X3:Reunion Manual - Steam

X3:Reunion Manual - Steam

X3:Reunion Manual - Steam

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The Teladi sectors can be good places to do some capping, because they are fairly wellvisited by pirates and the Seizewell Shipyard is nearby, where you can sell your captures. Becareful of any illegal ware in your cargo bay as the local police may not be pleased and if youhave a police licence they will take it off you and make you dump the cargo.Debris and CargoAnother good thing is to have nearby a Hauler Transporter equipped with a Jumpdrive,Energy and ‘Special Command’ software, so you can give it the command to collect thefloating cargo from ships you have destroyed. Over time you can obtain a large amount ofmissiles and resources that will provide not only more Credits but also a better tradingreputation.If you are picking up the crates yourself there is a very quick way to do this. If you have theSpecial Command Software fitted, command your ship to collect all wares in the sector andthen press SETA. This will make the process quicker and safer.As mentioned earlier, even if fighting is not your main activity, it will be hard to avoid pullingthat trigger. Others will have their greedy eyes on your freight, ships and factories, so the fightwill come to you.The fighter class ships are manufactured in four main classes, M3, M4, M5 and M6. Theseships are the ones most frequently used by pilots who wish to remain alive. When it comes tocombat, practice makes perfect and never be afraid to run. “It’s better to talk about yourescape than to have others talk about your death.”Combat is about reflexes, the reading of the enemy and most of all - knowledge. If you attacka ship that has ten times the shielding and twenty times the firepower, you are likely to lose.Not always, but very often.Five small ships can easily overcome one single ship with five times their force if they do itcorrectly. The reverse is also very true. The main decision to be made if you are attacked iswhether to defend yourself or run!A quick decision is usually required and for this you need to know your adversary well. Canyou outrun them? What shields and hull strength are you up against? What weapons do theyhave? Do they have missiles and if so, what kind?Fighter Class ShipsClass M3 - Boron BarracudaHeavy fighter. Normally onlydeployed by the military or the largercorporations these ships pack apowerful punch with impressiveshielding, lasers and missile capability.An M3 is a deadly foe in any of itsguises and deserves respect.57During any combat, you run the risk ofdamaging any items on your ship,including the hull, shields, weaponsand upgrades. These are not free andyou will have to dig deep into yourfunds to replace and repair them. Addthe fact that some items can bedifficult to obtain and you’ll see why wealthy pilots have an old habit of buying more than theyneed of a particular item when they come across it.

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