The Ukrainian Weekly 1993

The Ukrainian Weekly 1993

The Ukrainian Weekly 1993


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20 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5, <strong>1993</strong> No. 49Planning a trip toUKRAINE?PersonalizedTravel Service atReasonable Rates•VISAS •HOTELS* MEALS»•TRANSFERS^GUIDES^•AIR TICKETS»•RAIL TICKETS••CARS WITH DRIVERS»• INTERPRETERS••SIGHTSEEING»LANDMARK, LTDtoll free (800) 832-1789DC/MD/VA (703) 941-6180fax (703) 941-7587I ^Looking for a unique winter vacation?Come join fellow <strong>Ukrainian</strong>ssailing in the Virgin Islands (Feb. 12-19, 1994) in the 2nd Annual <strong>Ukrainian</strong>American Nautical Assoc. Regatta.We're looking for a few fun people tocomplete a 5th sailboat. No experiencenecessary. Average sailing time3-4 hours a day. For more info, callMarusia Fedorciw (718) 575-1296,Olenka Stercho (215) 489-6956 orRoman Goy (410) 323-2312.YEVSHANBooks - Cassettes - Compact disks - VideosLanguage tapes - Call for our CatalogNew cassette for kids "Dobryden"1-800-265-9858VISA-MASTER CARD ACCEPTEDBOX 325, BEACONSFIELD, QUEBECCANADA, H9W 5T8PACKAGE and FOOD Parcel Service ^ ^ZAKARPATSKA, IVANO-FRANKIVSKALVIVSKA and CHERNIVCY OBLASTENGELMAN GroceryBrooklyn, NY718 436-9709RAHWAY TravelRahway, NJ908 381-8800Steven MuseyMilleville, NJ609 825-7665AUTHORIZEDAGENTSOn judging...(Continued from page 9)was one of 73 names he gave after visitingthe Soviet Union where he receivedthe list. How convenieni:! In fact, theSoviet Union provided much of the evidenceand testimony surrounding thisand other cases. Paul Zumbakis in hisbook, "Soviet Evidence," describes indetail the dubious nature of much of thisevidence. In receiving the notorious identificationcard purportedly issued to Mr.Demjanjuk, the court never establishedthe specific time, place or circumstancesunder which the Soviets came into itspossession. Suffice to say that card, theone piece of physical evidence, was riddledwith contradictions and controversy.So too was the testimony of survivors inthe initial proceedings in America as wellas the trial in Israel.<strong>The</strong>re were approximately 13 millionmembers of the Nazi Party in Germany.Less than 10,000 were imprisoned forwar crimes, and all together only about100 were executed. Indeed, only 12 ofthe 21 Nazi leaders in the initialNuremberg trials were executed. Being aNazi, in and of itself, is insufficientgrounds for a war crime. Despite all ofthe hoopla surrounding Mr. Demjanjuk,he was not a Nazi. He was a Slav, and aSlav could never be a member of the"master race," let alone a member of theparty. In fact, Himmler called for theexecution of 30 million Slavs as a meansof subduing the East and using theremainder as drones to support theReich.Mr. Demjanjuk stated he was a POWduring the war after his capture. Buteven if he were a guard at a camp, that isnot grounds for conviction. <strong>The</strong> questionbecomes: did the particular camp guardwillingly and without coercion commitatrocities? Starvation, disease and thecold in the POW camps led to the deathof 3 million captured Soviet soldiers in awar that claimed 55 million lives. Somebecame guards to survive. It is nearlyimpossible to go back 50 years andassess motivation in those circumstances.Isaiah Trunk, in his book "Judenraut,"points out that the 1950 NaziCollaborators Law of Israel makes a crucialdistinction between a willing andunwilling collaborator. Many Jews, forinstance, participated in ghetto governingcouncils and ghetto police established bythe Nazis. Some even assaulted otherJews, or helped to get Jews on the trainswhich led to the death camps. But eventhese actions by Jewish collaboratorsneed not necessarily result in conviction,if it can be shown that the accused operatedunder threat to his life, or if by collaboratingthe accused could have preventeda greater evil from occurring.If we are to prosecute suspected warcriminals, I have two recommendations.First, Communists suspected of warcrimes should be targeted. After all, from1939 to 1941 the Soviets were partners incrime with the Nazis. Second, Congressshould pass legislation so the accusedcan have the option of a criminal trial inthe United States. In this way these citizenscan have the same rights as thethugs who are now terrorizing our neighborhoods.Frankly, I can't think of anyoneworse to prosecute alleged war criminalsthan smart young Washington attorneysin the Justice Department of BillClinton and Janet Reno, two people who,to put it kindly, lack any sense of historyand ethics, multicultural or otherwise. Atleast if these were criminal proceedingsinstead of civil proceedings, the accusedmight have a little better chance at justice.Nonetheless, armed with faith, hisfamily, the support of the <strong>Ukrainian</strong>community and other citizens of goodwill, it seems as if John Demjanjuk mayyet prevail after 15 years of struggle inthe trial of the century.WE ARE ACCEPTINGCHRISTMAS GREETINGSIN THE WEEKLYWe invite our readers, organizations, businesspersons, merchants andindividuals to relay their Christmas greetings in <strong>The</strong> <strong>Ukrainian</strong> <strong>Weekly</strong>.^Nhai better iway to make your traditional holiday greetings unique, distinctiveand memorable?RATE: for ads measuring 1 inch by 1 column — $7all larger ads — $5 per column/inchDEADLINE: December 12,<strong>1993</strong> (for December 22 issue)December 17,<strong>1993</strong> (for January 5 issue). Send your special Christmas greeting, along with the appropriate fee, to:THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLYAdvertising Department30 Montgomery St. Jersey City, N.J. 07302NOTICE TO MY PATIENTS!Please be informed that as of January 1, 1994, my private practice of medicinewill be closed permanently.I recommend to you two phisicians, who are willing to accept you as privatepatients and deliver medical care when needed.John Coppola, M.D.30 5th Ave.New York, NY 10011Tel: 212-995-0770.Ihor Wlagun, M.D.Ryan Medical Arts Building2000 North Village Ave.Suite 204Rockville Center, NY 11570Tel: 516-766-5147."'K ^/C'J ^ e^/ nrjcn tor giving iie '>"•-. prviiege o^ caring for your medicai needs." 'ou ^"л 'our coGoe-'a'Jon ar.o ..-"^oe^siar oipgJulian Gnoj, M.D.GRANDHOTELLVIVS ONLY LUXURY HOTELELEGANTLY RESTOREDINDIVroUALdjge per person^ ^ ^ twin roomincludes breakfastSPECIAL RATESGROUP (12 persons or more)^IZtL per personФ^^ twin roomincludes breakfastOctober 1 - March 31NYKYYIV , :.ooNYссе.»withNY VVVtax btdudcdAir Ukraine America Ltd.AIR UKRAINE INTERNATIONAL flies betweenLondon, Amsterdam, Brussels, ParisFrankfurt, Munich, Berlin, ViennaPhiia: (215) 667-'528 NJ. !201; 731-1132Kyyiv - $250 one wayKyyiv - $199 one way

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