fहndi - Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya

fहndi - Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya fहndi - Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya

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names. For them the past of India is a'foreign' thing. Because of their influencemany intellectuals in Hindi belt see Hindiassociated with 'Hindu' they do not seeKabeer's condemnation of feudalism, tothem he seems to be immersed in lovepoetry only. And Hindi neo-awakeningappears to them 'Hindu' neo-awakening.They could see only caste and man'sadoration of it. Bhartendu, Premchand andNirala all appear to be villains to them.It is not that whatever facts are put forwardthey are wrong. Rather whateverconclusions they get from those facts arewrong, because many other facts areignored.This is not a discussion between pastand present but it is imposing present onthe past. In the world of thoughts this isthe fashion today. This is 'use and throw'relationship with the past which nevercreates anything. It survives only onbreaking. He tries to seek his thought'shome like a snail or oyster shell, findssupreme bliss in narrowness. There will beharm if he steps out of it and if he extendedhis criticism only a bit he senses danger.This is what imperialism wants, i.e. to takeout the spine of any culture so that peopleforget their long struggle against feudalismand imperialism. He says like old colonialistthat your past is decaying, burn it.The political aggression of the past onthe present is resurrections, and theaggression of present on the past issubalternism. The interaction between thefgndi •past and present is possible only when firstwe believe that everything in past is notgood or everything in the past is notrubbish also. When the communalawakening of the anti-intellectual scholarswho go to the past with some politicalmotive, for the consideration of politicalpower they look at the past as a floatingblanket in the river. Had it been a bearthey would have caught it. They feel theydo not get anything out of it, they wouldrather wish to leave it, but it's not possibleas it would not leave them. Now thesalvation is possible only by killing the bear,or may be the disciple has to jump intothe river to destroy it.The writings of Ram Vilas Sharma aresuch discussion between past and presentwhich takes us towards love for life,opposition against injustice, logic, labour,culture and national reawakening. For himpast is not only a few ancient scripts, somemirror or a chanced quail in his hand. Hegoes to the past with his communalismand nationalism. For him Hindu race andIndia both are important. Definitely he sees'national' and 'rational' by combining themtogether. In his criticism he carries togetherthe basic abstracts of both racial awakeningand intellectualism of neo-awakening.Actually only then there can be intimatecritical interaction between the past andpresent. The type of relations Ram VilasSharma makes with the past is where thatpast changes our concerns with it. Makingretail relationship with past is different fromApril-June 2013 :: 45

drowning with shame or pride in it. Hehad made an intimate critical relation withthe past and changed it into an aestheticbliss and social awakening.The way Ram Vilas Sharma's criticismis joined together with the struggle of selfrealizationof Hindu race; similarly it isassociated with the struggle againstimperialism. He has gone into the researchof past for the sake of India's peaceful andindependent future. He feels that theproblems of community, regionalnarrowness have to be seen outside 'Indiannation' and understand our helplessnessagainst the onslaught of Imperialists on ourculture and economic system.Ram Vilas Sharma felt that the progressof Hindi literature is necessary not onlyfor the progress of Hindu community'scultural revival but for the upliftment ofIndia. Hindi literature's progress isnecessary for the progress of Hindustan.The position is that Hindi literature hasnot been able to make slightest space inthe Hindi belt. On the top of it there isthe desire of making IT hubs andmultiplexes and political parties as if allthese things would develop India. This isa great illusion. The reason why communalfights and religious hatred have extensivelyspread in India is only because we havenot used literature to create good willamong them. Now we are surrounded bycheap entertainment and a flood of films.Intellectualism has been enslaved by bigcapitals. Even writers themselves are seendisrespecting litterateurs; they are moreinvolved in destroying. They have lost theirgrounds. The cultural level of citizens ofany age is shown by the level of honourthey give to their litterateurs. Today thepeople are keener to know about the newconsumer goods than to know about theold writers and about new litterateurs. Thisis cultural poverty even if it is covered withbright colours and loud music, it does notallow us to see racial traditions. Those whoare afraid of the present they do not wantto face the facts of life. They fear racialtraditions also and actually they don't wantto face them.It is not enough to face traditions tomake a creative vision but thecontemporary confrontation is alsonecessary, "Without reading contemporaryliterature I can give answer to this question,the more close a literature is to socialrealities the stronger will it be. Theliterature in which contemporary problemsare discussed and shown the solutions tothose problems, there we should identifythe contemporariness." (ibid) Ram VilasSharma has no relation with thecontemporary literature which he hasaccepted honestly. But he had his eyescontinuously focused on his time's crisisof capitalism, problem of communalism,crisis of power and especially of casteismin the Hindi belt. He is alert towards thenew happenings of the world. He talksmore about people's awakening, neoawakeningand values of freedom struggle46 :: April-June 2013fgndi •

drowning with shame or pride in it. Hehad made an intimate critical relation withthe past and changed it into an aestheticbliss and social awakening.The way Ram Vilas Sharma's criticismis joined together with the struggle of selfrealizationof Hindu race; similarly it isassociated with the struggle againstimperialism. He has gone into the researchof past for the sake of India's peaceful andindependent future. He feels that theproblems of community, regionalnarrowness have to be seen outside 'Indiannation' and understand our helplessnessagainst the onslaught of Imperialists on ourculture and economic system.Ram Vilas Sharma felt that the progressof <strong>Hindi</strong> literature is necessary not onlyfor the progress of Hindu community'scultural revival but for the upliftment ofIndia. <strong>Hindi</strong> literature's progress isnecessary for the progress of Hindustan.The position is that <strong>Hindi</strong> literature hasnot been able to make slightest space inthe <strong>Hindi</strong> belt. On the top of it there isthe desire of making IT hubs andmultiplexes and political parties as if allthese things would develop India. This isa great illusion. The reason why communalfights and religious hatred have extensivelyspread in India is only because we havenot used literature to create good willamong them. Now we are surrounded bycheap entertainment and a flood of films.Intellectualism has been enslaved by bigcapitals. Even writers themselves are seendisrespecting litterateurs; they are moreinvolved in destroying. They have lost theirgrounds. The cultural level of citizens ofany age is shown by the level of honourthey give to their litterateurs. Today thepeople are keener to know about the newconsumer goods than to know about theold writers and about new litterateurs. Thisis cultural poverty even if it is covered withbright colours and loud music, it does notallow us to see racial traditions. Those whoare afraid of the present they do not wantto face the facts of life. They fear racialtraditions also and actually they don't wantto face them.It is not enough to face traditions tomake a creative vision but thecontemporary confrontation is alsonecessary, "Without reading contemporaryliterature I can give answer to this question,the more close a literature is to socialrealities the stronger will it be. Theliterature in which contemporary problemsare discussed and shown the solutions tothose problems, there we should identifythe contemporariness." (ibid) Ram VilasSharma has no relation with thecontemporary literature which he hasaccepted honestly. But he had his eyescontinuously focused on his time's crisisof capitalism, problem of communalism,crisis of power and especially of casteismin the <strong>Hindi</strong> belt. He is alert towards thenew happenings of the world. He talksmore about people's awakening, neoawakeningand values of freedom struggle46 :: April-June 2013fgndi •

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