The Ukrainian Weekly 1993

The Ukrainian Weekly 1993

The Ukrainian Weekly 1993


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22 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5,<strong>1993</strong> No. 49Whitman names liaison Ne Zhurys performs...CLARK, N.Y. — New Jersey's governor-elect, ChristieWhitman, announced the appointment of Walter Zalisko ofManalapan Township to the position of liaison between governor-elect'soffice and <strong>Ukrainian</strong> community members, as wellas <strong>Ukrainian</strong> American professional associations.Mr. Zalisko pledged to ensure that a meaningful and positiverelationship will continue between <strong>Ukrainian</strong> Americans and thestate government. He asked community members to contact himwith any of their concerns or scheduled community events.He may be contacted at: (908) 446-0884. <strong>The</strong> mailingaddress is: 9 Woodcrest Terrace, Manalapan, NJ 07726.Wrong titleRoma Hayda was incorrectiy identified in <strong>The</strong> <strong>Weekly</strong> onNovember 28. She is head of the Laity Council of the<strong>Ukrainian</strong> Patriarchal Society. Earlier this year, AlexanderPryshlak was elected president of the <strong>Ukrainian</strong> PatriarchalSociety in the U.S.RECORDING DEPARTMENTMEMBERSHIP REPORT(Continued from page 11)themes, intertwining these with <strong>Ukrainian</strong> and Slavic melodies.Mr. Morozov said Ne Zhurys is trying to introduce somethingnew to <strong>Ukrainian</strong> culture by bringing something old back.He is encouraged by the fact that these ideas are shared by othersand that there is great movement and exchange of culturalideas in Lviv.On the other hand, he is saddened that <strong>Ukrainian</strong> culture inCanada is stagnant. "It's really a shame that there is no avantgarde <strong>Ukrainian</strong> culture anymore in Toronto, like the AvantGarde <strong>Ukrainian</strong> <strong>The</strong>ater, their magazine Terminus and theband 'Vapniak Pid Holym Nebom' (Stalagmite Under A.Naked Sky). Culture has become very traditional and conservative,"Mr. Morozov said."We have the same types of entertainment in Lviv, on radio,television and stage," the entertainer continued. "One wantssomething modem. I understand why this is — they want toremember Ukraine like as it was. It is a shame that there reallyisn't much new being created."<strong>Ukrainian</strong> National AssociationMonthly reports for AugustDISBURSEMENTS FOR AUGUST, <strong>1993</strong>JUV. ADULTS ADD TOTALS Paid To Or For Members:TOTAL AS OF JULY 31 <strong>1993</strong> 17.347 41,654 5,357 64,358Annuity Benefits2,993.67GAINS IN AUGUST <strong>1993</strong>Cash Surrenders30,445.62New members21 48 10 79Death Benefits90,648.20Reinstated22 81103Dividend Accunnulations830.23Transferred in9 24 5 38Endowments featured89,436.00Change class in3 36Indigent Benefits Disbursed1,000.00Transferred from Juvenile Dept.Interest On Death Benefits98.27TOTAL GAINS 55 156 15 226Payor Death BenefitsLOSSES IN AUGUST <strong>1993</strong>Reinsurance Premiums PaidScholarshipsSuspendedTotalTransferred outChange of class out$ 232,970.35Operating Expenses:Transferred to adultsReal Estate270,462.11DiedSvoboda OperationCash surrender$ 67,438.39Washington Office 21,586.27Endowment maturedFully paid-upOfficial Publication-Svoboda 95,082.25Reduced paid-upOrganizing Expenses:Extended insuranceAdvertising 18,287.04Certificate terminatedCommissions And Overrides On Universal Life 5,043.96TOTAL LOSSES 99 244 18 361Field Conferences 1,660.23INACTIVE MEMBERSHIPMedical Inspections 444.77GAINS IN AUGUST <strong>1993</strong>Reward To Organizers 14,246.00Paid-up26 4470Reward To Special Organizers 18,924.02Extended insurance5 1217Traveling Expenses-Special Organizers 3,504.95TOTAL GAINS 31 56 87TotalLOSSES IN AUGUST <strong>1993</strong>$ 516,679.99Payroll, Insurance And Taxes:Died .:4852Canadian Corporation Premium Tax 1,724.85Cash surrender ,9 1625Employee Benefit Plan 76,770.21Reinstated1 34Salaries Of Executive Officers 18,182.86Lapsed3 69Salaries Of Office Employees 55,574.17TOTAL LOSSES 17 73 90Taxes-Federal, State And City On Employee Wages 35,301.09TOTAL UNA MEMBERSHIPTotalAS OF: AUGUST 31 <strong>1993</strong> 17,317 41,549 5,354 64,220$ 187,553.18General Expenses:Actuarial And Statistical Expenses10,350.00Bank Charges $62.36WALTER SOCHANGeneral Office Maintenance 2,693.58Supreme SecretaryInsurance Department Fees 705.21Operating Expense of Canadian Office 350.00Postage 307.15Printing and Stationery 1,986.58FINANCIAL DEPARTMENTRental Of Equipment And Sen/ices 392.45Telephone, Telegraph 2,611.46INCOME FOR AUGUST, <strong>1993</strong>Traveling Expenses-General 3,102.55TotalDues and Annuity Premiums From Members22,561.34Income From "Svoboda" OperationMiscellaneous:$investment Income:Donation From Fund For <strong>The</strong> Rebirth Of Ukraine800.91Banks2,037.56Donations $ 4,800.00Bonds547,467.99Exchange Account-Payroll 18,219.49Certificate Loans2,222.59Expenses Of Annual Sessions 1,319.97Mortgage Loans26,925.92Fraternal Activities 200.00Real Estate187,260.40Investment Expense-Mortgages 390.00Short Term Investments7,407.38Professional Fees 3,900.00Stocks7,184.0ЇRent 785.63Urban Renewal