X3:Reunion Manual - Steam

X3:Reunion Manual - Steam X3:Reunion Manual - Steam

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Basic materials:High tech commodities:Weaponry and shields:BoronHeavy government regulation with a risk-averse culture.Average: Solar Power Plant and mine costs.Average: with some specialities.Capital-class: Argon are not very good at producing the lowertechnology weaponry, instead preferring the construction ofthe larger, more involved, capital-class weapons.Boron have a low price variation in bio and food, therefore tech factories will have tightermargins on profit and performance. Trading profit, though safer, is lower in Boron space. Thisprovides a steady and low-risk market. The Boron are not good diggers so their mines tendto be expensive, but they have great energy technology.Factory PricesBasic materials:High tech commodities:Weaponry and shields:Excellent defensive and non-combat technology.Average: Cheap Solar Power Plants but expensive MinesExcellent: Boron specialise in non-aggressive higher techitems like crystals, microchips and computer components.Shield mastery: Boron excel at shield technology (and theion disruptors to neutralise them). They also pioneered thetechnology for the defensive Flak Artillery Array weapons butare poor at most other offensive weaponry and rockets.ParanidSlight regulation by the Priest Emperor but a generally well-run economy.Average price variation in bio and food. Tech factories will have average margins on profitand performance.Factory PricesBasic materials:High tech commodities:Paranid excel in what they can keep to themselves.Poor: Above average price Solar Power Plants and Mines(Paranid prefer lesser beings to handle trivial commodities)Average: Paranid are not very good at some of the morecommon items (excepting the warheads to go into theirmissile complexes), but they excel at some of the technologythat others do not produce, like Advanced Satellites.Weaponry and shields:Secretive: Technologies that were developed by the Paranid,like PACs, PSGs, and many rockets, are very cheap for theParanid, and very expensive for other races, due to the lackof free-flowing information.SplitLittle government intervention in the economy.Average price variation in bio and food. Tech factories will have average margins on profitand performance.47Factory PricesBasic materials:High tech commodities:Weaponry and shields:TeladiThe ultimate trader’s marketplace, where anything goes.Research feeds the war machine.Fair: Expensive Solar Power Plants, but cheaper Mines, dueto the use of forced labor.Low: Split do not use much non-combat technology.Excellent: The Split are generally poor at missileconstruction, preferring to get up close and personal. Theyare above average in shield construction, but however excelat producing most forms of lasers.Extremely high price variation in bio and food. Tech factories will have a very wide range onmargins and profitability. It’s extremely easy to make money in Teladi sectors, but just as

