CX/PR 13/45/9 -

CX/PR 13/45/9 - CX/PR 13/45/9 -


EAgenda Item 7(b) CX/PR 13/45/9February 2013BackgroundJOINT FAO/WHO FOOD STANDARDS PROGRAMMECODEX COMMITTEE ON PESTICIDE RESIDUES45 th SessionBeijing, P.R. China, 6 - 11 May 2013PROPOSED DRAFT REVISION OF THE CLASSIFICATION OF FOODS AND ANIMAL FEEDS:OTHER SELECTED VEGETABLE COMMODITY GROUPS(AT STEP 3)(Prepared by the Electronic Working on the Revision of the Classificationchaired by the Netherlands and co-chaired by the United States of America)Governments and interested international organizations wishing to submit comments on the above (seepara. 13 and Appendix 1) are invited to do so in writing to: Ms. Duang Lifang, Institute for the Control ofAgrochemicals, Ministry of Agriculture (ICAMA), P.R China, Fax: +86-10-59194252, Email: a copy to: Secretariat, Codex Alimentarius Commission, Joint WHO/FAO Food Standards Programme,FAO, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome, Italy, by Email by 5 April 2013.1. At the 44 th Session (2011), the Committee on Pesticide Residues agreed to re-establish the Electronic Working Group(EWG) on the revision of the Classification of Foods and Animal Feeds led by the Netherlands and the United States of America,working in English only, to prepare new draft proposals for selected vegetable commodity groups. 12. The EWG identified a group Root and Tuber Vegetables for consideration by the 45 th Session of the Committee asdescribed below.Proposals for Group 016 Root and Tuber Vegetables3. The proposed revised group “Root and tuber vegetables” is included in Appendix 1.4. The group 016 “Root and tuber vegetables” is divided in 3 subgroups:16A Root vegetables16B Tuberous and corm vegetables16C Aquatic root and tuber vegetables5. It is proposed to include potatoes in the subgroup 16B Tuberous and corm vegetables and sugar beet in the group16A Root vegetables. Further it is proposed to include a subgroup of aquatic root and tuber vegetables in this group, becausecurrently some aquatic root and tuber vegetables are listed in this group. New Zealand agreed with this sub-grouping.6. The existing commodities in the Classification are divided among the subgroups as follows:1REP12/PR, para. 126.

EAgenda Item 7(b) <strong>CX</strong>/<strong>PR</strong> <strong>13</strong>/<strong>45</strong>/9February 20<strong>13</strong>BackgroundJOINT <strong>FAO</strong>/WHO FOOD STANDARDS <strong>PR</strong>OGRAMMECODEX COMMITTEE ON PESTICIDE RESIDUES<strong>45</strong> th SessionBeijing, P.R. China, 6 - 11 May 20<strong>13</strong><strong>PR</strong>OPOSED DRAFT REVISION OF THE CLASSIFICATION OF FOODS AND ANIMAL FEEDS:OTHER SELECTED VEGETABLE COMMODITY GROUPS(AT STEP 3)(Prepared by the Electronic Working on the Revision of the Classificationchaired by the Netherlands and co-chaired by the United States of America)Governments and interested international <strong>org</strong>anizations wishing to submit comments on the above (seepara. <strong>13</strong> and Appendix 1) are invited to do so in writing to: Ms. Duang Lifang, Institute for the Control ofAgrochemicals, Ministry of Agriculture (ICAMA), P.R China, Fax: +86-10-59194252, Email: a copy to: Secretariat, Codex Alimentarius Commission, Joint WHO/<strong>FAO</strong> Food Standards Programme,<strong>FAO</strong>, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome, Italy, by Email codex@fao.<strong>org</strong> by 5 April 20<strong>13</strong>.1. At the 44 th Session (2011), the Committee on Pesticide Residues agreed to re-establish the Electronic Working Group(EWG) on the revision of the Classification of Foods and Animal Feeds led by the Netherlands and the United States of America,working in English only, to prepare new draft proposals for selected vegetable commodity groups. 12. The EWG identified a group Root and Tuber Vegetables for consideration by the <strong>45</strong> th Session of the Committee asdescribed below.Proposals for Group 016 Root and Tuber Vegetables3. The proposed revised group “Root and tuber vegetables” is included in Appendix 1.4. The group 016 “Root and tuber vegetables” is divided in 3 subgroups:16A Root vegetables16B Tuberous and corm vegetables16C Aquatic root and tuber vegetables5. It is proposed to include potatoes in the subgroup 16B Tuberous and corm vegetables and sugar beet in the group16A Root vegetables. Further it is proposed to include a subgroup of aquatic root and tuber vegetables in this group, becausecurrently some aquatic root and tuber vegetables are listed in this group. New Zealand agreed with this sub-grouping.6. The existing commodities in the Classification are divided among the subgroups as follows:1REP12/<strong>PR</strong>, para. 126.

