Characteristics of Households - Childinfo.org

Characteristics of Households - Childinfo.org

Characteristics of Households - Childinfo.org


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pre-tested in Belgrade during September 2010. Based onthe results <strong>of</strong> the pre-test, modifications were made to thewording and translation <strong>of</strong> the questionnaires. A copy <strong>of</strong> theSerbia MICS4 questionnaires is provided in Appendix F.In addition to the administration <strong>of</strong> questionnaires,fieldwork teams observed the place for hand-washing andmeasured the weights and heights <strong>of</strong> children aged under5 years. Details and findings <strong>of</strong> these measurements areprovided in the respective sections <strong>of</strong> the report.Training and FieldworkTraining for the fieldwork editors was conducted for7 days in September 2010, and training for the totalfieldwork staff was conducted for 10 days in October2010. Training included lectures on interviewingtechniques and the contents <strong>of</strong> the questionnaires,and mock interviews between trainees to gain practicein asking questions. Towards the end <strong>of</strong> the trainingperiod, trainees spent 2 days in practice interviewingin urban and rural areas <strong>of</strong> Valjevo, Osecina andMionica municipalities during October 2010.The data from the Serbia sample were collected by 15teams; each was comprised <strong>of</strong> 2 female interviewers, onefemale editor, one male interviewer/measurer/driver anda supervisor.The data from the Roma settlements sample werecollected by 3 teams. Each team was comprised <strong>of</strong>2 female Roma interviewers, one female editor, onemale interviewer/measurer/driver and a supervisor.Data ProcessingData was entered using the CSPro s<strong>of</strong>tware. The dataentry was carried out on 10 microcomputers by 20data entry operators and 4 data entry supervisors. Inorder to ensure quality control, all questionnaires weredouble entered and internal consistency checks wereperformed. Procedures and standard programmesdeveloped under the global MICS4 programme andadapted to Serbia’s questionnaire were used throughout.Data processing began simultaneously with datacollection and was completed in March 2011. Datawas analysed using the Statistical Package for SocialSciences (SPSS) s<strong>of</strong>tware programme, Version 18, andthe model syntax and tabulation plans developed byUNICEF were used for this purpose.The Report StructureAs noted before, this report actually presents findingsfrom the MICS4 surveys carried out on two samples.Although they can be interpreted as two independentsurveys, a decision was made to present findings in thejoint report to make use <strong>of</strong>, and comparison between,data easier.Each subchapter starts with a common introduction.After that, there are explanations that refer to theSerbia sample and to the Roma settlements samplefindings. In order to visually differentiate findingscoming from the two samples, the parts <strong>of</strong> the Reportthat describe findings from Roma settlements areshaded in a different colour.Fieldwork began in November 2010 and concluded inDecember 2010.MONITORING THE SITUATION OF CHILDREN AND WOMEN 27

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