X3:Reunion Manual - Steam

X3:Reunion Manual - Steam X3:Reunion Manual - Steam

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HOW TO START TRADINGTrading is one of the most important features in the X Universe and essentially there are twodifferent levels to it. The first level is the easiest and most straightforward, that is buying,transporting and then selling goods at the various stations (at a profit of course!). The nextlevel is buying and managing your own factories, keeping them supplied with their requiredresources and then selling the finished product to other stations which need it. You may alsodecide to command other ships in your fleet to go out and trade automatically for you. Fornow though, we will stick with basic trading.The key to good profit margins is understanding stock levels; the higher the stock a factoryhas, the cheaper the selling price is, so these are the factories where you should buy. Thebest places to sell this cheaper stock is to factories with low stocks, as their buying prices willbe higher than others. Factories selling or buying with average stocks will only provideaverage profits. The Best Buy and Sell upgrades are essential for trading as they provide avery quick way of finding the cheapest items to buy and the best place to sell them in asector. They can be purchased at Teladi Equipment Docks.A beginner’s guide to a trading runYou will soon find that there are ships better suited thanothers to trading. Some ships cannot trade certain goodsdue to the size of the cargo. You can discover these, butfor now we’ll just concentrate on how to trade. We’regoing to buy some Energy Cells from a Solar PowerPlant in The Wall and sell them to the WeaponComponent Factory Alpha in Argon Prime. Once dockedat our chosen Solar Power Plant, the price of the EnergyCells will be revealed to us. We have selected The Wallas it is normally easy to find a well-stocked station filledwith Energy Cells.You will soon learn to recognise a specific station fromits appearance, and also how it is depicted on yourRadar (Solar Power Plants have unique symbols). Youmay also find it useful to look for the station logosadvertising their wares.Your ship’s computer will tell you once you’ve targetedand locked on to a Solar Power Plant – you now need todock there. Once docked, you can select Station, Tradeto trade with the station. This will reveal the trade screen as right:You will now be able to see the status of the factory, in terms of how much stock it holds, theselling price, how many units of resources it has, and the buying price of these resources.Without giving too much away, as a guide a good price for purchasing Energy Cells is 12 – 16Credits per unit. To buy the product, highlight it and then you have several options to tell thecomputer how much you want to buy:35All the Trade menus can be controlled with M.O.U.S.E cursor or you can use the standardData Input Interface.1. Enter the number of units and hit Right Cursor and Return. If you have sufficient Credits,the cargo is bought and transferred to your cargo hold.2. Press End and then Return. If you have sufficient Credits, and the station has enough ofthat product, this will fill up your cargo hold to the maximum available.3. Use the Left and Right Cursor keys to increase or decrease the amount required and thenhit Return once you have decided.

