unexpected blessing - Arbonne

unexpected blessing - Arbonne

unexpected blessing - Arbonne


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e oaE Y E O N A R B O N N EUNEXPECTEDBLESSINGSMy <strong>Arbonne</strong> adventure began in the fall of 2004 when my friend,ENVP Angie Lyle, graciously brought me the NutriMinC ® RE 9® antiagingskin care set as a gift. Angie felt that I might appreciate a bitof pampering, since my husband, Scott, and I had recently discoveredthat we would be receiving an <strong>unexpected</strong> gift in the spring —the <strong>blessing</strong> of a fifth child!Needless to say, as a pastor’s wife with four active children, theyoungest of whom was just starting kindergarten, I was feeling somewhatoverwhelmed at the notion of starting over with a new baby.Although intrigued by the <strong>Arbonne</strong> opportunity, I dismissed the idea ofstarting my own home-business, due to the season of life in which Ifound myself. I simply could not fathom adding one more task to my life.During the course of the next several months, I observed Angie’s successand was impressed when, after only six months, she promoted toRegional Vice President. From time to time, I would attend “Opportunity”Presentations or listen to conference calls. Each exposure served to sparkmy interest more and cause me to contemplate whether I might actuallybe able to incorporate the <strong>Arbonne</strong>=REsults reach out method ofdoing business into what seemed like a full and, at times, chaotic lifestyle.Scott and I both sensed that we needed to postpone our business decisionuntil after the birth of the baby.On March 28, 2005, our family welcomed our precious baby, John,marveling afresh at the miracle and <strong>blessing</strong> of new life. We swiftly settledinto as much of a routine and rhythm as life with a large familywould permit, but thoughts of <strong>Arbonne</strong> remained prominent in mymind. In addition to watching Angie succeed with her <strong>Arbonne</strong> business,I was particularly inspired to learn that one of my closest childma r i a n h o r n eIndependent Consultant, Executive Regional Vice PresidentMarian Horne Region; Knoxville, TNhood friends, NVP Frances Swartz, whom I greatly respect, had begunto build the business within days of John’s birth.Six weeks after our baby’s arrival, our family minivan needed majorrepairs, necessitating our purchase of an SUV to meet the needs ofour expanding family. My husband suggested that I use the proceedsfrom the van’s sale toward the start-up costs of an <strong>Arbonne</strong> business.Confident that I would be able to cover the SUV payment with myfuture income, Scott encouraged me to launch this home-based business,pledging his support and help along the way.Utilizing the <strong>Arbonne</strong>=REsults reach out method so successfully modeledby Angie, I made it my strategy to “live my life and take <strong>Arbonne</strong>continued ...Marian’s Why: Fielding, 11; Anna Katharine, 14; John, 7 months; Elizabeth, 7and Chase, 12.Marian and Scott with their <strong>unexpected</strong> <strong>blessing</strong>,son, John.“<strong>Arbonne</strong> John” tickled to be in the driver’s seat of theMercedes-Benz CLK 350.

“success strategy:Live your life, and takethe opportunity with you!”with me,” all the while in search of four business builders with vision,talent, resolve and, of course, a desire to have fun with friends. I immediatelydetermined that my limitations as the mother of a newborn andfour other children need not be liabilities to the growth of my business.I would simply need an extra measure of creativity, drive and sense ofhumor as I sought to work my <strong>Arbonne</strong> business around the needs ofmy family. So, in the beginning, unlike many of my <strong>Arbonne</strong> friendswho laughingly call the local bagel bistro their “office,” I built my businesslargely around the breakfast table and over the phone, in betweenfeedings and diaper changes. During the early months, the baby wasan ever-present companion at trainings and “Opportunity” meetings,even coming to be known affectionately as “<strong>Arbonne</strong> John!”The <strong>blessing</strong>s of this business far exceed the pleasure derived fromhelping to offset family expenses. The potential income is certainly avalid reason for our satisfaction with the business, and we are gratefulfor the added means to invest in causes that will outlast anything inthis life. Yet another benefit has been the personal growth experiencedthrough stepping outside my sphere of comfort and facing my fear offailure. Finally, I cannot adequately express the joy I have gleanedfrom the many friendships forged along my <strong>Arbonne</strong> journey.I am humbled as I reflect upon my 10-month road to RVP because Iam keenly aware that my success is the result of teamwork.My family has provided unwavering support and encouragement. Tomy husband, Scott: Thank you for believing in me and standing besideme every step of the way. You are a faithful, loving husband and a wonderfuldaddy to your “quiverful.” To Anna Katharine, Chase, Fieldingand Elizabeth: Thanks for cheering me on, putting up with pre-packagedmeals, doing your fair share of prospecting, and always holdingout for the convertible! I will never forget the priceless expressions onyour faces when we surprised you with the CLK 350 Mercedes-Benz.John, you probably assume that all mommies have phones growing outof their ears, but rest assured, I am savoring every moment of your babyhood,knowing that we shall not pass this way again.The strength of my upline cannot be overstated. To ENVP AngieLyle: I will always be indebted to you for giving me the gift of<strong>Arbonne</strong>, and for the invaluable training that you provide. To ERVPEAM Nanci Allen, ENVP Angie Lyle, Marian and DM Jama Antol at anAtlanta celebration.The Horne children celebrating Region!Phil Troutman: Thanks for your support. To NVP Kristi Ayres: Youstarting as my sponsor, but have become a treasured friend.My amazing <strong>Arbonne</strong> team has served as the foundation of my business.To EAM Nanci Allen: You have been a real soul mate as wehave learned this business together. I cannot wait to see which caryou choose! To RVP Lee Ann Webster: You are a true cheerleader,and it is fun trying to keep up with you! To EDM Kim Anderson: Ourfriendship has been a delightful by-product of the business. I will seeyou at the top! To DM Rosie Oates: Your cheerful spirit will serve yourMississippi team well. To DM Emily Stover: I cannot wait to meet yourgrowing Pennsylvania team! To my sister-in-law, DM Amy Odom:Welcome to the team! Soon there will be two Mercedes-Benzes inour family! To the rest of my team: Stay the course. If I can do this,you can, too!Finally, I thank God, the Giver of all good things and the One whoholds all things together.ABOVE:NVP Kristi Ayres,Marian, RVP Lee AnnWebster, EDM KimAnderson and EAMNanci Allen.LEFT:The Knoxville team.EXECUTIVE REGIONAL VICE PRESIDENTThe testimonials in this story reflect the actual experience of an individual, are anecdotal only, and may be atypical.EYE ON ARBONNE | SEPTEMBER 2006

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