<strong>CX</strong>/<strong>PR</strong> <strong>13</strong>/<strong>45</strong>/9 2Subgroup 16A Root vegetables• Beetroot• Burdock, greater or edible• Carrot• Celeriac• Chervil, turnip rooted• Chicory roots• Ginseng (introduced a few years ago, because of need for MRL setting)• Horseradish• Parsley turnip-rooted• Parsnip• Radish• Radish black• Radish, Japanese• Rampion roots• Salsify• Salsify, Spanish• Scorzonera• Skirret• Sugar beet• Swede• Turnip, gardenSubgroup 16B Tuberous and corm vegetables• Alocasia• Arrachacha• Arrowroot• Arrowroot, Guinea (= Topee tambu)• Canna edible• Cassava• Chayote root• Chinese artichoke (Japanese artichoke)• Goa bean root

<strong>CX</strong>/<strong>PR</strong> <strong>13</strong>/<strong>45</strong>/9 3• Jerusalem artichoke• Oca• Potato• Sweet potato• Tannia• Taro• Tiger nut• Ullucu• Yams• Yam beanSubgroup 16C Aquatic root and tuber vegetables• Arrowhead7. Existing commodities which are not included in one of the above listed subgroups:(a) HS 0781 Elecampane, root is used to manufacture absinthe (spirit) and this spirit is banned in several countries.(b) VR 0581 Galangal, Greater and VR 0582 Galangal, Lesser are moved during the discussion on the Spices group to theGroup of Spices in the sub group of root spices 2 .8. The new commodities proposed to include in the Root and tuber vegetable group are listed below.In subgroup 16A Root vegetables• Bellflower, Chinese• Chik• Cumin, black root• Dandelion root• Deo-deok• Ladybell root• Maca• Madeira vine• Mauka• Murnong• Mustard, tuberous rooted Chinese• Pencil yam• Ti palm• Wasabi root2See REP11/<strong>PR</strong> Appendix VI.

<strong>CX</strong>/<strong>PR</strong> <strong>13</strong>/<strong>45</strong>/9 4In subgroup 16B Tuberous and corm vegetables• American potato bean• Arrowroot, Polynesian• Banana, Abyssinian• Chinese potato• Cowpea, wild• Earthnut pea• Elephant foot yam• Gastrodia tuber• Kaffir potato• Konjac• Mashua• Pignut• YaconIn subgroup 16C Aquatic root and tuber vegetables• Lotus tuber• Ol-bang-gaeAdditional added commodities in subgroup 16C:• Water chestnut• Cattail9. Most of the new commodities originate from the expanded US crop grouping system by the International Crop GroupingConsulting Committee (ICGCC). Also the Republic of Korea proposed to included new commodities (Chik, Deo-doek, Ladybellroot, Membranous milk-vetch root, Gastrodia tuber, Polygonatum tuber and Ol-bang-gae). Membranous milk-vetch root andPolygonatum tuber are not included in this group because they have medical use or use for tea and not as vegetable.10. Murnong and Mustard, tuberous rooted Chinese are included in the Tuberous and corm vegetables subgroup in the USsystem. Murnong looks-like dandelion roots, which is included the root vegetables subgroup. Mustard, tuberous rooted Chineseis a Brassicaceae and looks like a turnip and all other Brassicas are in the Roots vegetables subgroup. So it is proposed toinclude those commodities is the in the in the Root vegetables subgroup.11. Wasabi root is proposed in subgroup 16A Root vegetables, because it can be grown either in soil or in flooded gravelbeds and is similar to horseradish, which is classified in this group. It could also be classified in the Root spices group, because itonly consumed in small amounts. Also it is said that morphological this root is a stem and it should be classified in the Stalk andstem vegetables group or Herbs group. There are also arguments to include it in the Aquatic root and tuber vegetablessubgroup.12. Some commodities are changed. They are expanded with additional related commodities or changed of name in morecommon English names.VR 0589 Potato is expanded from only Solanum tuberosum to some other Potato commodities according to the US system:• Potato, specialty, Solanum spp.• Andigena, Solanum tuberosum L subsp. andigenum

