fहndi - Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya

fहndi - Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya fहndi - Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya

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(On occasion of publishing the translated version of his poems)Kim Yang ShikPoetry is like a home for not only poets but also everybody. Becausea normal person keeps a poetic sense in one's deep heart, whoeverit may be. I am inclined to believe that all people can be poetsas long as their hearts turn serene and sublimate when they reador write a poem. This means also the way our spiritual world issublimated.Having translated Ramesh's poetry into Korean, I have foundagain how greatly a writer is influenced by the environmentalsurroundings; where he or she is born and raised up.Through Ramesh's poetry we can simply sense all the emotionaltouches from the Indian earth; the heat and occasional wind fromthe earth, complex but affectionate tie that binds families andneighbours together and the grand nature that surrounds him. Theseall provide him with sources for his writing.For birdThere's no bridegroom's party.For birdNo going to strange family.For birdThere's no dowry.–Quote from 'Birds' WeddingThis poem makes us easily see a facet of the Indian traditionalwedding customs. With subtlety and satire, he attacks their longdetermined way and practice in wedding. This might be a poet'sfgndi • Divik Ramesh's World of PoetryApril-June 2013 :: 53

peculiar way of protest against not onlythe wrong practice that has repressed hismind but also the crooked way in theirlives across the country. This nature of hisprotest is skillfully featured in his otherpoems such as ‘The Secret of Earth’ and'Realization (Forgive me)'.A mother is like an eternal home fora person. Likewise the poet's emotionalattachment to his mother is so fearfullythick that his feminism stems from hisMother Being. While his mother wasmilling grain and churning butter at dawn,he lies peacefully asleep by the rhythms.Yet no one even praises her in her dailyroutine. Still he keeps his eye on hismother's every moment with deep respectand compassion;Did she ever sleep?of this I have no memory.I wonderwhat was milledmy motheror the grainDivik Ramesh already has been inKorea for three years as a visiting professorteaching Hindi at the Hankuk Universityof Foreign Studies. Being a poet himselfhe has been hopping around with greatinterest in Korean literature and soenthusiastic for the Korean poetry, he alsohas studied even those poems composedby Kim, So Wol and Bang, Jung-Whan(whose pen name is Sopa). In particular,he further appreciates Bang, Jung-Whan'schildren verses as he himself writes it, too.He easily approaches Kim, So-Wol's poetryas many Koreans love them. As a result,he has come to compose a poem himselfin adoration of Kim, So-Wol;Overflowing on the earthan ocean of azaleasI feelAs if the fragrance of your poemsis stepping down softlyAnd reaching meMaking a wayThrough my soul.Amazed I amHow the unsatisfied pathos of yourpoemscan satisfyso much!Of his works, there are a few poemswhich are believed to well convey his simplesentiments to readers; For example, 'Loveand Wife'. 'My Village Now', 'A BeautifulPoem', 'Silence I', and 'Silence II'.In other poems; 'Fire and Water','Stopping the movement of the earth','Why Has It to Be So', 'Water I' through'Water 4', he heatedly reverberates criticismon the reality.For the Indian people water is holyand adorable and even a divine being. Sohe addresses 'Let water sway...' in this firstline of 'Water I'. Water should continueswaying along the way down to the oceanto reach together where freedom ispreserved while remaining as water,In 'Water 4' he addresses again;54 :: April-June 2013fgndi •

(On occasion of publishing the translated version of his poems)Kim Yang ShikPoetry is like a home for not only poets but also everybody. Becausea normal person keeps a poetic sense in one's deep heart, whoeverit may be. I am inclined to believe that all people can be poetsas long as their hearts turn serene and sublimate when they reador write a poem. This means also the way our spiritual world issublimated.Having translated Ramesh's poetry into Korean, I have foundagain how greatly a writer is influenced by the environmentalsurroundings; where he or she is born and raised up.Through Ramesh's poetry we can simply sense all the emotionaltouches from the Indian earth; the heat and occasional wind fromthe earth, complex but affectionate tie that binds families andneighbours together and the grand nature that surrounds him. Theseall provide him with sources for his writing.For birdThere's no bridegroom's party.For birdNo going to strange family.For birdThere's no dowry.–Quote from 'Birds' WeddingThis poem makes us easily see a facet of the Indian traditionalwedding customs. With subtlety and satire, he attacks their longdetermined way and practice in wedding. This might be a poet'sfgndi • Divik Ramesh's World of PoetryApril-June 2013 :: 53

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