Characteristics of Households - Childinfo.org

Characteristics of Households - Childinfo.org

Characteristics of Households - Childinfo.org


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MICS4 INDICATOR Module Numerator Denominator MDG7.7 Primary completion rate ED Number <strong>of</strong> children (<strong>of</strong> any age) attending the last grade<strong>of</strong> primary school (excluding repeaters)7.8 Transition rate to secondaryschool7.9 Gender parity index(primary school)7.10 Gender parity index(secondary school)EDNumber <strong>of</strong> children attending the last grade <strong>of</strong> primaryschool during the previous school year who are in the firstgrade <strong>of</strong> secondary school during the current school yearTotal number <strong>of</strong> children <strong>of</strong> primary schoolcompletion age (age appropriate to final grade <strong>of</strong>primary school)Total number <strong>of</strong> children who are attending thefirst grade <strong>of</strong> secondary schoolED Primary school net attendance ratio (adjusted) for girls Primary school net attendance ratio (adjusted) forboysED Secondary school net attendance ratio (adjusted) for girls Secondary school net attendance ratio (adjusted)for boys8. CHILD PROTECTION8.1 Birth registration BR Number <strong>of</strong> children under age 5 whose births arereported registered8.5 Violent discipline CD Number <strong>of</strong> children age 2–14 years who experiencedpsychological aggression or physical punishment duringthe past month8.6 Marriage before age 15 MA Number <strong>of</strong> women age 15–49 years who were firstmarried or in union by the exact age <strong>of</strong> 158.7 Marriage before age 18 MA Number <strong>of</strong> women age 20–49 years who were firstmarried or in union by the exact age <strong>of</strong> 188.8 Young women age 15–19 years MA Number <strong>of</strong> women age 15–19 years who are currentlycurrently married or in union [M] married or in union8.10a8.10bSpousal age difference MA Number <strong>of</strong> women currently married or in union whosespouse is 10 or more years older, (a) for women age15–19 years, (b) for women age 20–24 years8.14 Attitudes towards domesticviolenceDV9. HIV/AIDS, SEXUAL BEHAVIOUR AND ORPHANS9.1 Comprehensive knowledgeabout HIV preventionHANumber <strong>of</strong> women who state that a husband/partner isjustified in hitting or beating his wife in at least one <strong>of</strong> thefollowing circumstances: (1) she goes out without tellinghim, (2) she neglects the children, (3) she argues with him,(4) she refuses sex with him, (5) she burns the foodNumber <strong>of</strong> women age 15–49 years who correctlyidentify two ways <strong>of</strong> preventing HIV infection 10 , know thata healthy looking person can have HIV, and reject the twomost common misconceptions about HIV transmission9.2 Comprehensive knowledgeabout HIV prevention amongyoung people [M] HA Number <strong>of</strong> women age 15–24 years who correctlyidentify two ways <strong>of</strong> preventing HIV infection, know thata healthy looking person can have HIV, and reject the twomost common misconceptions about HIV transmission9.3 Knowledge <strong>of</strong> mother-to-childtransmission <strong>of</strong> HIV9.4 Accepting attitudes towardspeople living with HIV9.5 Women who know where tobe tested for HIV9.6 Women who have been testedfor HIV and know the resultsHAHAHAHANumber <strong>of</strong> women age 15–49 years who correctlyidentify all three means 11 <strong>of</strong> mother-to-childtransmission <strong>of</strong> HIVNumber <strong>of</strong> women age 15–49 years expressing acceptingattitudes on all four questions 12 toward people livingwith HIVNumber <strong>of</strong> women age 15–49 years who stateknowledge <strong>of</strong> a place to be tested for HIVNumber <strong>of</strong> women age 15–49 years who have beentested for HIV in the 12 months preceding the survey andwho know their resultsTotal number <strong>of</strong> children under age 5Total number <strong>of</strong> children age 2–14 yearsTotal number <strong>of</strong> women age 15–49 yearsTotal number <strong>of</strong> women age 20–49 yearsTotal number <strong>of</strong> women age 15–19 yearsTotal number <strong>of</strong> women currently married or inunion (a) age 15–19 years, (b) age 20–24 yearsTotal number <strong>of</strong> women age 15–49 yearsTotal number <strong>of</strong> women age 15–49 yearsMDG 3.1MDG 3.1Total number <strong>of</strong> women age 15–24 years MDG 6.3Total number <strong>of</strong> women age 15–49 yearsTotal number <strong>of</strong> women age 15–49 years who haveheard <strong>of</strong> HIVTotal number <strong>of</strong> women age 15–49 yearsTotal number <strong>of</strong> women age 15–49 years10Using condoms and limiting sex to one faithful, uninfected partner11Transmission during pregnancy, during delivery, and by breastfeeding12Women (1) who think that a female teacher with the AIDS virus should be allowed to teach in school, (2) who would buy fresh vegetables from a shopkeeperor vendor who has the AIDS virus, (3) who would not want to keep it as a secret if a family member became infected with the AIDS virus, and (4) who wouldbe willing to care for a family member who became sick with the AIDS virus.MONITORING THE SITUATION OF CHILDREN AND WOMEN 303

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