<strong>CX</strong>/<strong>PR</strong> <strong>13</strong>/<strong>45</strong>/9 5• Ajanhuiri, Solanum ajanhuiri• Ckaisalla, Solanum jezupczukii• Rucki, Solanum curtolobumVR 0504 Tannia is expanded with Blue ape X. violaceum. In the Codex Standard for Tannia (CODEX STAN 224-2001) thiscommodity is included.VR 0600 Yams is expanded to:• Lesser Yam, D. esculenta• Chinese Yam, D. polystachya, syn: D. opposita auct.• Cham-ma, D. japonica Thumb.VR 0595 Skirrit or Skirret is changed in: SkirretVR 0598 Topee tambu the name is changed in: Arrowroot, GuineaVR 0584 Japanese artichoke the name is changed in Chinese artichokeVR 0494 Radish the scientific name is changed to Raphanus sativus L. var. satuvus.VR 0469 Chicory roots the scientific name is reduce to C. intybus L.VR 0572 Arrowroot synonyms of scientific names are deleted.VR 0601 Yam bean is expanded with Potato bean and AhipaRecommendations<strong>13</strong>. The Chair and Vice-Chair of the EWG propose to consider the proposals for “Root and tuber vegetables” taking intoaccount the explanations provided above and advance these proposals for adoption at Step 5 (see Appendix 1).14. The Chair and Vice-Chair of the EWG propose to the Committee to re-establish the Electronic Working Group led by TheNetherlands and the United States of America, working in English and open to all Members and observers, which should prepareproposals for other vegetable commodity groups according to the progress made by the International Crop Grouping ConsultingCommittee (ICGCC).

<strong>CX</strong>/<strong>PR</strong> <strong>13</strong>/<strong>45</strong>/9 6Class AAPPENDIX 1ROOT AND TUBER VEGETABLESType 2 Vegetables Group 016 Group Letter Code VRGroup 016. Root and tuber vegetables are the starchy enlarged solid roots, tubers, corms or rhizomes, mostly subterranean, ofvarious species of plants, mostly annuals.The underground location protects the edible portion from pesticides applied to the aerial parts of the crop during the growingseason; however the commodities in this group are exposed to pesticide residues from soil treatments.The entire vegetable may be consumed in the form of fresh or processed foods.This group contains 3 subgroups based on the morphology and growing practise:16A Root vegetables16B Tuberous and corm vegetables16C Aquatic root and tuber vegetablesPortion of the commodity to which the MRL applies (and which is analysed): Whole commodity after removing tops. Removeadhering soil (e.g. by rinsing in running water or by gentle brushing of the dry commodity).Group 016Code No.VR 0075Root and tuber vegetablesCommodityRoot and tuber vegetablesSubgroup 16A Root vegetablesCode No.VR 2070CommodityRoot vegetables(includes al commodities in this subgroup)- American Ginseng, See Ginseng, VR 0604Panax quinquefolius L.VR 0574BeetrootBeta vulgaris L., var. conditivaVR 2940Bellflower, ChinesePlatycodon grandiflorus (jacq.) A. DC.- Black salsify, see Scorzonera, VR 0594VR 0575Burdock, greater or edibleArctium lappa L.;syn: Lappa officinalis All.; L. major Gaertn.VR 0577CarrotDaucus carota L.

