Characteristics of Households - Childinfo.org

Characteristics of Households - Childinfo.org

Characteristics of Households - Childinfo.org


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IX CHILD DEVELOPMENTEarly Childhood Educationand LearningAttendance to early childhood education in an <strong>org</strong>anizedlearning, a child education programme or pre-school isimportant for the readiness <strong>of</strong> children to school.In Serbia, 44 percent <strong>of</strong> children aged 36–59 monthsare attending an <strong>org</strong>anised early childhood educationprogramme (Table CD.1). Urban-rural and regionaldifferentials are present — the figure is as high as 57 percentin urban areas, compared to 29 percent in rural areas.Among children aged 36–59 months, attendance to earlychildhood education programmes is more prevalent inBelgrade (59 percent), and lowest in South and East Serbia(30 percent). No big gender difference was observed, butdifferentials by socioeconomic status need to be highlighted:75 percent <strong>of</strong> children living in the households within therichest quintile attend such programmes, while the figuredrops to 22 percent in the poorest quintile. It is interestingto note that the proportions <strong>of</strong> children attending earlychildhood education programmes at ages 36–47 months and48–59 months are 39 percent and 49 percent respectively.Table CD.1: Early childhood education, Serbia, 2010Percentage <strong>of</strong> children age 36–59 months who are attending an<strong>org</strong>anized early childhood education programmePercentage <strong>of</strong>children age 36–59months currentlyattending earlychildhood education 1Number <strong>of</strong> childrenage 36–59 monthsSexMale 40.7 655Female 46.6 751RegionBelgrade 59.4 280Vojvodina 53.3 420Sumadija and Western Serbia 34.2 380Southern and Eastern Serbia 29.6 326AreaUrban 56.6 763Rural 28.7 644Percentage <strong>of</strong>children age 36–59months currentlyattending earlychildhood education 1Number <strong>of</strong> childrenage 36–59 monthsAge <strong>of</strong> child36–47 months 38.6 66348–59 months 48.5 743Mother’s educationPrimary 20.8 185Secondary 40.2 866Higher 66.5 346Wealth index quintilePoorest 21.9 240Second 27.0 314Middle 35.5 265Fourth 54.7 277Richest 75.2 311Total 43.8 14061MICS indicator 6.7MONITORING THE SITUATION OF CHILDREN AND WOMEN 137

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