X3:Reunion Manual - Steam

X3:Reunion Manual - Steam X3:Reunion Manual - Steam

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MissilesJust below the icons for thelasers, is the missile icon. Itshows the installed missiles andeach missile can be clicked on thechange the active missiles.Turret ViewIf your ship has a turret, you can click on the icon below the missile, andanother icon will apear on the right, clicking on that will change your view to theturret weapon."I've seen things, you people wouldn't believe, hmmm.... attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.I've watched C Beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser Gate.All those moments, will be lost in time like tears in rain...""... time to die ...”From the album "Blade Runner" - Vangelis - Tears In RainHOW TO STARTThe next section has the basic details to help you chose which game start to use and to alsohelp you understand where you are, what the universe has out there and how to Trade, Fight,Build and Think in the X Universe.So when you start a new game, you will find yourself in a small ship flying in a huge universe,like a small boat floating in the middle of a vast ocean, you might be not sure about whichdirection to go or what to do next. Your goals may not be small either; your aims might eveninclude universal domination, a massive trading empire, be a hero to all, or to be all of thesethings and more.These are not small goals for such a basic starting position, but they are all very achievable,this universe was made for you and if you are up to the challenge, you can make it yours.Game Start OptionsThere are three main game start options, which also include the Story Plot. There are bonusgame starts, some of which are available immediately and others that can be unlocked byachieving various goals within the plot games. The different storyline plot start levels onlyaffect the equipment you start with; they do not affect the rest of the game play. The non-plotstarts not only change the ship and Credits you start with but also how friendly or hostile theuniverse is to you.The Quickstart is good for those who are starting out in the X universe for the first time andeven those who have played the previous versions as it has good ships that are wellequipped to get you off to a good and quicker start to greater riches.27The Normal game is a reasonable good start for those who are familiar with previous the Xgames and those new players who like not have it too easy as it gives you a basic start shipwith some challenge still left for you to achieve.Finally in the X-treme start, you are given the nearest thing to a spacesuit and a rucksack,and it is aimed at those who like to climb steep and very vertical mountains, but if you areaiming to end up with the X-treme ranks, it is good to start how you intend to carry on and itlooks good in your stats.

Quick Start 2 x Salvage insurance Quickstart Quickstart Normal X-tremeCredits 100,000 5000 450Ship Buster Mercury Buster BusterBeta Particle Accelerator Cannon 4x 2xBeta Impulse Ray Emitter2x5 MJ Shield 3x 2x 2x 1xFlight Command Software MK2 XFlight Command Software MK1 XTrade Command Software MK1 X XTriplex ScannerXDuplex ScannerXBoost Extension X X XBest Selling Price Locator X XBest Buys Locator X XSingularity Engine Time Accelerator X X X XVideo Enhancement Goggles X X XEngine Tuning 175.86-175.86 75-100 163.3-175.86 163.3-175.86Cargo Bay 108-108 3000-4000 108-108 23-108With any of the levels you start there are a few recommended upgrades that are helpful tohave installed, above what the ship is equipped with:Trading system extension, Navigation Command SoftwareIf you are starting Normal and X-treme modes the Best Buys and Best Selling upgrades arealso recommended for you to purchase and install.WHERE ARE YOU?You start in Argon Prime the main sector of the Argon race, there are four gates North, East,West and South (NEWS). This sector is in the middle of a number of Argon Sectors, whichextend to the borders of other races and their territories.Races and their sectors (What’s it like out there?)Argon - This is where you start (you are here) in the sector of Argon Prime, which isat the centre of their main territory. Argon sectors are fairly law abiding, well-policed andreasonably safe places to be. The Argon ships have a very industrial and functional lookabout them, reflecting the nature of the Argon. There is the odd pirate, but fairly active patrolships let them know they are not welcome. Argon sectors offer a fairly safe haven for you tostart your trading, and have nearby pirate sectors for you to develop your combat and shipcapturing skills without damaging your good reputation too much.28Boron - Sometimes referred to as the boring Boron, they are in fact a very peacefulunderwater race that are allied to the Argon. They are disliked very much by the Split, whoare their exact opposites. Boron ships have an organic feel and look to them, often lightlyshielded, average weapons but reasonably fast, and despite their good looks, are oftencheaper than similar classes of ships elsewhere. There are only a few pirates in these sectorsas like the Argon ones they are well patrolled, and pirates find them too mundane for theirtypes of business.Teladi -Traders by nature, profits and commerce drive their sectors’ interaction with all otherraces. Their sectors can be infested with pirates and as a result can be both profitable anddangerous places to deal in. Teladi ships are built with other-race technologies, and aredesigned with profits in mind, having larger than average cargo bays but good shields. Whereother races place restrictions on what ships and equipment they will sell you, the Teladisectors only apply this rule in a limited fashion. You can't directly raise your Teladi rank bykilling pirates, as the Teladi do business with them.Split - The Split sectors can be relatively safe places to trade. Although they are mildlytolerant of some illegal trades such as space flies and slaves, and hence have some minorpirate activity in their sectors, they are not too friendly to anyone, including pirates. Their ships

MissilesJust below the icons for thelasers, is the missile icon. Itshows the installed missiles andeach missile can be clicked on thechange the active missiles.Turret ViewIf your ship has a turret, you can click on the icon below the missile, andanother icon will apear on the right, clicking on that will change your view to theturret weapon."I've seen things, you people wouldn't believe, hmmm.... attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.I've watched C Beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser Gate.All those moments, will be lost in time like tears in rain...""... time to die ...”From the album "Blade Runner" - Vangelis - Tears In RainHOW TO STARTThe next section has the basic details to help you chose which game start to use and to alsohelp you understand where you are, what the universe has out there and how to Trade, Fight,Build and Think in the X Universe.So when you start a new game, you will find yourself in a small ship flying in a huge universe,like a small boat floating in the middle of a vast ocean, you might be not sure about whichdirection to go or what to do next. Your goals may not be small either; your aims might eveninclude universal domination, a massive trading empire, be a hero to all, or to be all of thesethings and more.These are not small goals for such a basic starting position, but they are all very achievable,this universe was made for you and if you are up to the challenge, you can make it yours.Game Start OptionsThere are three main game start options, which also include the Story Plot. There are bonusgame starts, some of which are available immediately and others that can be unlocked byachieving various goals within the plot games. The different storyline plot start levels onlyaffect the equipment you start with; they do not affect the rest of the game play. The non-plotstarts not only change the ship and Credits you start with but also how friendly or hostile theuniverse is to you.The Quickstart is good for those who are starting out in the X universe for the first time andeven those who have played the previous versions as it has good ships that are wellequipped to get you off to a good and quicker start to greater riches.27The Normal game is a reasonable good start for those who are familiar with previous the Xgames and those new players who like not have it too easy as it gives you a basic start shipwith some challenge still left for you to achieve.Finally in the X-treme start, you are given the nearest thing to a spacesuit and a rucksack,and it is aimed at those who like to climb steep and very vertical mountains, but if you areaiming to end up with the X-treme ranks, it is good to start how you intend to carry on and itlooks good in your stats.

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