Characteristics of Households - Childinfo.org

Characteristics of Households - Childinfo.org

Characteristics of Households - Childinfo.org


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Primary and Secondary School Participationin Roma SettlementsOf those children living in Roma settlements who are <strong>of</strong>primary school entry age, 91 percent attend the first grade<strong>of</strong> primary school (Table ED.3R). Sex differentials do exist as89 percent <strong>of</strong> girls enter first grade compared to 93 percent<strong>of</strong> boys. Children’s participation in primary school is timelierTable ED.3R: Primary school entry,Roma Settlements, 2010Percentage <strong>of</strong> children <strong>of</strong> primary school entry age enteringgrade 1 (net intake rate)Percentage <strong>of</strong> children<strong>of</strong> primary school entryage entering grade 1 1Number <strong>of</strong> children<strong>of</strong> primary schoolentry ageSexMale 92.8 105Female 88.7 89AreaUrban 91.5 140Rural 89.3 54Mother’s educationNone 84.9 44Primary 91.8 122Secondary (*) 28Wealth index quintilePoorest 76.3 44Second (93.9) 45Middle (96.0) 40Fourth (100.0) 35Richest (90.6) 31Total 90.9 194in urban areas (92 percent) than in rural areas (89 percent).The net intake rate is lower among children from the poorestquintile (76 percent) and among those whose mothers haveno education (85 percent). However, these results should betreated with caution due to the small number <strong>of</strong> cases.Table ED.4R provides the percentage <strong>of</strong> children <strong>of</strong>primary school age (7 to 14 years) who are attendingprimary or secondary school 18 . Some 89 percent <strong>of</strong>children <strong>of</strong> primary school age in Roma settlementsare attending school. Lower attendance is presentamong Roma children living in rural areas (83percent), those whose mothers have no education(79 percent) and the children living in householdswithin the poorest quintile (79 percent as well).1MICS indicator 7.3( ) Figures that are based on 25–49 unweighted cases(*) Figures that are based on less than 25 unweighted cases18Ratios presented in this table are “adjusted” since they include not only primary school attendance, but also secondary school attendance in the numerator.164MULTIPLE INDICATOR CLUSTER SURVEY 2010

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