easy to lose it. The Teladi are not very inventive, tending to borrow tech from other races,but are excellent in exploiting what they get, and are the masters of producing and tradingall base commodities.Factory PricesBasic materials:High tech commodities:Weaponry and shields:Teladi squeeze the last drop out of common items.Excellent: Cheaper than average Solar Plants and Mines.Good: Again, the Teladi are above average in many types ofcommon technical commodities.Budget gurus: The Teladi excel in manufacturing lowerpriced, "lower tech technology" that has been around forever.They don’t really do cutting edge technology."No profit grows where there is no pleasure taken." - William ShakespeareBuild and Trade GuidanceWe have been able to offer a rare chance to gain some experience of the best factory andsystem traders at the annual convention and lectures of the Guild of System Merchants.The first of these are extracts from the questions asked of the famous Argon Tidi Onetree,who has defined the current understanding of energy on his famed guide for Solar PowerProfits. After his lengthy and very interesting lecture, he opened the floor to questions.FactoriesQ: Factories; are they expensive?A: The price varies greatly, dependent upon the technology level of that factory, e.g. Foodfactories are much cheaper than Laser Tower factories. Remember also that the price of afactory may vary between races, even if it is of the same type. Stations become more andmore expensive for the same amount as you 'climb higher up the tech ladder'.Q: Can I place my own factories anywhere?A: Just about, yes. A few words of advice though before you place a factory. There is no pointin placing a factory producing goods in an area where there is an over-supply already of thosegoods as you are immediately against the competition (unless this is what you intended ofcourse). Conversely, there is no gain to be made in positioning your factory in an area thatdoes not require what you sell.The stations and complexes in the systems you visit will be relatively close to each other.There is nothing stopping you placing your factories anywhere in a sector. Please bear inmind that your ships need to fetch resources and your customers need to travel to you.48Q: So I purchased and deployed my own factory and I’m on my way to “Mogul” status.But my factory isn’t making any money and it flashes yellow in the system map. Help?A: The yellow flashing is warning you that the factory in question is in need of some attentionand is probably too low in resources or Credits to make its product. It does not specify whatthe problem is; only that something is stopping the factory from operating (note: your propertywill flash red when under attack).This could be a lack of resources, a lack of Credits to purchase resources, a lack of ships togo and fetch/purchase the resources or a combination of any coupled with the fact that thesettings you have applied to the factory are stopping it from working correctly, for examplehow many systems in which you will allow the ships to go searching for resources.Q: I have transport ships and Credits. How do I get my factory to get what it needs?A: Firstly, transfer Credits to the factory from your account. Every factory requires workingcapital to buy its resources. You must then assign your transport ship(s) to that factory. This isknown as their “homebase”. Once you have assigned a ship its homebase, a whole set ofnew command options will become available.

Basic materials:High tech commodities:Weaponry and shields:BoronHeavy government regulation with a risk-averse culture.Average: Solar Power Plant and mine costs.Average: with some specialities.Capital-class: Argon are not very good at producing the lowertechnology weaponry, instead preferring the construction ofthe larger, more involved, capital-class weapons.Boron have a low price variation in bio and food, therefore tech factories will have tightermargins on profit and performance. Trading profit, though safer, is lower in Boron space. Thisprovides a steady and low-risk market. The Boron are not good diggers so their mines tendto be expensive, but they have great energy technology.Factory PricesBasic materials:High tech commodities:Weaponry and shields:Excellent defensive and non-combat technology.Average: Cheap Solar Power Plants but expensive MinesExcellent: Boron specialise in non-aggressive higher techitems like crystals, microchips and computer components.Shield mastery: Boron excel at shield technology (and theion disruptors to neutralise them). They also pioneered thetechnology for the defensive Flak Artillery Array weapons butare poor at most other offensive weaponry and rockets.ParanidSlight regulation by the Priest Emperor but a generally well-run economy.Average price variation in bio and food. Tech factories will have average margins on profitand performance.Factory PricesBasic materials:High tech commodities:Paranid excel in what they can keep to themselves.Poor: Above average price Solar Power Plants and Mines(Paranid prefer lesser beings to handle trivial commodities)Average: Paranid are not very good at some of the morecommon items (excepting the warheads to go into theirmissile complexes), but they excel at some of the technologythat others do not produce, like Advanced Satellites.Weaponry and shields:Secretive: Technologies that were developed by the Paranid,like PACs, PSGs, and many rockets, are very cheap for theParanid, and very expensive for other races, due to the lackof free-flowing information.SplitLittle government intervention in the economy.Average price variation in bio and food. Tech factories will have average margins on profitand performance.47Factory PricesBasic materials:High tech commodities:Weaponry and shields:TeladiThe ultimate trader’s marketplace, where anything goes.Research feeds the war machine.Fair: Expensive Solar Power Plants, but cheaper Mines, dueto the use of forced labor.Low: Split do not use much non-combat technology.Excellent: The Split are generally poor at missileconstruction, preferring to get up close and personal. Theyare above average in shield construction, but however excelat producing most forms of lasers.Extremely high price variation in bio and food. Tech factories will have a very wide range onmargins and profitability. It’s extremely easy to make money in Teladi sectors, but just as

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