X3:Reunion Manual - Steam

X3:Reunion Manual - Steam X3:Reunion Manual - Steam

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Soja HuskSoja husk is the dried and processed form of the Soja bean. It is the number one food in theParanid territory. It can be mixed with many different indigenous things to produce a widevariety of flavours. Soja husk are produced in space factories called SoyeriesStott SpicesStott Spices also known as Boron spices are highly regarded by all races in the knownuniverse. They are used to mix with many different basic foodstuffs to provide tastier foodswith more exotic flavouring and different flavours and tastes. They are traded in containersknown as Stott Jagos. It is not known to outsiders how the chefs working inside Space Stottmixeries archive those delicate products out of just Boron Plankton and only few otheringredients.Super Slave ChipsSlave chips are neural implants used to allow pilots of spacecraft to have direct control overhis or her ship. The Super Slave has better range using the same hub technology, improvedperception, longer use and most importantly a built-in failsafe device.Sunrise FlowersTeladi sunrise flowers are large plants with blue leaves and stems and large white flowersthat originally grew in the vast open swamplands found on the Teladi home planet. SunriseFlowers are grown on Flower Farms nowadays because of the superior light and gravityconditions in space. These flowers provide the Teladi with a number of different resources.The stems and leaves are used as vegetable matter and provide the Teladi with their basicfoodstuff. The flower heads of these plants are gathered and pressed to produce a crude oil,which is used for cooking and for heating purposes.Swamp PlantThe Teladi Swamp plant is a small moss like plant that when dried and processed acts like anarcotic known as Spaceweed. Swamp Plants are grown on small space installations theTeladi call Dream Farms. Swamp Plants are also used as the resource for Nostrop and otherTeladi food products.TeladianiumTeladi mud is a very fine silty type of sediment found at the bottom of rivers and swamps onthe Teladi planet. This mud when dried out becomes a hard mineral called Teladianium. Thismineral later can be mixed with certain chemicals, processed and can even be added tosynthetic plastics to create a tough flexible material stronger than hardened steel but muchlighter. In space Teladianium is produced in chemical plants called Teladianium Foundries.Teladianium is used throughout the X universe by many races in the construction of buildingsand the interior structures of spaceships and space stations.Teladianium PanellingTeladianium panelling as produced in rolling mills at shipyards and when added to a ship'shull provides extra protection from space borne particles.Very Important PassengersVery special passengers who have very special requirements when travelling. They usuallyhave several security guards and travel with a large amount of luggage.85WarheadsWarheads are needed in the production process of missiles. Most technical details about theinternals of warheads are kept secret.WaterWater is transported in large gas-free containers all over the universe. Many sectors have fewnatural sources of water and have to import their water requirements for drinking andcleaning. In these sectors the water supply is the most important commodity.

Weapon Interface ChipsMore commonly known as WICs, these weapon interface chips are used in large laser-basedweapons. They are an interface between the ships computer and weapon, designed to helpregulate the energy flow and to prevent illegal modification. Weapons cannot operate withoutthese chips."And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." Friedrich Nietzsche86

Soja HuskSoja husk is the dried and processed form of the Soja bean. It is the number one food in theParanid territory. It can be mixed with many different indigenous things to produce a widevariety of flavours. Soja husk are produced in space factories called SoyeriesStott SpicesStott Spices also known as Boron spices are highly regarded by all races in the knownuniverse. They are used to mix with many different basic foodstuffs to provide tastier foodswith more exotic flavouring and different flavours and tastes. They are traded in containersknown as Stott Jagos. It is not known to outsiders how the chefs working inside Space Stottmixeries archive those delicate products out of just Boron Plankton and only few otheringredients.Super Slave ChipsSlave chips are neural implants used to allow pilots of spacecraft to have direct control overhis or her ship. The Super Slave has better range using the same hub technology, improvedperception, longer use and most importantly a built-in failsafe device.Sunrise FlowersTeladi sunrise flowers are large plants with blue leaves and stems and large white flowersthat originally grew in the vast open swamplands found on the Teladi home planet. SunriseFlowers are grown on Flower Farms nowadays because of the superior light and gravityconditions in space. These flowers provide the Teladi with a number of different resources.The stems and leaves are used as vegetable matter and provide the Teladi with their basicfoodstuff. The flower heads of these plants are gathered and pressed to produce a crude oil,which is used for cooking and for heating purposes.Swamp PlantThe Teladi Swamp plant is a small moss like plant that when dried and processed acts like anarcotic known as Spaceweed. Swamp Plants are grown on small space installations theTeladi call Dream Farms. Swamp Plants are also used as the resource for Nostrop and otherTeladi food products.TeladianiumTeladi mud is a very fine silty type of sediment found at the bottom of rivers and swamps onthe Teladi planet. This mud when dried out becomes a hard mineral called Teladianium. Thismineral later can be mixed with certain chemicals, processed and can even be added tosynthetic plastics to create a tough flexible material stronger than hardened steel but muchlighter. In space Teladianium is produced in chemical plants called Teladianium Foundries.Teladianium is used throughout the X universe by many races in the construction of buildingsand the interior structures of spaceships and space stations.Teladianium PanellingTeladianium panelling as produced in rolling mills at shipyards and when added to a ship'shull provides extra protection from space borne particles.Very Important PassengersVery special passengers who have very special requirements when travelling. They usuallyhave several security guards and travel with a large amount of luggage.85WarheadsWarheads are needed in the production process of missiles. Most technical details about theinternals of warheads are kept secret.WaterWater is transported in large gas-free containers all over the universe. Many sectors have fewnatural sources of water and have to import their water requirements for drinking andcleaning. In these sectors the water supply is the most important commodity.

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