March 13, 2012 - Town of Innisfil

March 13, 2012 - Town of Innisfil

March 13, 2012 - Town of Innisfil


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TOWN OF INNISFILINNISFIL ACCESSIBILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEEREPORT 03-12MARCH <strong>13</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>TOWN HALL COMMUNITY ROOM ‘A’ – 1:00 P.M.Present: Chair Margaretta Papp-BelaynehVice ChairJoe WinsonMemberKim BosMemberPaul BakerAssistant ClerkKim CreamerGuests: <strong>Innisfil</strong> in Transition Bonnie CollacuttPast Farmers Market Coor. Mike RichardsRegrets: Member Shelley ZeleniakMemberRobert DaviesCouncillorRod BoyntonMgr. Parks, Recreation &FacilitiesSid Armatage1. CALL TO ORDERThe meeting was called to order at 1:10 p.m.2. APPROVAL OF AGENDA(2.1) Approval <strong>of</strong> the Agenda for <strong>March</strong> <strong>13</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>.Moved By:Seconded By:P. BakerJ. WinsonThat the agenda for <strong>March</strong> <strong>13</strong>, <strong>2012</strong> be approved asprinted with the addition <strong>of</strong> Item 7.8, being an article ondisable parking in Toronto.

<strong>Innisfil</strong> Accessibility Advisory Committee <strong>March</strong> <strong>13</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>Report No. 03-12 Page 2 <strong>of</strong> 83. DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST[None presented.]4. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING(4.1) IAAC Report No. 02-12, dated February 14, <strong>2012</strong>.Moved By:Seconded By:P. BakerJ. WinsonThe <strong>Innisfil</strong> Accessibility Advisory Committee ReportNo. 02-12, dated February 14, <strong>2012</strong> be accepted asprinted and forwarded to Council for approval.(4.2) Business Arising from the Minutes:The Committee read the minutes and provided comments. Advised that Item 6.3, being the SCAN Survey wascompleted and emailed February 16, <strong>2012</strong>.5. PRESENTATIONS AND DELEGATIONS(5.1) Ms. Bonnie Collacutt <strong>of</strong> <strong>Innisfil</strong> in Transition, regardingcommunity gardens.Ms. Collacutt advised <strong>Innisfil</strong> in Transition is a communitydriveninitiative to secure a better quality <strong>of</strong> life forourselves and future generations in a world confronted byincreasingly costly energy, climate chaos and economicinstability. Their efforts are both inspired and modeled afterthe Transition <strong>Town</strong>s Initiative, (www.transitiontowns.org)that arose as a response to these challenges. Their goal isto tackle these issues at the local level by focusing onbuilding community resilience and drastically reducingcarbon emissions.[Item 5.1 continued on next page]

<strong>Innisfil</strong> Accessibility Advisory Committee <strong>March</strong> <strong>13</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>Report No. 03-12 Page 3 <strong>of</strong> 8[Item 5.1 continued on previous page]Ms. Collacutt is very interested in community gardeningand has created her own accessible gardens toaccommodate her disability. <strong>Innisfil</strong> in Transition would beinterested in supporting and working with the AccessibilityCommittee in moving forward in creating community andaccessible gardens in <strong>Innisfil</strong>.Ms. Collacutt provided pictures and information on sampleraised garden planters and community gardens that canalso be used by people in wheelchairs and advised <strong>Innisfil</strong>in Transition may have financial support if this type <strong>of</strong>project is possible in <strong>Innisfil</strong>.The Committee thanked Ms. Collacutt and Mr. Richards fortheir presentation.Moved By:Seconded By:J. WinsonK. BosThat the delegation by Ms. Collacutt <strong>of</strong> <strong>Innisfil</strong> InTransition regarding community gardens be received;andThat the Committee continue to work with <strong>Innisfil</strong> inTransition regarding the creation <strong>of</strong> accessiblecommunity gardens in <strong>Innisfil</strong>.6. NEW & UNFINISHED BUSINESS(6.1) Draft <strong>Innisfil</strong> Recreational Complex re-audit summary <strong>of</strong>identified barriers. [Attached as Appendix ‘A’]Moved By:Seconded By:K. BosJ. WinsonThat the draft re-audit summary <strong>of</strong> identified barriers <strong>of</strong>the <strong>Innisfil</strong> Recreational Complex held on February 14,<strong>2012</strong> be received and updated as per the Committee’scomments; and[Item 6.1 continued on next page]

<strong>Innisfil</strong> Accessibility Advisory Committee <strong>March</strong> <strong>13</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>Report No. 03-12 Page 4 <strong>of</strong> 8[Item 6.1 continued on previous page]That the identified barriers be forwarded to theManager <strong>of</strong> Parks, Recreation & Facilities for reply byJune 15, <strong>2012</strong> and included in the AnnualAccessibilities Plan.(6.2) Articles from the <strong>Innisfil</strong> Scope re: Stroud ArenaImprovements.Moved By:Seconded By:J. WinsonP. BakerThat the articles from the <strong>Innisfil</strong> Scope dated February1 st and 15 th , <strong>2012</strong> be received and comments from theManager <strong>of</strong> Parks, Recreation & Facilities regarding theadditional improvements to the Stroud Arena beincorporated into the Annual Accessibility Plan.(6.3) Senior Achievement Award Nominations.Moved By:Seconded By:J. WinsonK. BosThat the <strong>Innisfil</strong> Accessibility Committee consider anominee for the <strong>2012</strong> Senior Achievement Award andpresent their names at the next AccessibilityCommittee meeting on April 10, <strong>2012</strong>.(6.4) “Charting a Path Forward” - document prepared by CharlesBeer, Independent Reviewer <strong>of</strong> the Accessibility forOntarians with Disabilities Act, (AODA) 2005. DatedFebruary, 2010. [copy available at www.innisfil.ca]Mr. Winson provided the Committee a brief summary andnoted this is one man’s perspective <strong>of</strong> what theAccessibilities for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA)should look like in a perfect world.[Item 6.4 continued on next page]

