Telstra Scales Up - Tellabs

Telstra Scales Up - Tellabs

Telstra Scales Up - Tellabs

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<strong>Telstra</strong>’s TransformationThe <strong>Telstra</strong> team:David Robertson,director fortransport androuting; MarkLatham, seniortechnologyspecialist; ArturoCacace, technologymanager.and over time, offer different servicelevels for different applications.” Thisfunctionality is built directly into the<strong>Tellabs</strong> SmartCore 9200 series’ linecards, enabling content inspectiondirectly on line cards interfacing thenetwork and making efficient use ofprecious chassis ports.To develop those services,“we want to understand how thenetwork is used,” Wright said. Byenabling operators to maintain andanalyze aggregate data about the types of applications thatcustomers are using, application awareness can help gain thatunderstanding.Initially <strong>Telstra</strong> plans to deploy the <strong>Tellabs</strong> SmartCore 9200series in “high-density parts of the network, where scale isneeded or where we are looking to drive new services, suchas DPI-based services,” Wright said. “We will continue to usethe <strong>Tellabs</strong> 8800 MSR series in areas where Ethernet growthrequirements are not as explosive.”Familiarity Breeds ContentDespite all of these upgrades, managing the new equipmentshould require minimal new training or procedures. That’sbecause <strong>Telstra</strong> will be able to manage its <strong>Tellabs</strong> networkwith a single, unified network manager for both the <strong>Tellabs</strong>SmartCore 9200 series and the <strong>Tellabs</strong> 8800 MSR series.“We look at a lot of equipment from a lot of vendors,”Wright said. “One of the biggest factors we take into accountas an operator is to maintain continuity in IT systems. <strong>Tellabs</strong>’“We want to make sure wecan continue to support strongtraffic growth. We also want toexpand our service offerings,enhance network reliability andefficiency and minimize costs.”— Arturo Cacace, <strong>Telstra</strong>technology manager, Ethernetinfrastructure and servicesmanager makes integration easier andthe decision to upgrade easier as well.”That continuity includes somefamiliar faces. The <strong>Tellabs</strong> GlobalServices team has supported severalother major <strong>Telstra</strong> projects, includingits Next IPTM network. (For moreinformation about Next IP, visit www.tellabs.com/insight and check out“Another Step for <strong>Telstra</strong>’s Next IPRollout” in the Q3 2011 Insight.) Thatrelationship continues with the MSE Gen2 program and the <strong>Tellabs</strong> SmartCore 9200 series rollout.“By working closely with <strong>Tellabs</strong> Global Services, we can getthe most out of the platform,” Wright said. “We benefit fromhaving their experts working with us.”A team of <strong>Tellabs</strong> Global Services personnel is focused100% on <strong>Telstra</strong> and even have desks located in <strong>Telstra</strong>offices. This close collaboration helps <strong>Tellabs</strong> in mapping outthe direction of future products, Wright said. By working closelywith <strong>Tellabs</strong> Global Services on an ongoing basis, Wright said<strong>Telstra</strong> has “direct input into where the partnership is going anda direct feed into the product area at <strong>Tellabs</strong>.” •3G: Third GenerationASIC: Application-SpecificIntegrated CircuitATM: AsynchronousTransfer ModeCPU: Central Processing UnitDSL: Digital Subscriber LineIP: Internet ProtocolLTE: Long-Term EvolutionMPLS: MultiprotocolLabel SwitchingOA&M: Operations, Administrationand MaintenanceRAM: Random Access MemoryTDM: Time Division Multiplexing10 | <strong>Tellabs</strong> Insight Q4 subscribe to Insight: www.tellabs.com/insight

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