fहndi - Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya

fहndi - Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya

fहndi - Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya


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valuable ornaments and clothes. His bodyis shining with the applique of sandal -paste. He reached the beautiful banks ofthe Jamuna. Perchance, he saw Radha therewhose beautiful eyes and forehead arebroad. She is wearing a blue upper-clotharound her waist and her long pig-tail isrolling over her back. She is very beautifuland the colour of her body is fair. Krishnafell in love with her at the first sight. Radhatoo saw Krishna for the first time. "Eyesmet eyes" "They exchanged glances". Thisfirst sight of Radha and Krishna paves theway for their future immortal love.Surdas has sketched the picture of themost pathetic condition of Radha who isthe most grief-stricken lady at the first sightof Krishna. There is a total change in herbehaviour. She no longer walks fast. Sheis not talkative as before. She startedblushing due to some thoughts which cometo her mind most frequently. There is akind of stringing vibration in her heart.She lost hunger. She lost the control overher senses. She laughs and cries at the sameperiod. Her hair bristle when she is admiredby her friends as the most loved one ofKrishna. She has fallen a prey to the feelingsof sex. Outwardly, she is calm andpossessed. But inwardly she is turbulentand uncontrolled.Radha is not able to sleep now. To her,except Krishna nothing else is beautiful.Her thoughts are concentrated on the planto meet her lover. She feels lonely. Thereis none to whom she can tell about hersorrow. Sur's Radha herself explains hercondition to one of her close friends —"Since I saw Krishna, my eyes have nosleep. The heart is always moving like awheel. To my eyes, nothing looks beautiful.My eyes plan several schemes to seeKrishna. All their thoughts are concentratedon this venue. The condition of othersenses is the same? (i.e.), My ears wantto hear the words of Krishna. My nosewants to smell the sweet smell of the basilgarland around his neck. My tongue wantsto sing about his virtuous qualities. Myskin wants to have a bodily touch of him.The love between Krishna and Radhais not a new one. It continues to exist fromseveral previous births. So they know eachother very well. Radha knows too wellabout the blemish on Krishna's Character.Krishna too knows very well that nothingof his could be hidden from the sight ofthe clever Radha.Radha in SeparationRadha's condition is worse in the absenceof Krishna. She gazes at the path ofKrishna with fixed eyes. She recollects thepast and cries bitterly. She writes the'patiyaas' (letters) and washes them withher tears. She has no hunger. Her sleepis lost. She has not washed those clotheswhich she used to wear in the companyof Krishna.Her hair are dry and confused, herbody is pale and withered. Here eyes havelost their glow. God gave her a lot of pain.A milkmaid explains her condition. "Ohfriend! In the absence of Krishna,everything of Radha's body is changed. Her58 :: April-June 2013fgndi •

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