<strong>Innisfil</strong> Accessibility Advisory Committee <strong>March</strong> <strong>13</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>Report No. 03-12 Page 5 <strong>of</strong> 8[Item 6.4 continued on previous page]These comments were done prior to any <strong>of</strong> the currentstandards that are in place. It refers to the historical andlegal background <strong>of</strong> the AODA and presents a detailedsummary <strong>of</strong> extensive feedback from over 200organizations and individuals.Mr. Beer’s feels the government is not meeting thecommitment <strong>of</strong> the 2025 goals for implementing the Actand is concerned that if the Ontarians with Disabilities Act(ODA) and AODA are merged together all <strong>of</strong> the ODA maynot be included within the AODA. There is also concernsabout costing and the possible conflict between the HumanRights Code and the AODA.The Chair advised Mr. Beer’s states there is a lack <strong>of</strong>compliance and enforcement mechanisms with credibleand comprehensive costs/benefit analysis to assess theseparate impact <strong>of</strong> the standards. Need to build expertiseon accessible standards and conduct five year reviews sothat feedback can be provided to the Ministry.It will require concerted effort by the Government andCommittee’s to make this Act a success.Moved By:Seconded By:P. BakerK. BosThat the document entitled “Charting a Path Forward”,prepared by Charles Beer, Independent Reviewer <strong>of</strong>the AODA be received as information.(6.5) Update by the Chair: Barrie Accessibility Advisory Committee Discussed hosting a seminar on AccessibleHousing

<strong>Innisfil</strong> Accessibility Advisory Committee <strong>March</strong> <strong>13</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>Report No. 03-12 Page 6 <strong>of</strong> 87. FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES(7.1) Site Plan Comments – Update by Joe Winson 3555 <strong>Innisfil</strong> Beach Road – North Half Lot 6, Conc. 7– <strong>Innisfil</strong> Beach Road Development Limited (SmartCentres)(7.2) Copy <strong>of</strong> letter dated <strong>March</strong> 6, <strong>2012</strong> sent to Pet CountryEstates, re: Fundraising Efforts for Annual Paws for aCause/Family Day.(7.3) Copy <strong>of</strong> letter addressed to Mgr. <strong>of</strong> Parks, Recreations &Facilities and Clerk Services from Margaretta Papp-Belayneh, dated February 23, 2102, re: comments on <strong>of</strong>fleash dog park and service dogs. [referred to Info. List 07-12 – April 4/12](7.4) Copy <strong>of</strong> letter addressed to Warden Patterson regardingVisioning Day - Food & Agricultural.(7.5) Serve-Ability Training. A program that gives information onthe AODA legislation, resources, suggestions and goodpractices on providing accessible customer service.Deadline to complete <strong>March</strong> 31, <strong>2012</strong>.(7.6) <strong>2012</strong> Farmland Preservation Forum Proceedings <strong>of</strong>February 17/12.(7.7) Upcoming dates to remember for <strong>2012</strong>: <strong>March</strong> 11 th -17 th – Glaucoma Awareness Week May 28 th – National Access Awareness Week June 8 th -10 th – Summerfest – possible WheelchairObstacle Course June 16 th Gilda’s Car Rally. www.gildasclub.org

<strong>Innisfil</strong> Accessibility Advisory Committee <strong>March</strong> <strong>13</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>Report No. 03-12 Page 7 <strong>of</strong> 8 June 23 rd - Family Fun Day. September 15 th – Celtic Days September 19 th – Annual Accessibility Planpresentation to Council(7.8) The Sunday Sun dated February 19, <strong>2012</strong>, re: “poorlymarked handicapped parking spots are a major revenuegenerator for the city <strong>of</strong> Toronto”. Parking fines are $450.00each. Over a three year period, the city has collectedalmost $4 million from handicapped parking violations.Moved By:Seconded By:K. BosJ. WinsonThat Item 7.1 to and including Item 7.8 be received asinformation.8. NEXT MEETINGS<strong>2012</strong> Meeting Schedule - All meetings start at 1:00 p.m.April 10 th - Meeting Room #4May 8 th- Community Room A & BJune 12 th - Meeting Room #4July- no meetingAugust 14 th - Community Room A & BSeptember 11 th - Meeting Room #4 – including power pointpracticeSeptember 19 th - Attend Council 7:15 p.m. to present Annual PlanOctober 9 th - Meeting Room #4November <strong>13</strong> th - Meeting Room #4December 11 th - Community Room A & B

<strong>Innisfil</strong> Accessibility Advisory Committee <strong>March</strong> <strong>13</strong>, <strong>2012</strong>Report No. 03-12 Page 8 <strong>of</strong> 820<strong>13</strong> Meeting Schedule – Community Rooms A & B- all meetings start at 1:00 p.m.January 8 th<strong>March</strong> 12 thMay 14 thJuly – no meetingSeptember 10 thNovember 12 thFebruary 12 thApril 9 thJune 11 thAugust <strong>13</strong> thOctober 8 thDecember 10th9. ADJOURNMENTThe meeting adjourned at 3:07 p.m.

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