You might notice that after you have made your purchase the selling price for the Energyincreases because the factory now has less to sell.On each option you will be able to see how your Credits are affected. If you refer back to theprevious picture, you will see how many Credits we haveat the start.NOTE: It is important to remember that you can only buyproducts and not resources in any factory. Similarly, youcan only sell resources and not products to any factory.Now, after our transaction of buying 2970 units ofEnergy Cells, the screen will change to reflect thepurchase. You can also see from the status bar near thebottom that there is no longer any space left in our cargobay. So we need to sell the Energy Cells as soon aspossible and make some money on our trade. You willremember that we had planned to sell this cargo in theWeapon Component Factory Alpha in Argon Prime. Thisnow is a key part of trading. On one hand, you may spota trade opportunity and act accordingly to fill the need(you have to be quick though – someone else might getthere first!). On the other hand, you may simply spot agreat buying opportunity at a price that is too good to resist, and then start looking around forsomewhere to sell your goods afterwards.Arriving at the Weapon Component Factory Alpha, we again enter the Trade Menu, but thistime we wish to sell our goods instead of buy. Again, the commands to sell the goods are verysimilar to those used to buy:1. Enter the number of units using the Left Cursor and then hit the Return key. The cargo issold and transferred from your cargo hold. The Credits are transferred to your account.2. Press Home and then Return. This will transfer all (if the factory is able to accept thatamount) of your cargo of that ware. The Credits are transferred to your account.3. Alternatively, use the Left and Right Cursor Keys to increase or decrease the amount youwish to sell, and then hit Return once you have decided. The Credits will be transferred toyour account.The picture (right), after our trade, shows our newaccount balance of 148,790 Credits. We bought 2970units of Energy Cells at 12 Credits and then sold themall for 19 Credits. That short trade run gave us a profit of20,790 Credits and we only started with 128,000!36Larger, dedicated transport ships can carry far more andalso more varieties of cargo so you may find that hugeprofits can be made once you can afford one of theseships.Example of a One Million Credit Trading runThe Quick Start is a well-equipped start level with100,000 Credits that provides a good start to trading. Asthis is a trading run, we will move some equipment fromthe Argon Buster to your Argon Mercury Transporter.Dock at the Equipment Dock and from the menu select[Station], [Ship], [Freight Exchange] to transfer the BestBuy Locator, Best selling price locator, Boost extension, Triplex Scanner and NavigationCommand Software into the Mercury, then change ships with the menu [Personal] [ChangeShips].

HOW TO START TRADINGTrading is one of the most important features in the X Universe and essentially there are twodifferent levels to it. The first level is the easiest and most straightforward, that is buying,transporting and then selling goods at the various stations (at a profit of course!). The nextlevel is buying and managing your own factories, keeping them supplied with their requiredresources and then selling the finished product to other stations which need it. You may alsodecide to command other ships in your fleet to go out and trade automatically for you. Fornow though, we will stick with basic trading.The key to good profit margins is understanding stock levels; the higher the stock a factoryhas, the cheaper the selling price is, so these are the factories where you should buy. Thebest places to sell this cheaper stock is to factories with low stocks, as their buying prices willbe higher than others. Factories selling or buying with average stocks will only provideaverage profits. The Best Buy and Sell upgrades are essential for trading as they provide avery quick way of finding the cheapest items to buy and the best place to sell them in asector. They can be purchased at Teladi Equipment Docks.A beginner’s guide to a trading runYou will soon find that there are ships better suited thanothers to trading. Some ships cannot trade certain goodsdue to the size of the cargo. You can discover these, butfor now we’ll just concentrate on how to trade. We’regoing to buy some Energy Cells from a Solar PowerPlant in The Wall and sell them to the WeaponComponent Factory Alpha in Argon Prime. Once dockedat our chosen Solar Power Plant, the price of the EnergyCells will be revealed to us. We have selected The Wallas it is normally easy to find a well-stocked station filledwith Energy Cells.You will soon learn to recognise a specific station fromits appearance, and also how it is depicted on yourRadar (Solar Power Plants have unique symbols). Youmay also find it useful to look for the station logosadvertising their wares.Your ship’s computer will tell you once you’ve targetedand locked on to a Solar Power Plant – you now need todock there. Once docked, you can select Station, Tradeto trade with the station. This will reveal the trade screen as right:You will now be able to see the status of the factory, in terms of how much stock it holds, theselling price, how many units of resources it has, and the buying price of these resources.Without giving too much away, as a guide a good price for purchasing Energy Cells is 12 – 16Credits per unit. To buy the product, highlight it and then you have several options to tell thecomputer how much you want to buy:35All the Trade menus can be controlled with M.O.U.S.E cursor or you can use the standardData Input Interface.1. Enter the number of units and hit Right Cursor and Return. If you have sufficient Credits,the cargo is bought and transferred to your cargo hold.2. Press End and then Return. If you have sufficient Credits, and the station has enough ofthat product, this will fill up your cargo hold to the maximum available.3. Use the Left and Right Cursor keys to increase or decrease the amount required and thenhit Return once you have decided.

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