Characteristics of Households - Childinfo.org

Characteristics of Households - Childinfo.org

Characteristics of Households - Childinfo.org


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As expected, both computer and internet use during thelast 12 months is more widespread among 15–19 year oldwomen. Use <strong>of</strong> a computer and the internet is stronglyassociated with residence, education and wealth.Only about half <strong>of</strong> the women with primary educationreported using a computer during the last year, whilealmost all <strong>of</strong> the women with higher education used acomputer. Similarly higher utilisation <strong>of</strong> the internetduring the last year is observed among young women inurban areas (93 percent) compared to those in rural areas(74 percent). Use <strong>of</strong> the internet during the last year ishighest in Belgrade (94 percent) and lowest in Southernand Eastern Serbia (79 percent), while the proportion is99 percent for young women in the richest quintile, asopposed to those living in the poorest quintile (48 percent).Almost the same proportion <strong>of</strong> young men as youngwomen had used a computer and the internet during thelast year as shown in Table MT.2M. Overall, 93 percent <strong>of</strong>15–24 year old men had used a computer while 86 percenthad used the internet at least once during the last year.As displayed in the table MT.2M, for young men, thedifferentials in terms <strong>of</strong> background characteristics aregenerally similar to those observed among young women.In total, 52 percent <strong>of</strong> young men in the poorest quintilehad used the internet during the last year compared tonearly universal access among young men in the richestquintile (99 percent). Those differentials become evenmore marked, both for men and women, when the use<strong>of</strong> a computer or the internet during the last month isconsidered. Computer and internet use is connected tohigher education, living standards and living in urban areas.Table MT.2M: Use <strong>of</strong> computers and internet, Serbia, 2010Percentage <strong>of</strong> young men age 15–24 who have ever used a computer. percentage who haveused a computer during the last 12 months. and frequency <strong>of</strong> use during the last one monthPercentage <strong>of</strong> men age 15–24 who have: Percentage <strong>of</strong> men age 15–24 who have: Number<strong>of</strong> menEver usedUsed a computer Used a computer at least Ever Used the internet Used the internet atage 15–24a computerduring the last 12 once a week during the used the during the last 12 least once a week duringmonths 1last one month internet months 2 the last one month yearsAge15–19 96.8 94.9 87.9 90.3 88.7 80.7 46520–24 93.2 90.6 85.3 85.7 83.9 79.5 512RegionBelgrade 97.4 95.2 93.6 95.4 95.0 93.4 192Vojvodina 97.0 95.3 89.1 87.1 85.9 79.1 263Sumadija and Western Serbia 92.7 89.6 82.0 87.3 83.5 77.1 280Southern and Eastern Serbia 93.3 91.3 83.5 83.3 82.6 74.0 242AreaUrban 97.5 96.4 92.2 93.7 92.1 87.3 556Rural 91.6 87.7 79.1 80.2 78.3 70.6 422EducationPrimary 64.1 49.6 30.7 49.2 42.6 25.3 72Secondary 96.6 94.9 88.4 88.2 86.4 79.8 680Higher 100.0 100.0 99.3 100.0 100.0 99.1 224Wealth index quintilePoorest 79.3 69.6 48.7 55.7 52.2 34.8 145Second 93.4 91.5 85.1 84.1 82.4 75.1 186Middle 97.0 95.3 92.1 92.0 89.9 84.0 214Fourth 99.6 99.5 96.1 96.6 95.8 92.8 217Richest 100.0 99.7 98.2 100.0 98.9 98.2 215Total 94.9 92.6 86.6 87.9 86.2 80.1 9771MICS indicator MT.22MICS indicator MT.3240MULTIPLE INDICATOR CLUSTER SURVEY 2010

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