Characteristics of Households - Childinfo.org

Characteristics of Households - Childinfo.org

Characteristics of Households - Childinfo.org


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The results for young women and men (aged 15–24 years)are presented in Table HA.2 and Table HA.2M. The level<strong>of</strong> knowledge is higher in urban than rural areas, andamong women or men with higher education living inhouseholds within richer quintiles.Table HA.2: Knowledge about HIV transmission, misconceptions about HIV/AIDS,and comprehensive knowledge about HIV transmission among young women, Serbia, 2010Percentage <strong>of</strong> young women age 15–24 years who know the main ways <strong>of</strong> preventing HIV transmission, percentagewho know that a healthy looking person can have the AIDS virus, percentage who reject common misconceptions,and percentage who have comprehensive knowledge about HIV transmissionPercentagewho haveheard <strong>of</strong>AIDSPercentage who knowtransmission can beprevented by:Having onlyone faithfuluninfectedsex partnerUsing acondomeverytimePercentage<strong>of</strong> womenwho knowboth waysPercentagewho knowthat ahealthylookingperson canhave theAIDS virusPercentage who know that HIVcannot be transmitted by:MosquitobitesSupernaturalmeansSharingfood withsomeonewith AIDSPercentage whoreject the twomost commonmisconceptionsand know that ahealthy lookingperson can havethe AIDS virusPercentagewith comprehensiveknowledge 1Number<strong>of</strong> womenage 15–24RegionBelgrade 99.9 86.5 92.9 83.4 87.3 83.9 96.9 85.2 72.4 67.8 321Vojvodina 99.3 87.4 94.2 85.7 79.3 69.0 95.2 66.2 48.1 44.9 317Sumadija andWestern Serbia98.2 83.8 90.3 80.8 85.3 70.5 91.8 71.2 51.4 45.6 392Southern andEastern Serbia99.4 91.6 91.7 86.7 74.2 86.1 94.5 83.3 61.7 59.8 333AreaUrban 99.2 88.2 95.4 87.2 86.1 80.9 95.9 82.6 66.8 62.7 814Rural 99.0 85.6 87.3 79.3 75.1 71.5 92.3 67.0 45.2 41.4 549Age15–19 99.1 87.6 90.6 84.5 82.2 73.3 94.6 75.8 56.4 52.9 65920–24 99.2 86.7 93.6 83.6 81.1 80.7 94.4 76.7 59.7 55.2 705Marital statusEver married/in union97.9 74.5 82.2 68.7 65.2 66.1 85.0 58.3 36.4 32.4 255Never married/in union99.4 90.1 94.4 87.5 85.5 79.6 96.6 80.4 63.1 59.1 1109Women’s educationPrimary 95.9 68.4 62.9 53.0 47.5 48.9 74.3 41.4 18.1 15.4 112Secondary 99.4 86.5 93.5 84.4 81.7 74.1 95.6 74.1 53.5 49.5 789Higher 100.0 93.9 98.0 92.0 90.8 90.1 98.5 89.5 76.6 72.2 457Wealth index quintilesPoorest 97.5 76.9 74.4 64.8 64.0 58.7 86.1 54.2 31.2 28.4 199Second 98.6 86.6 92.1 83.3 81.0 74.0 93.7 72.2 55.3 51.4 276Middle 99.2 84.5 94.0 82.9 79.7 73.6 93.3 75.1 52.7 49.1 267Fourth 99.8 93.0 97.0 91.8 82.4 86.4 96.3 79.8 64.7 61.9 287Richest 100.0 90.9 97.2 90.2 93.7 85.5 99.5 90.8 75.1 69.0 334Total 99.1 87.2 92.1 84.0 81.7 77.1 94.5 76.3 58.1 54.1 13641MICS indicator 9.2; MDG indicator 6.3MONITORING THE SITUATION OF CHILDREN AND WOMEN 193

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