X3:Reunion Manual - Steam

X3:Reunion Manual - Steam X3:Reunion Manual - Steam

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HOW TO TRAVEL TO DIFFERENT SECTORSThere are two very important functions of your ships systems that you will not be able to gettoo far without. These are the Sector map and the Universe map accessed by the comma [ , ]and full stop (period) [ . ] keys respectively or the Quick Menu by selecting [ Navigation ]. Thedisplays are overlaid onto your main view and you are advised to keep your eyes focused onyour trajectory. Some pilots find it beneficial to stop their engines while accessing thenavigation aids or indeed they do this from the comfort and security of docking clamps at alarger ship or station, so avoiding collisions while otherwise distracted.The sector map is divided into two main sections. The left part is the real time “top down” viewof the sector and is always orientated in the same direction. I.e. The North is top and theSouth is bottom.Navigation and travelling across big sectors31The Universe is big, and can be very big in some sectors. To give scale to the size of some ofthese, the above pictures show the scanning range of a Triplex scanner in two different sizedsectors. The screen on the left has two ships in an unknown sector, the left one has noscanner and the right one has a Triplex scanner. The picture on the right is the same ship,with the same Triplex scanner in Argon Prime. You can get Duplex scanners from most of the

aces but you will have to have a good reputation with the Boron or Paranid to get Triplexscanners.How to Find Distant GatesTo complicate the navigation, many Gates are not positioned in exact North, East, West andSouth (NEWS) locations and can also be positioned well outside the sector grid, with as muchas 200 km or more between them. Additionally some sectors have dust and nebula fog thatmake many objects and factories almost invisible until you are almost on top of them.Most but not all gates, where the opposing gate is also well outside the sector range, can benavigated by continuing in the same direction as you entered the sector.If you detect ships in your scanner range, you will sometimes see long lines of ships, whichseem to be coming from far out of the sector. Heading in the direction they are coming fromwill reveal the gate that they entered the sector by.Alternatively in some very large sectors where gates are in difficult to find locations, you canfind Navigation Beacons that you can follow to find the main ship traffic lane.The complications of navigation in large sectors has resulted in some abandoned ships andcargo drifting well outside the normal traffic lanes and never being recovered or discovered, iffound these can then be claimed.Object MenusThe right hand side of the sector display has “ALL”, “STATIONS” and “SHIPS”. “ALL” showsboth stations and ships. A busy sector can contain hundreds of objects so the “STATIONS”and “SHIPS” tabs can be filtered respectively.From any menu you can highlight the object and select it. This will open that object’sproperties screens, from which all further options will become available, these are dependenton the object type and ownership. All your owned objects appear in green in the sector mapsand menus and the shield strength of owned property is updated dynamically.Universe Map -This is a visual impression of all thesystems in the Universe that you havevisited so far. Like the system display,the Universe map is updatedautomatically for all areas you havevisited so far or have Satellites in.32You can use the arrow keys to move themap view from system to system orpress the first letter of a system name tojump straight there, repeat to go to thenext system that begins with the letter.Information and the history of theselected Sector is displayed on the right."The journey is the reward.” - Taoist Saying

HOW TO TRAVEL TO DIFFERENT SECTORSThere are two very important functions of your ships systems that you will not be able to gettoo far without. These are the Sector map and the Universe map accessed by the comma [ , ]and full stop (period) [ . ] keys respectively or the Quick Menu by selecting [ Navigation ]. Thedisplays are overlaid onto your main view and you are advised to keep your eyes focused onyour trajectory. Some pilots find it beneficial to stop their engines while accessing thenavigation aids or indeed they do this from the comfort and security of docking clamps at alarger ship or station, so avoiding collisions while otherwise distracted.The sector map is divided into two main sections. The left part is the real time “top down” viewof the sector and is always orientated in the same direction. I.e. The North is top and theSouth is bottom.Navigation and travelling across big sectors31The Universe is big, and can be very big in some sectors. To give scale to the size of some ofthese, the above pictures show the scanning range of a Triplex scanner in two different sizedsectors. The screen on the left has two ships in an unknown sector, the left one has noscanner and the right one has a Triplex scanner. The picture on the right is the same ship,with the same Triplex scanner in Argon Prime. You can get Duplex scanners from most of the

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