<strong>CX</strong>/<strong>PR</strong> <strong>13</strong>/<strong>45</strong>/9 7VR 0578CeleriacApium graveolens L., var. rapaceum (Mill.) GaudinVR 0579Chervil, Turnip-rootedChaerophyllum bulbosum L.VR 0469Chicory, rootsCichorum intybus L.VR 2941ChikPueraria lobata (Willd.) Ohwi- Chinese radish, see Radish, Japanese, VR 0591VR 2942Cumin, black rootBunium persicum (Boiss.) B. Fedtsch.- Daikon, see Radish, Japanese, VR 0591VR 2943Dandelion rootTaraxacum officinale F.H. Wigg. Aggr.VR 2944Deo-deokCodonopsis lanceolata (Siebold & Zucc.) Trautv.- Do-ra-ji, see Bellflower, Chinese, VR 2940VR 0604Ginseng (Codex Stan. 295R-2009)Panax spp.VR 0583HorseradishArmoracia rusticana Gaertn. et alsyn: Cochlearia armoracia L.; Armoracia lapathifolia Gilib. Ex Usteri- Korean Ginseng, see Ginseng, VR 0604Panax ginseng C. A. Mey.VR 29<strong>45</strong>Ladybell rootAdenophora triphylla DC.; Adenophora spp.VR 2946MacaLepidium meyenii Walp.VR 2947Madeira vineAnredera cordifolia (Ten.) SteenisVR 2948MaukaMirabilis expansa (Ruiz & Pav.) Standl.

<strong>CX</strong>/<strong>PR</strong> <strong>13</strong>/<strong>45</strong>/9 8VR 2949MurnongMicroseris scapigera (Sol. Ex A. Cunn.) Sch. Bip.VR 2950Mustard, tuberous rooted Chinese- Oyster plant, see Salsify, VR 0498Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. subsp. napiformis (Pailleux & bois) GladisVR 0587Parsley, Turnip-rootedPetroselinum crispum (Mill.) Nyman ex A.W. Hill var. tuberosumVR 0588ParsnipPastinaca sativa L.VR 2951Pencil yamVigna lanceolata Benth.VR 0494RadishRaphanus sativus L. var. sativusVR 0590Radish, BlackRaphanus sativus L., subvar. niger Pers.VR 0591Radish, JapaneseRaphanus sativus L., var. longipinnatus BaileyVR 0592Rampion rootsCampanula rapunculus L.- Rutabaga, see Swede, VR 0497- Red beet, see Beetroot, VR 0574VR 0498SalsifyTragopogon porrifolius L.- Salsify, Black, see Scorzonera, VR 0594VR 0593Salsify, SpanishScolymus hispanicus L.VR 0594ScorzoneraScorzonera hispanica L.VR 0595SkirretSium sisarum L.

<strong>CX</strong>/<strong>PR</strong> <strong>13</strong>/<strong>45</strong>/9 9VR 0596Sugar beetBeta vulgaris L., var. sacharifera;syn: B. vulgaris L. var. altissimaVR 0497SwedeBrassica napus L., var. napobrassica (L.) ReichenbachVR 2952Ti palm- Turnip, see SwedeCordyline fruticosa (L.) A. Chev.VR 0506Turnip, GardenBrassica rapa L., var. rapa ;syn: B. campestris L., var. rapifera- Turnip, Swedish, see Swede, VR 0497- Vietnamese ginseng, see Ginseng VR 0604Panax vietnamensis Ha & Grusshv.VR 3953Wasabi rootEutrema japonica (Miq.) KoidzSubgroup 16B Tuberous and corm vegetablesCode No.VR 2071CommodityTuberous and corm vegetables(includes al commodities in this subgroup)- Achira, see Canna, edible, VR 0576- Ahipa, see Yam bean, VR 0601Pachyrhizus ahipa (Wedd.) Parodi- Ajanhuiri, see Potato, VR 0589Solanum ajanhuiri Juz. & BukasovVR 0570AlocasiaAlocasia macrorrhiza (L.) G Don.;A. indica (lour.) SpachVR 2970American potato beanApios americana Medik.- Andigena, see Potato, VR 0589Solanum tuberosum L. subsp. Andigenum (Juz. & Bukasov) Hawkes

