fहndi - Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya

fहndi - Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya fहndi - Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya

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ecause he is seeing a reversal in thecontemporary Indian life. Because ofrevolution in communication, in the eraof the market based culture people's criticalvision is extensively deteriorating, his mainaim is to rejuvenate it. This is not possibleby being indifferent towards contemporarylife.It is unnecessary to say that thecriticism that discussed life can only beconnected with writings and could takein its range all the cultural developments.Literature is not Merely IdeologyRam Vilas Sharma also targeted atmechanical materialists. He understoodthem clearly. "Only with the knowledgeof literary traditions, progressive criticismcan develop" (Assessment of Tradition). Hecould see that there are conditions ofdivorce between tradition and progress.Some progressive writers are negatingBhakti poets and the romantic poets ofmodern times. They are repeating thecolonial understanding of the Aryan andDarvidian struggle. They are not ready toaccept the concepts of Hindi communityand they insist that culture is only shadoweconomy, and literature is being seen asonly political literature. Some writers tryto compensate the faults of their writingsby boasting about politics. There is nodearth of such critics who refuse to seelogic in other's ideas, and could not seestupidity of their own beliefs. Criticism isfgndi •not to make materialistic ideas logical butto make them baseless. The condition issuch that some critics instead of exploringdeep into the inner world of any writinghave been limited to making shallowcommentary about it.Ram Vilas Sharma was associated withthe progressive revolution. He was theGeneral Secretary of Progressive WritersAssociation from1949 to1953. He felt thatprogressive revolution has to come out fromthe mechanism of attitude and illusions.This is the reason why he fearlessly opposedmechanical materialism to expand therelation between tradition and Marxism.He also fought with those people who wereagainst the relationship between Marxismand tradition, and also with those whomade creative mechanical relations with thetwo concepts. He collided with ShivdanSingh Chowhan, Rangeya Raghav,Koshambi, Yashpal and many others whoare history. He found two big lapses inprogressive revolution — 'not assessing thevalue of non-Marxist writers and notopposing the reactionary tendencies whichare spreading inside progressive literature'.He was worried about the ambiguity ofthoughts and artistic laxity in progressiveliterature. Throughout his life he opposedfanaticism and opportunism. Many had toaccept the importance of his criticism bysuppressing their emotions since whateverhe said was true.Parallel to political narrowness wasliterary genuineness and such writers hadApril-June 2013 :: 47

made criticism a pure literary subject, theywouldn't open a social window. There weremany who would immediately commenton any writing without going deep intothe ideas of the writing. Sometimes thecritic was an interpreter only. This conceptof purity of literature had harmed Hindiliterature more than the literature of anyother language in India. There was greaterinfluence of the Western Modernistprinciples on Hindi literature that is whythe pressure of literary purity was moreon this literature. Ram Vilas Sharma hastargeted both Political parochialism andliterary purity. His views were very clearabout the relation of literature with societyand the speciality of literature. "In orderto understand any age it is necessary toknow economic relations, but art andliterature are not the shadows of thisrelationship... Besides economic life manlives a life of a human being also. In oldliterature the possibility of showing theconfrontation of different classes is rare.The progressive literature is progressive onlywhen it is literature also. If it does nottouch the heart of people and the readeris not influenced by it, then it is only sloganmongering and talking of propagandawould not make it great literature, not evenordinary literature... Besides aestheticbeauty it should be able to help in theprogress of man and society" (Marxism andProgressive Literature). By such commentshe is moving away from politicalparochialism.Literature is not only a way of thinking."Art is related not only to thought butto the emotions and their realizationthrough senses." (Faith and Beauty) At thispoint literature achieves universality alongwith its raciality. A man's thoughts reflecthis social position, but poet, writer andartist at the intellectual level sometimesviolate the conditions of society. Ram VilasSharma makes an important comment,"Human consciousness has the capacity torise above this social conditions and risingabove thoughts and material limits it cancomparatively develop at a higher levelfreely."(ibid) Kalidas and Kabeer could risehigher. This is true even in the contextof the pressures of too much globalmaterialism. Man can think rising aboveconsumerism and fanaticism. Though thepower of resistance cannot erase, but theyare present in all the age. Actually the abovestatement shows the signs of beliefs in theman's creative, intellectual and aestheticsensibilities.Ram Vilas Sharma says somethingregarding Nagarjun's love for beauty, "Thepoet loves beauty and the beauty does notmean only a woman's beauty but thebeauty of human life, beauty of nature.The more he loves beauty the more hewill hate the foul decay of society. He willlike to change this society." (Marxism andQuestions of Today). He talks about Indianaesthetic sensibilities and understands it byevaluation of traditions. He did not go deepinto contemporary literature. It is difficult48 :: April-June 2013fgndi •

made criticism a pure literary subject, theywouldn't open a social window. There weremany who would immediately commenton any writing without going deep intothe ideas of the writing. Sometimes thecritic was an interpreter only. This conceptof purity of literature had harmed <strong>Hindi</strong>literature more than the literature of anyother language in India. There was greaterinfluence of the Western Modernistprinciples on <strong>Hindi</strong> literature that is whythe pressure of literary purity was moreon this literature. Ram Vilas Sharma hastargeted both Political parochialism andliterary purity. His views were very clearabout the relation of literature with societyand the speciality of literature. "In orderto understand any age it is necessary toknow economic relations, but art andliterature are not the shadows of thisrelationship... Besides economic life manlives a life of a human being also. In oldliterature the possibility of showing theconfrontation of different classes is rare.The progressive literature is progressive onlywhen it is literature also. If it does nottouch the heart of people and the readeris not influenced by it, then it is only sloganmongering and talking of propagandawould not make it great literature, not evenordinary literature... Besides aestheticbeauty it should be able to help in theprogress of man and society" (Marxism andProgressive Literature). By such commentshe is moving away from politicalparochialism.Literature is not only a way of thinking."Art is related not only to thought butto the emotions and their realizationthrough senses." (Faith and Beauty) At thispoint literature achieves universality alongwith its raciality. A man's thoughts reflecthis social position, but poet, writer andartist at the intellectual level sometimesviolate the conditions of society. Ram VilasSharma makes an important comment,"Human consciousness has the capacity torise above this social conditions and risingabove thoughts and material limits it cancomparatively develop at a higher levelfreely."(ibid) Kalidas and Kabeer could risehigher. This is true even in the contextof the pressures of too much globalmaterialism. Man can think rising aboveconsumerism and fanaticism. Though thepower of resistance cannot erase, but theyare present in all the age. Actually the abovestatement shows the signs of beliefs in theman's creative, intellectual and aestheticsensibilities.Ram Vilas Sharma says somethingregarding Nagarjun's love for beauty, "Thepoet loves beauty and the beauty does notmean only a woman's beauty but thebeauty of human life, beauty of nature.The more he loves beauty the more hewill hate the foul decay of society. He willlike to change this society." (Marxism andQuestions of Today). He talks about Indianaesthetic sensibilities and understands it byevaluation of traditions. He did not go deepinto contemporary literature. It is difficult48 :: April-June 2013fgndi •

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