Corporation250,000.00Transfer Account 280,000.00Total1,600.504.15-<strong>Ukrainian</strong> Publications 9,082.55TotalRefunds:$ 319,498.55Cash Surrender832.50 Investments:: Death Benefits500.00Bonds; Dividen Accuhfiulations287.04$ 1,500,000.00Certificate Loans 5,987.76. Donations2.000.00E.D.P. Equipment 20,824.94Employee Hospitalization Plan Premiums482.13Real Estate 33,584.72Endowment Matured3,361.68Short Term Investments 1,489,068.23Fraternal Benefits1,050.00Stock 4,031.36Investment Expense550.00TotalOfficial Publication "Svoboda"9,332.823,053,497.01-. Operating Expenses Washington Office3,419.68 Disbursements For August, <strong>1993</strong>75.00$ 4.332.760.42Reward To Organizers31.50Reward To branch Presidents And Treasurers8.08Reward To Secretary's Expenses300.11Reward To Special Organizer2,428.45BALANCEScholarship1,200.00Taxes Federal, State & City On Employee Wages28,888.52ASSETSLIABILITIESTaxes Held In Escrow217.33TOvel Expenses-Employees74.74 Cash $ 1,524,353.43 Life InsuranceTotal$ 73.705.246.76Short TermInvestments 2,566,539,28Miscellaneous:Bonds 49,330,561.18Donations To Fraternal Fund9,652.26Mortgage Loans 4,442,310.08Donations To Fund For <strong>The</strong> Rebirth Of Ukraine11,519.80Certificate Loan 643,889.07 Accidental D.D.2,070,871.98Exchange Account-Payroll18,219.49Real Estate 2,994,044.27Profit On Bonds Sold or Matured29,193.74Printing Plant & E.D.P.Reserve For Unpresented Checks4,012.44Equipment 776,905.07 Fratemal(1,471,782.05)Transfer Account280,137.00Total$ 352,734.73 Stocks 1,691,875.43 Orphans 437,522.59Loan to D.H.-U.N.AInvestments:Housing Соф. 104,551.04 Old Age Home (2,616,250.46)Bonds Matured Or Sold$ 1,186,889.12 Loan To U.N.U.R.C. 8.103,102.00 Emergency 52,522.03- Certificate Loans Repaid 10,436.08Mortgages Repaid 110,126.48 Total $ 72,178,130.85 $ 72,178,130.85Short Term Investments Sold 1,500,000.00Total$ 2,807^451.68ALEXANDER BLAHiTKAIncome For AUGUST, <strong>1993</strong> —Г _4_,81_5_J30_J4 Supreme TreasurerCanadian...(Continued from page 6)studies are being prepared for use by studentsat the institute.But Mr. Baran admits there are somesnags to overcome.He told a recent CBIE conference on"International Education and DemocraticReform" in Ottawa that the <strong>Ukrainian</strong>situation poses a unique challenge in twoareas. "<strong>The</strong>y are struggling to overcomethe residuals of communism and are, atthe same time, trying to create a freemarket economy."In 1971,1 was in East Pakistan, шBangladesh, when it was becoming asovereign country," explained the formerdiplomat. "But they had the advantage ofhaving a provincial-government whichfollowed the British parliamentary system."<strong>The</strong> lack of a central bank and suchbasic amenities as city telephone directorieshaven't made life easier for Canadianorganizers in Ukraine."I heard someonedescribe it as a 'solid base in a fluid sea,'" Ms. Biggs told the conference."For this program to be truly effectiveand involve its <strong>Ukrainian</strong> partners," saidMr. Baran, "we have to realisticallyallow for it to develop over a 10-yearperiod." Project funding ends in threeyears.And while students will be taught tohone their analytical and problem-solvingskills at the institute, Mr. Baranhopes they won't jump for highersalaries in the private sector.MPA graduates must commit threeyears to working for the <strong>Ukrainian</strong> governmentdepartment that nominatedthem.Organizers hope to graduate 500students by project's end.In January, an IPALG satellite campusis scheduled to open in Dnipropetrovsk,in heavrly industrialized eastern Ukraine.Hospital partnerships...(Continued from page 2)have what is now in Ethiopia." HealthMinister Yuriy Spizhenko expressed thesame sentiment during a November 11speech in Parliament, "Today doctors facea dilemma: whether to cure the sick or tofeed them."In Dr. Didychenko's analysis, theUnited States currentiy faces the problemof how to maintain its high level of spendingon health care, currently 12 percent ofthe gross national product. Ukraine'sproblem is how to increase spending inthe field. A 1992 law mandates 10 percentof Ukraine's gross national product bespent on health care, but the true figureisonly 3.5 percent, which does not accountfor the battering inflation has inflicted onthe <strong>Ukrainian</strong> karbovanets.Under the АША program, Philadei^health personnel have visited \ .Didychenko's hospital three times, and hehas made two AIHA-connected trips to theUnited States. During a trip to observeAmerican health management, the<strong>Ukrainian</strong> doctor visited hospitals inChicago, Detroit, Washington, Philadelphiaand New York. <strong>The</strong> trip, he says, was "useful"and he became acquainted with "muchnew material."However, there is a great differencein circumstances between him and hisAmerican counterparts, he adds. Hismonthly salary, the highest at the hospital,totals 260,000 karbovantsi (about$10 at the current Kyyiv street marketrate). He said it is "very hard" for himto feed his family of five. Fortunately,the family is blessed with a garden thatprovides beets, cabbage, and potatoesfor the dinner table. Dr. Didychenkoadded.

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