leaves etc.)?If the respondent says “YES” to the categories above, then probeto learn specifically what the child plays with to ascertain theresponse.EC3. Adults who care for a child sometimes have to go outshopping, to visit doctor or have to leave young children for anyother reason.Last week, how many days was (name):[A] left alone longer than an hour?[B] left in care <strong>of</strong> another child, i.e. someone under 10, longerthan an hour?If the answer is “none“, enter “0“.If the answer is “don’t know“, enter “8“.EC4. Check AG2: Age <strong>of</strong> childChild is 3 or 4 years old Continue with EC5Child is 0, 1 or 2 years old Go to next moduleEC5. Does (name) attend kindergarten or any <strong>org</strong>anized learningor early childhood education programme?These can be private, government or NGO programmes.EC6. Within the last seven days, about how many hours did(name) attend that programme?Yes No DKHomemade toys 1 2 8Toys from a shop 1 2 8Household objects or outside objects 1 2 8Number <strong>of</strong> days the child was left alone longer than an hourNumber <strong>of</strong> days the child was left alone with another child longer than an hourYes 1No 2DK 8Number <strong>of</strong> hoursEC6A. What type <strong>of</strong> facility does the child attend? Government facility 1Private facility 2Facility sponsored by Roma NGO 3Facility sponsored by another NGO 4Denominational facility 5Other (specify) 61 BR3A2 BR3A1 BR3A2 EC6B8 EC71 EC72 EC73 EC74 EC75 EC76 EC7332MULTIPLE INDICATOR CLUSTER SURVEY 2010

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