Characteristics of Households - Childinfo.org

Characteristics of Households - Childinfo.org

Characteristics of Households - Childinfo.org


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Table SE.2R: Sampling errors: Total sample, Roma Settlements, 2010Standard errors, coefficients <strong>of</strong> variation, design effects (deff), square root <strong>of</strong> design effects (deft)and confidence intervals for selected indicatorsMICSIndicatorValue (r)Standarderror (se)Coefficient<strong>of</strong>variation(se/r)Designeffect(deff)Squareroot <strong>of</strong>designeffect(deft)WeightedcountUnweightedcountConfidence limitsHOUSEHOLD MEMBERSUse <strong>of</strong> improved drinking water sources 4.1 .9771 .00599 .006 2.744 1.656 8288 1711 0.965 0.989Use <strong>of</strong> improved sanitation facilities 4.3 .8502 .01263 .015 2.143 1.464 8288 1711 0.825 0.876Secondary school net attendance ratio (adjusted) 7.5 .1926 .02946 .153 3.157 1.777 585 567 0.134 0.252Prevalence <strong>of</strong> children with at least one parent dead 9.18 .0237 .00523 .220 4.699 2.168 3309 3979 0.013 0.034Violent discipline 8.5 .8607 .01338 .016 1.974 1.405 2429 1324 0.834 0.887WOMENPregnant women – .0608 .00780 .128 2.256 1.502 2118 2118 0.045 0.076Early childbearing 5.2 .3131 .03014 .096 1.850 1.360 354 439 0.253 0.373Contraceptive prevalence 5.3 .6348 .01774 .028 2.293 1.514 1622 1690 0.599 0.670Unmet need 5.4 .1017 .01386 .136 3.550 1.884 1622 1690 0.074 0.129Antenatal care coverage — at least once by skilled personnel 5.5a .9454 .01156 .012 1.423 1.193 440 550 0.922 0.969Antenatal care coverage — at least four times by any provider 5.5b .7191 .02201 .031 1.316 1.147 440 550 0.675 0.763Skilled attendant at delivery 5.7 .9951 .00152 .002 .259 .509 440 550 0.992 0.998Institutional deliveries 5.8 .9932 .00196 .002 .312 .558 440 550 0.989 0.997Caesarean section 5.9 .1363 .01765 .129 1.452 1.205 440 550 0.101 0.172Literacy rate among young women 7.1 .7649 .02300 .030 2.386 1.545 783 812 0.719 0.811Marriage before age 18 8.7 .5369 .02374 .044 3.954 1.988 1689 1745 0.489 0.584Comprehensive knowledge about HIV prevention amongyoung people9.2 .1225 .01781 .145 2.394 1.547 783 812 0.087 0.158Knowledge <strong>of</strong> mother-to-child transmission <strong>of</strong> HIV 9.3 .4716 .01863 .040 2.950 1.717 2118 2118 0.434 0.509Accepting attitudes towards people living with HIV 9.4 .0362 .00701 .194 2.103 1.450 1520 1496 0.022 0.050Women who have been tested for HIV and know the results 9.6 .0026 .00125 .486 1.291 1.136 2118 2118 0.000 0.005Sexually active young women who have been tested for HIVand know the results9.7 .0070 .00440 .631 1.742 1.320 554 624 0.000 0.016Sex before age 15 among young women 9.11 .1442 .01579 .109 1.637 1.280 783 812 0.113 0.176Condom use with non-regular partners 9.16 .3698 .06088 .165 1.018 1.009 70 65 0.248 0.492MENLiteracy rate among young men 7.1 .7784 .02535 .033 2.041 1.429 588 549 0.728 0.829Marriage before age 18 – .2479 .02680 .108 2.423 1.556 582 630 0.194 0.301Comprehensive knowledge about HIV prevention amongyoung people9.2 .1112 .01575 .142 1.375 1.173 588 549 0.080 0.143Accepting attitudes towards people living with HIV – .0501 .01326 .264 2.769 1.664 763 751 0.024 0.077Sex before age 15 among young men 9.11 .1331 .02289 .172 2.487 1.577 588 549 0.087 0.179Condom use with non-regular partners 9.16 .5115 .05290 .103 1.714 1.309 190 154 0.406 0.617UNDER-5sUnderweight prevalence 2.1a .0658 .00754 .115 1.326 1.152 1412 1435 0.051 0.081Stunting prevalence 2.2a .2358 .01680 .071 2.045 1.430 1272 1307 0.202 0.269Wasting prevalence 2.3a .0523 .01244 .238 3.969 1.992 1236 1271 0.027 0.077Exclusive breastfeeding under 6 months 2.6 .0915 .01773 .194 .461 .679 134 123 0.056 0.127Age-appropriate breastfeeding 2.14 .3355 .02157 .064 1.215 1.102 592 583 0.292 0.379Diarrhoea in the previous 2 weeks – .1433 .01196 .083 1.866 1.366 1604 1604 0.119 0.167Illness with a cough in the previous 2 weeks – .1788 .01088 .061 1.292 1.136 1604 1604 0.157 0.201Oral rehydration therapy with continued feeding 3.8 .5976 .02664 .045 .673 .820 230 229 0.544 0.651Antibiotic treatment <strong>of</strong> suspected pneumonia 3.10 .9060 .00920 .010 .307 .554 287 310 0.888 0.924Support for learning 6.1 .6719 .01972 .029 1.207 1.099 652 685 0.632 0.711Attendance to early childhood education 6.7 .0818 .00979 .120 .872 .934 652 685 0.062 0.101Birth registration 8.1 .9879 .00313 .003 1.313 1.146 1604 1604 0.982 0.994r – 2ser + 2seMONITORING THE SITUATION OF CHILDREN AND WOMEN 277

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