Characteristics of Households - Childinfo.org

Characteristics of Households - Childinfo.org

Characteristics of Households - Childinfo.org


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List <strong>of</strong> AbbreviationsAIDSANCCSProECDIEUGPIHIVICTIMRIUDJMPLAMMDGMICSNARORSORTPPPPSURHFSORSSPSSTFRU5MRUNDAFUNGASSUNICEFWHOAcquired Immune Deficiency SyndromeAntenatal CareCensus and Survey Processing SystemEarly Child Development IndexEuropean UnionGender Parity IndexHuman Immunodeficiency VirusInformation/Communication TechnologyInfant Mortality rateIntrauterine DeviceJoint Monitoring ProgrammeLactational Amenorrhea MethodMillennium Development GoalsMultiple Indicator Cluster SurveyNet Attendance RateOral Rehydration SaltsOral rehydration treatmentPreparatory Preschool ProgrammePrimary Sampling UnitRecommended Home FluidStatistical Office <strong>of</strong> the Republic <strong>of</strong> SerbiaStatistical Package for Social SciencesTotal fertility rateUnder-five mortality rateUnited Nations Development Assistance FrameworkUnited Nations General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDSUnited Nations Children’s FundWorld Health OrganizationMONITORING THE SITUATION OF CHILDREN AND WOMEN 11

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