April 2011 - Repton School Dubai

April 2011 - Repton School Dubai

April 2011 - Repton School Dubai


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19 <strong>April</strong> <strong>2011</strong>To: Senior <strong>School</strong> ParentsInformation: Senior <strong>School</strong> StaffDear Parents,Last Term’s Achievements, Events this Term, Staff Moves, PrefectsA very warm welcome the new term! Academically, it is one of challenge for all.IGCSE and IB examinations now fast approach, and school examinations take place inWeek 9 (12 – 16 June).In this month’s letter, I would like to highlight some of the achievements of last term,and also update you on staff moves and on the appointment of prefects. Firstlyhowever I would like to invite you to one of the parental forums which we areholding next month. The idea behind these is to provide opportunities for discussionabout wider educational matters and for exchange of ideas. Three are taking place.There is a morning meeting (coffee plus croissants) for Year 7/8 parents on Monday2 May. Then, on Wednesday 4 May and Monday 16 May, there are afternoonreceptions (3.30 to 5.30pm) (tea plus sandwiches, canapés) respectively for Year9/10/11 parents and for Sixth Form parents. Helen Allen, the Deputy Head, willshortly be sending out invitations.The format of each event will be a 15 minute talk about how education progressesduring teenage years, from earlier years to IGCSE, IB and then to university. This willbe related to the strategic summary circulated last term and also attached here.There will be an opportunity for discussion before we break out for informal chatsover tea and coffee. I do hope you will be able to come to one of the sessions: pleasedo not feel strictly tethered to your own particular year group!While I am writing, can I also mention the Year 11 IB choices evening at 3.15pm onWednesday 27 <strong>April</strong>? (postponed from the original date, today, 19 th <strong>April</strong>). MrMedcraft will give a brief talk about the options available for next year’s Lower Sixth.Our departments will set up stands so that parents and pupils can find out about thedifferent IB subjects. Informed early thinking about choices greatly helps purposeand direction, and I would urge all Year 11 families to come to the evening. It is ofcourse very much open to other year groups as well.The culmination of this year’s IB cohort was appropriately demonstrated in the finalweek of last term with Theory of Knowledge presentations from the Upper Sixth toparents and staff. These were impressive explorations of wide-ranging ethical andphilosophical questions. It was a tremendously stimulating and enjoyable evening:

thank you to Mr Macpherson, Mr Medcraft and especially of course the students. Inthe same week the IB art exhibition opened. This is a most engaging show. It is stillon, next to the uniform shop on the top floor of the HQ Building: do go and spendsome time there.Last term, <strong>Repton</strong> pupils shone in international events: debating, mathematics andFormula 1 model designs. International Day in the sports hall was a great success.Within school, there have been the most enjoyable music occasions – the IGCSEmusicians are a terrifically energetic and talented group, and there were twowonderful prize competitions. The junior play, Arabian Nights, written by our ownMs Kerry Coburn, was suitably brimming with good princes and princessestriumphing over wicked uncles and aunts, with the help of rather hopeless djinns...allin the Circle, under the night Arabian sky.Over the holidays, the Nepal expedition for Lower Sixth students concentratedconstructing a small school building in a tiny village. This was part of their IBCreativity, Action and Service (CAS) programme. Other <strong>Repton</strong> students wentfurther east: there was a gymnastics expedition to be part of a competition in Beijing.These were two remarkable trips, rich and formative experiences.In my March letter, I mentioned 13 members of staff who are leaving at the end ofterm. To these, is added a further 5. We will thus also bid fond farewells to AngelaLoten, housemistress of Orchard House and teacher of French, Marco Pereira,teacher of physics, and to three heads of department, Stephen Fantom, MarkHutchings and Fiona Mullin. They will be much missed, and we wish them well.Senior <strong>School</strong> Prizegiving takes place on Thursday 26 th May. That evening there is aReception for our 26 Upper Sixth leavers, the first such cohort in <strong>Repton</strong> <strong>Dubai</strong>’shistory, of course. The following evening there is a Leavers’ Ball. The Upper Sixthhave been fine pioneers. They have assembled some excellent university offers and itwill be very good to celebrate all they have achieved. For now, we all wish both Year13 and Year 11 all the very best in their forthcoming public examinations.Lastly, many congratulations to our new probationer prefects. Under the newsystem, Lower Sixth probationers are appointed this term, with a view toconfirmation next term. The current prefects, to whom many thanks for all they havedone, remain as prefects, though no actual duties are required of them. Well done toSam Jones and Lucy Robb, probationer Head Boy and Head Girl, and to the 14probationer house captains and school prefects.As the weather gets distinctly sunnier and warmer, all good wishes to all Senior<strong>School</strong> families for the term ahead.Yours sincerely,Nicholas ClementsHead of the Senior <strong>School</strong>

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