The Ukrainian Weekly 1993

The Ukrainian Weekly 1993

The Ukrainian Weekly 1993


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24 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5, <strong>1993</strong> No. 49Sunday, December 5NEW YORK: <strong>The</strong> <strong>Ukrainian</strong> HistoricalSociety jointly with the <strong>Ukrainian</strong> Academyof Arts and Sciences in the U.S. are sponsoringa scholarly conference on the occasion ofthe 30th anniversary of the journal"<strong>Ukrainian</strong> Historian." <strong>The</strong> conference'stheme is " <strong>The</strong> '<strong>Ukrainian</strong> Historian' and theTasks Confronting <strong>Ukrainian</strong> HistoriographyToday." Taking part in the conference are:Liubomyr Wynar, Marko Antonovych,Yaroslav Kalakura, Tamara Bulat,Oleksander Dombrovsky, TamaraMandebura, Oleksander Vovk, WasylOmelchenko. <strong>The</strong> conference will be held atUAAS (UVAN) building, 206 W. 100 St.,starting 1 p.m. For additional information,call (212) 222-1866.Sunday, December 5,12 and 19SILVER SPRING, Md.: Holy TrinityParticular <strong>Ukrainian</strong> Catholic Church, 16631New Hampshire Ave., is holding aChristmas bazaar, 12:30 - 2 p.m., featuringicons, Trypillian style jewelry, Christmasdecorations and centerpieces as well as traditionalfood and pastries.Sunday, December 5 - January 15WINNIPEG, Man.: <strong>The</strong> <strong>Ukrainian</strong> Culturaland Educational Center and St. Andrew'sCollege invite the public to a fund-raisingexhibit, "Icons: Art in Metal" by DimitrisDiamantopoulos, to be held at the <strong>Ukrainian</strong>Cultural and Educational Center, 184Alexander Ave. E. Opening reception isDecember 5, at 2 p.m.Wednesday, December 8YONKERS, N.Y.: <strong>The</strong> <strong>Ukrainian</strong> NationalWomen's League of America (UNWLA)branch 30, will offer a one-evening courseon making an elegant, modern design gerdanfor evening wear to be held at St. Michael's<strong>Ukrainian</strong> Catholic Church on ShonnardPlace at North Broadway, from 7-10 p.m.<strong>The</strong>re is a $20 registration fee, whichincludes all materials. Due to limited classsize, please register by December 6 by callingNadia Cwiach at (914) 949-7010.PREVIEW OF EVENTSGroup's annual Christmas party, to be heldat <strong>The</strong> Bellevue Hotel, <strong>The</strong> Lexington Room,15 E. St. NW, 8 p.m. - midnight, will featurean evening of lively music, dancing, fun andlots of holiday cheer. Complimentary buffet;cash bar. Cost: $15 per person, members;$20, non-members. For further information,call Sophia at (301) 854-2062.NEW YORK: <strong>The</strong> conference "StateFormation in 20th Century Ukraine inComparative Perspective," organized by theHarriman Institute at Columbia Universityand the <strong>Ukrainian</strong> Academy of Arts andSciences in the U.S., will be held at 1512International Affairs Building, 420 W. 118thSt. <strong>The</strong> first panel, titled "State Formation in1917-1921," (9 a.m. - noon), will feature apresentation by Mark von Hagen, HarrimanInstitute, with discussants Edward Allworth,(HI), Michael Luther (Hunter College) andKaren Barkey (Columbia University), withAnna Procyk (<strong>Ukrainian</strong> Academy) servingas chair. In the second panel "StateFormation in the 1990's," (2 - 5 p.m.), thepresentation will be by Alexander J. Motyl(HI), with discussants Zenovia Sochor(Clark University), Jack Snyder (HI) andPaul Goble (Carnegie Endowment), withJose Casanova (New School for SocialResearch) serving as chair.Saturday, December 11SILVER SPRING, Md.: Holy TrinityParticular <strong>Ukrainian</strong> Catholic Church, 16631New Hampshire Ave., is holding aChristmas bazaar, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.TOMS RIVER, N.J.: St. Stephen's<strong>Ukrainian</strong> Catholic Church, White OakBottom Road (between New HampshireAvenue and Old Freehold Road), is holdinga holiday bazaar at the parish center, 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. <strong>The</strong>re will be <strong>Ukrainian</strong> andChristmas crafts, attic treasures as well ashomemade breads and cakes. "Cafe Ukraine"will feature eat-in or take-home ethnic fare.Kenilworth Ave., beginning at 1 p.m. <strong>The</strong>annual UAV Post No. 24 holiday social willfollow this meeting at 5 p.m. All veterans andfriends are welcome. For more information,contact Roman Rakowsky, (216) 884-1673.NEW YORK: <strong>The</strong> Kyyiv ChamberOrchestra with Roman Kofman, conductor,and Daria Telizyn, piano, will appear in concertin a program of works by Bach,Schnittke, Mahler, Bibyk and Rossini as partof Music at the Institute series to be held atthe <strong>Ukrainian</strong> Institute of America, 2 E. 79thSt., at 8 p.m. Tickets: $20; $10, senior citizens;$4, students. For additional information,call (212) 772-2884 or (212) 288-8660.Sunday, December 12WINNIPEG: <strong>The</strong> Kian Arts Association willbe staging a workshop performance of an untitleddance work by choreographer TamaraGorska, at the <strong>Ukrainian</strong> National