Characteristics of Households - Childinfo.org

Characteristics of Households - Childinfo.org

Characteristics of Households - Childinfo.org


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UN7. How long would you like to wait before the birth<strong>of</strong> (a/another) child?UN8. Check CP1: Currently pregnant?Yes, currently pregnant Go to UN13No, unsure or DK Continue with UN9UN9. Check CP3. Currently using any method <strong>of</strong> contraception?Yes Go to UN13No Continue with UN10UN10. Do you think you are physically able to get pregnantat this time?UN11. Why do you think you are not physically able to getpregnant?UN12. Check UN11: “Never menstruated” mentioned?Mentioned Go to Next ModuleNot mentioned Continue with UN13Months 1Years 2Soon/Now 993Says she cannot get pregnant 994After marriage 995Other 996Don’t know 998Yes 1No 2DK 8Infrequent sex/No sexAMenopauseBNever menstruatedCHysterectomy (surgical removal <strong>of</strong> uterus)DHas been trying to get pregnant for 2 years or more without resultEPostpartum amenorrheicFBreastfeedingGToo oldHFatalisticIOther (specify)XDon’t knowZUN13. When did your last menstrual period start? Days ago 1Weeks ago 2Months ago 3Years ago 4In menopause/Has had hysterectomy 994Before last birth 995Never menstruated 996994 UN111 UN138 UN13MODULE DV — ATTITUDES TOWARD DOMESTIC VIOlENCEDV1. Sometimes a husband is annoyed or angered by thingsthat his wife does. In your opinion, is a husband justified inhitting or beating his wife in the following situations:[A] If she goes out without telling him?[B] If she neglects the chidlren?[C] If she argues with him?[D] If she refuses to have sex with him?[E] If she burns the food?MODULE MA — MARRIAGE/UNIONMA1. Are you currently married or living togetherwith a man as if married?MA2. How old is your husband/partner?Probe: How old was your husband/partner on his last birthday?Yes No DKGoes out without telling 1 2 8Neglects children 1 2 8Argues with him 1 2 8Refuses sex 1 2 8Burns food 1 2 8Yes, currently married 1Yes, living with a man 2No, not in union 3 3 MA5Age in yearsDK 98 MA7 MA7MONITORING THE SITUATION OF CHILDREN AND WOMEN 325

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