Characteristics of Households - Childinfo.org

Characteristics of Households - Childinfo.org

Characteristics of Households - Childinfo.org


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Sampling Frame and Selection <strong>of</strong> ClustersThe 2002 Serbian Population Census frame was used forthe selection <strong>of</strong> clusters. Census enumeration areas weredefined as primary sampling units (PSUs), and were selectedfrom each <strong>of</strong> the sampling strata by using a systematicpps (probability proportional to size) sampling procedure,based on the estimated sizes (number <strong>of</strong> households) <strong>of</strong> theenumeration areas from the 2002 Population Census. Thefirst stage <strong>of</strong> sampling was thus completed by selecting therequired number <strong>of</strong> enumeration areas from each <strong>of</strong> the 25strata (Areas), by urban and rural domains separately.Listing ActivitiesSince the sampling frame (the 2002 Population Census)was not up-to-date, a new listing <strong>of</strong> households wasconducted in all the sample enumeration areas priorto the selection <strong>of</strong> households. For this purpose, listingteams were formed, who visited each enumeration area,and listed the occupied households. The StatisticalOffice <strong>of</strong> the Republic <strong>of</strong> Serbia was responsible forupdating the household lists. Regional Offices formedthe teams responsible for listing and fieldwork. For eachteam, the list <strong>of</strong> all households in the selected clusterfrom the Census 2002 was provided. The interviewers’task was to go to the addresses listed and to mark anychange that had happened, e.g. the dwelling didn’t existany more, the household had moved away from thedwelling and another household was living there, andto note the number <strong>of</strong> children under five living in thehousehold. The listing process was performed duringJune and July 2010.Selection <strong>of</strong> <strong>Households</strong>Updated lists <strong>of</strong> households were prepared by the listingteams in the field for each sample enumeration area andsent to the Statistical Office <strong>of</strong> the Republic <strong>of</strong> Serbia.Afterwards, the updated lists <strong>of</strong> the households in theenumeration areas were classified into two categories:households with children under 5 and households withoutchildren. According to the number <strong>of</strong> listed households foreach category per enumeration area and the desired samplesize <strong>of</strong> 3600 households with children under 5, a differentnumber <strong>of</strong> households to be selected from each categoryin the sample enumeration areas was determined. Thenumber <strong>of</strong> households with children under 5 per cluster wascalculated as 10, excluding clusters from the Belgrade region,where 12 households with children under 5 were assigned.In the case <strong>of</strong> clusters with less than 10 (12 for Belgraderegion) updated households with children under 5, all <strong>of</strong>these households were included in the sample. The number<strong>of</strong> households without children under 5 was obtained as thedifference between the overall number <strong>of</strong> sample householdsper cluster (17) and the number <strong>of</strong> households withchildren under 5 allocated in the cluster. The householdsfrom both categories were selected systematically withequal probabilities. During the data collection, another 85households (50 with children under-5 and 35 householdswithout children under-5) were included in the sample, inthe case when interviewers identified that two householdswere living in the dwelling, instead <strong>of</strong> only the one listed.Calculation <strong>of</strong> Sample WeightsThe Serbia Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey sample is notself-weighting, due to disproportional allocation <strong>of</strong> the sampleto the strata, categories <strong>of</strong> households (with/without childrenunder 5) and the final non-response. In order to obtainrepresentative results for Serbia, sample weights were used.The major component <strong>of</strong> the weight is the reciprocal value<strong>of</strong> the sampling fraction employed in selecting the number<strong>of</strong> sample households in a particular sampling stratum (h),from PSU (i) within category (c):W hicf hichic= 1The term f hic , the sampling fraction for the c-th categorywithin the i-th sample PSU in the h-th stratum, is theproduct <strong>of</strong> the probabilities <strong>of</strong> selection at every stage ineach sampling stratum:MONITORING THE SITUATION OF CHILDREN AND WOMEN 259

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