<strong>CX</strong>/<strong>PR</strong> <strong>13</strong>/<strong>45</strong>/9 10VR 0571ArracachaArracacia xanthorrhiza Bancr.;syn: A. esculenta DC.VR 0573ArrowrootMaranta arundinacea L.; several cultivarsVR 0598Arrowroot, GuineaCalathea allouia (Aubl.) Lindl.VR 2971Arrowroot, PolynesianTacca leontopetaloides (L.) KuntzeVR 2972Banana, AbyssinianEnsete ventricosum (Welw.) Cheesman- Blue ape, see Tannia, VR 0504Xanthosoma violaceum Schott.VR 0576Canna, edibleCanna indica L.syn: C. edulis Ker. Gawl.VR 0463CassavaManihot esculenta Crantz;syn: M. aipi Pohl; M. ultissima Pohl; M. dulcis Pax; M. palmata Muell.-Arg.- Cassava, Bitter, see Cassava (Codex Stan. 300-2010, amend 2011), see 0463Manihot esculenta Crantz, bitter cultivars- Cassava, Sweet, see Cassava (Codex Stan. 238-2003, amend 2011, 0463Manihot esculenta Crantz, sweet cultivars- Cham-ma, see Yams, VR 0600Dioscorea japonica Thunb.VR 0423Chayote rootSechium edule (Jacq.) SwartzVR 0584Chinese artichokeS. affinis BungeSyn : Stachys sieboldii Miq.VR 2973Chinese potatoPlectranthus rotundifolius (Poir.) Spreng.- Christophine, see Chayote root, VR 0423

<strong>CX</strong>/<strong>PR</strong> <strong>13</strong>/<strong>45</strong>/9 11- Chufa, see Tiger nut, VR 0580- Ckaisalla, see Potato, VR 0589Solanum juzepczukii Bukasov- Cocoyam, see Tannia, VR 0504 and Taro, VR 0505VR 2974Cowpea, wildVigna vexillata (L.) A. Rich.- Dasheen, see Taro, VR 0505- Eddoe, see Taro, VR 0505Colocasia esculenta L., var. antiquorum (Schott), Hubbard & Rehder;syn: C. esculenta, var. globifera Engl. & KrauseVR 2975Earthnut peaLathyrus tuberosus L.VR 2976Elephant foot yamAmorphophallus paeoniifoliius (Dennst.) NicolsonVR 2977Gastrodia tuberGastrodia elata BlumeVR 0530Goa bean rootPsophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC.- Gruya, see Canna, edible, VR 0576- Japanese artichoke , see Chinese artichoke, VR 0584VR 0585Jerusalem artichokeHelianthus tuberosus L.- Jicama, see Yam bean, VR 0601VR 2978Kaffir potatoPlectranthus esculenthus N. E. BrVR 2979KonjacAmorphophallus konjac K. Koch- Leren, see Arrowroot, Guinea, VR 0598- Manioc, see Cassava, VR 0463VR 2980MashuaTropaeoleum tuberosum Ruiz & Pav.

<strong>CX</strong>/<strong>PR</strong> <strong>13</strong>/<strong>45</strong>/9 12VR 0586OcaOxalis tuberosa Mol.VR 2981PignutConopodium majus (Gouan) Loret & BarrandonVR 0589PotatoSolanum tuberosum L. and other potato species- Potato bean, see Yam bean, VR 0601Pachyrhizus tuberosus (Lam.) Spreng.- Potato, Specialty, see Potato, VR 0589Solanum spp.- Potato yam, see Yam bean, VR 0601- Queensland arrowroot, see Canna, edible, VR 0576- Rucki, see Potato, VR 0589Solanum curtilobum Juz. & BukasovVR 0508Sweet potatoIpomoea batatas (L.) Poir- Tanier, see Tannia, VR 0504VR 0504 Tannia (Codex Stan. 224-2001, amend. 2011)Xanthosoma sagittifolium (L.) Schott;X. violaceum Schott.- Tapioca, see Cassava, VR 0463VR 0505TaroColocasia esculenta (L.) Schott, var. esculentaVR 0580Tiger nutCyperus esculentus L.- Topee tambu, See Arrow root, Guinea, VR 0598VR 0599UllucuUllucus tuberosus CaldasVR 2982YaconSmallanthus sonchifolius (Poepp. & Endl.) H. Rob.