FederationHall, 582 Burrows Avenue, at 7:00 p.m. It willbe performed to a musical arrangement producedby New York-based composer/pianistAndrew Stasiw, and to a bilingual text createdby the Yara Arts Group (at the La MamaETC), also of New York. For further information,please call Ms. Gorska at (416) 323-3240,or (203) 339-6541.NEW YORK: <strong>The</strong> <strong>Ukrainian</strong> Academy ofArts and Sciences in the U.S., jointly withthe <strong>Ukrainian</strong> Engineers' Society ofAmerica are hosting a lecture by Dr.Volodymyr Kovalenko, dean of the Collegeof Engineering and head of the Departmentof Laser Technology at Kyyiv PolytechnicInstitute and currently distinguished visitingprofessor at Ohio State University, who willspeak on laser technology in Ukraine. <strong>The</strong>lecture will take place at the academy'sbuilding, 206 W. 100 St., at 2 p.m. For additionalinformation, call (212) 222-1866.NEW YORK: <strong>The</strong> opening of the ChryzantaGallery, 98 Second Ave., will be held at 1:30p.m. <strong>The</strong> gallery, under the direction ofChryzanta Kaminskyj-Hentisz, will showcaseworks of leading <strong>Ukrainian</strong> artists fromthe United States as well as Ukraine.CLEVELAND: <strong>Ukrainian</strong> AmericanFriday, December 10WASHINGTON, D.C.: <strong>The</strong> WashingtonVeterans Post No. 24 will host the nextnational executive board meeting at the<strong>Ukrainian</strong> Museum and Archives, 1202 WARRINGTON, Pa.: A concert of<strong>Ukrainian</strong> Christmas music will be presentedbeginning at 2 p.m. in the new St. Anne's<strong>Ukrainian</strong> Catholic Church, 1545 Easton Rd.,Rt. 611. Three choirs — the Lehigh ValleyMillennium Choir, the Annunciation of theBlessed Virgin Mary <strong>Ukrainian</strong> CatholicChurch Choir, Melrose Park, Pa., and St.Anne's <strong>Ukrainian</strong> Catholic Church Choir ofWarrington, Pa. — will present traditional<strong>Ukrainian</strong> carols and seasonal music. Afterthe concert, light refreshments will be servedin the parish social hall. Free admission.MORRISTOWN, N.J.: <strong>The</strong> Nova ChamberEnsemble will open their seventh concertseason at the Church of the Assumption, 91Maple Ave., with a program at 4 p.m. FlutistJames Schlefer will join cellist Maya Beiserand pianist Laryssa Krupa in GeorgeCrumb's "Vox Balanae for Three MaskedPlayers" and Gabriel Pierne's Sonata daCamera for flute, cello and piano. Otherworks on the program are Francis Poulenc'sSonata for flute and piano and CesarFranck's Sonata for cello and piano.Suggested donations are $10; $7, senior citizensand students. For additional information,call (201) 539-2141 or (201) 539-4937.Tuesday, December 14SOMERSET, NJ.: <strong>The</strong> <strong>Ukrainian</strong> OrthodoxChurch of the United States of Americainvites the public to a concert performance bythe Kyyiv Chamber Orchestra, to be held at 7p.m. at the <strong>Ukrainian</strong> Cultural Center, 135Davidson Avenue (across from the SomersetMarriott, Exit 6, Rt. 287). Founded in 1964,the 24-member chamber orchestra, under thedirection of Roman Kofman, has won a reputationas a collective of musicians of highartistry whose repertoire includes the compositionsof Handel, Schnittke, Tchaikovsky,Elgar, Silvestrov, Prokofiev, Schubert andBach. Performing with the group will be therenowned Canadian pianist, Daria Telizyn.Admission: $12, adults; $5, students. Ticketswill be available at the door. For furtherinformation, ticket orders and reservations,call (908) 356-0090.Wednesday - Tuesday, December 15 - 28NEW YORK: Film Forum will present OlesYanchuk's film "Famine-33" to mark the(Continued on page 17)mWorld Famous ^oSUKRAINIAN SHUMKA DANCERS ?^ЛThis Oiilstmas Give A Whirlwind!*r"^"" \ Just in time for the holiday season!<strong>The</strong> AWARD WINNING dance video of'^^dt^ SHUMKA's historic Ukraine Tourr-^t^iM*-^ \ CIO (ONLY $19.95!!!(Plus Shipping Sc Handling)ShmnhaPresents the excitement and magicof Shumka's spell bindingperformance, both onstage andbackstage, set against the backdropof a dramatically changing Ukraine.(USD)KONTAKT CHRISTMASSTANDARDGREETING$50THIS YEARWHY NOT SEND YOUR CHRISTMAS GREETINGSVIA TELEVISIONON THEPREMIER UKRAINIAN TV SHOWKONTAKTGREETINGSPHOTOGb^ETING$100"SHUMKA. A NATIONAL TREASURE" Toronto Star, 1991"...well crafted, emotional and balanced, ...it brought a tear to my eye." Alan Kellogg, Arts & Entertainment, Edmonton journal"I saw the video - it's fantastic! It is the best video I've ever seen" OIha Rudakevych, Pennsylvania"We safw the program on TV and enjoyed it so much, we would like to buy one." Mary Herbawy, New York'%$ b^ such a high quality, that it's a pleasure to show it off to all walks of life." Mr & Mrs. F. Tkachenko, OntarioTo order саД TOLL ЕЕШЕ (24 hrs, USA or Canada)1-800-661-1674VISA, MASTERCAED or AMERICAN EXPRESS accepted.(VHS-In Stereo/Music digitally recorded/Color/58 minutes ©Sulyma Productions Inc. AH Rights Reserved.VIDEOGREETING$250FOR MORE INFO CALL:1-800-KONTAKT

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