Characteristics of Households - Childinfo.org

Characteristics of Households - Childinfo.org

Characteristics of Households - Childinfo.org


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Child Discipline in Roma SettlementsTable CP.2R: Child discipline, Roma Settlements, 2010Percentage <strong>of</strong> children age 2–14 years according to method <strong>of</strong> disciplining the childOnlynon-violentdisciplinePercentage <strong>of</strong> children age 2–14 years who experienced:PsychologicalPhysical punishmentaggression Any SevereAny violentdisciplinemethod 1Number <strong>of</strong>children age2–14 yearsRespondent believesthat the child needsto be physicallypunishedRespondentsto the childdisciplinemoduleSexMale 11.2 78.5 63.7 6.6 85.2 1237 24.4 594Female 9.9 84.8 61.8 5.5 87.0 1192 21.6 562AreaUrban 10.8 81.6 62.6 6.0 85.6 1673 23.8 798Rural 10.1 81.6 63.1 6.3 87.2 756 21.2 358Age2–4 years 15.3 75.3 63.9 5.1 81.3 762 27.1 4065–9 years 9.0 85.7 66.4 5.5 89.8 951 21.5 41210–14 years 7.7 82.9 56.9 7.8 86.2 716 20.0 338Education <strong>of</strong> household headNone 9.1 85.1 62.3 7.6 86.9 293 na naPrimary 9.6 82.1 62.9 6.2 86.9 1784 na naSecondary 17.2 75.6 61.1 4.0 80.4 337 na naRespondent’s educationPrimary na na na na na na 19.6 795Secondary na na na na na na 27.4 161Wealth index quintilePoorest 6.5 87.1 68.8 9.0 91.0 599 33.1 259Second 7.4 87.4 63.5 4.7 89.5 529 21.5 242Middle 11.4 79.6 64.9 6.2 84.9 451 25.2 205Fourth 18.1 74.1 57.6 4.9 81.3 427 18.4 217Richest 11.9 76.3 56.4 4.7 80.8 423 15.8 233Total 10.6 81.6 62.8 6.1 86.1 2429 23.0 11561MICS indicator 8.5In Roma settlements, 86 percent <strong>of</strong> children aged 2–14years were subjected to at least one form <strong>of</strong> psychologicalor physical punishment by their parents or other adulthousehold members. More importantly, 6 percent <strong>of</strong>children were subjected to severe physical punishment.On the other hand, only 23 percent <strong>of</strong> respondents to thehousehold questionnaires believed that children shouldbe physically punished.Male children were subjected to any type <strong>of</strong> physicaldiscipline and severe physical discipline (64 and 7percent) slightly more than female children (62 and 6percent). It is interesting that differentials with respect tomany <strong>of</strong> the background variables were relatively small, butpsychological aggression and severe physical punishmentseems to increase in line with children’s age. Low education<strong>of</strong> household head and socio-economic status are alsolinked to increased use <strong>of</strong> violent discipline methods.It is importance to note that 23 percent <strong>of</strong> respondentsbelieve that in order to raise their children properlythey need to physically punish them, while in practice82 percent indicated the opposite. Only 11 percent <strong>of</strong>children experienced methods <strong>of</strong> non-violent discipline.MONITORING THE SITUATION OF CHILDREN AND WOMEN 175

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