<strong>CX</strong>/<strong>PR</strong> <strong>13</strong>/<strong>45</strong>/9 <strong>13</strong>VR 0600YamsDioscorea L.; several species- Yam, Chinese, see Yams, VR 0600Dioscorea polystachya Turcz.syn: D. opposita auct.- Yam, Cush-cush, see Yams, VR 0600Dioscorea trifida L.f.- Yam, Greater, see Yams, VR 0600Dioscorea alata L.- Yam, Lesser, see Yams, VR 0600Dioscorea esculenta (Lour.) Burkill- Yam, White Guinea, see Yams, VR 0600Dioscorea rotundata Poir.- Yam, Yellow Guinea, see Yams, VR 0600Dioscorea cayenensis Lam.VR 0601Yam beanPachyrhizus erosus (L.) Urban;syn: P. angulatus Rich. ex DC.; P. bulbosus (L.) Kurz; Dolichos erosus L.Pachyrhizus tuberosus (Lam.) Spreng.Pachyrhizus ahipa (Wedd.) Parodi- Yautia, see Tannia, VR 0504Subgroup 16CCode No.VR 2072Aquatic root and tuber vegetablesCommodityAquatic root and tuber vegetables(includes al commodities in this subgroup)VR 0572ArrowheadSagittaria sagittifolia L.; S. latifolia Willd.;VR 3000CattailTypha latifolia L.VR 3001Lotus tuberNelumbo nucifera Geatn.

<strong>CX</strong>/<strong>PR</strong> <strong>13</strong>/<strong>45</strong>/9 14VR 3002Ol-bang-gaeEleocharis kuroguwai OhwiVR 3003Water chestnutEleocharis dulcis (Burm. f.) Trin. ex Hensch.

<strong>CX</strong>/<strong>PR</strong> <strong>13</strong>/<strong>45</strong>/9 15APPENDIX 2LIST OF PARTICIPANTSName Country/<strong>org</strong>anisation E-mail adresErica Muller (Chair) Netherlands e.muller@minlnv.nlBill Barney (Vice-Chair) USA barney@easop.rutgers.eduDr. Raj Bhula Australia Jennifer Selwyn Canada jennifer.selwyn@hc-sc.gc.caGaétane-Diane F<strong>org</strong>et Canada gaetane.f<strong>org</strong>et@hc-sc.gc.caRoger Ruiz Zapata Costa Rica rruiz@sfe.go.crMr. Ivan Ortiz Ecuador negociacioncomercial@mmrree.gob.ecMr. Rommel Betancourt Ecuador rommel.betancourt@agrocalidad.gob.ecMrs. Felicia Ansah-Amprofi Ghana fampronge@yahoo.comMrs. Roya Noorbakhsh Iran roybakhsh@yahoo.comMr. Makoto Irie Japan makoto_irie@nm.maff.go.jpMr. Miki Matsui Japan miki_matsui@nm.maff.go.jpMs. Nursiah Mohd Tajol Aros Nurul Hazila Abdul Ghani Lunn New Zealand dave.lunn@mpi.govt.nzMr. Sajid Iqbal Pakistan sajidku@yahoo.comMoo-Hyeog Im Rebublic of Korea imh0119@korea.krMs. Ing-orn Panyakit Thailand ingorn2011@gmail.comChristine Moreira COLEACP christine.moreira@coleacp.<strong>org</strong>Mr. Cashmer Dirampatan IADSA cashmerdirampaten@iadsa.<strong>org</strong>Mr. David Pineda Ereno IADSA davidpineda@iadsa.<strong>org</strong>Angeliki Tsioli OIV

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