fहndi - Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya

fहndi - Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya fहndi - Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya

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and awakened attitude which afterrecognizing our racial uniqueness, gatheringknowledge from whatever source one getsand uses them to change human societyand also he believes in giving it a modernshape. This is the glorious tradition ofHindi which had been inherited fromMahavir Prasad Diwedi... Mahavir Prasadjiwas not the only critic who emphasizedand recognized the racial form of societyin criticism...Shukulji's criticism is theoutcome of Diwedi age. Both of themrecognize the racial face of language andliterature. Both of them are eager to liberateHindi literature from the orthodoxies of'Ritikal'. In the criticism of both the writersthe basic underlying concept is the closerelation between literature and society."(Mahavir Prasad Dwiwedi Aur HindiNavjagran).Ramvilas Sharma emphasizes that thetraditional Hindi criticism is primarilyracial. It highlights the importance ofBhakti Sahitya movement of Valmiki,Kalidas and Bhavbhuti as a reversal to lovepoetry. It is a reaction against the blindreligious orthodoxies and it supports socialchanges. The tradition of Hindi criticismis not related to blind following of thewestern traditions but they do not refrainfrom progressive western thinking. Theconservative people of India in the nameof Indianism oppose the entire westernculture. This is not our national tradition.Besides, criticism is a continuous evaluationof humanity which has got no end.fgndi •Ramvilasji is a major part of that glorious,awakened and alert tradition of criticismwhich has been talked about earlier.Sometimes earlier because of thebroken relationship between tradition andprogressiveness — hurdles were put notonly to understand tradition but tounderstand progressiveness also. Nowcriticism is becoming only refutation orexaltation, this is also a problem. RamvilasSharma had said about Acharya Shukul,"Literature cannot move forward ignoringpublic welfare, public good and publicopinion." Giving due importance to himRamvilas Sharma accepted the parametersgiven by him. While criticizing him hehad to accept that he was not 'compatiblematerialist'. He said about Nirala, 'In spiteof not accepting Marxism in practice, hewas much ahead of any Marxist writer."He pointed out the failings of the highestpoetry of Nirala 'Ram ki Shakti Pooja' and"Kukurmutta". Thus, his 'criticalappreciation' has great importance incriticism. He replies to the attacks on Niralaand Ramchandra Shukul and enriches theprogressive understanding of literature.Two types of questions are raised aboutHindi criticism. Not one but there are twotraditions. One tradition is that ofRamchandra Shukul and the other is thatof Hazari Prasad Diwedi. The secondquestion is raised that along with RamvilasSharma all these critics are universal critics.Some call Ramchandra Shukul andRamvilas Sharma universal critics and areApril-June 2013 :: 35

silent about Hazari Prasad Diwedi. I thinkboth these beliefs are wrong, these arematters of racial destruction.In spite of their differences and distancewith each other, there was nearness alsoamong Ram Chandra Shukul, HazariPrasad Diwedi and Ramvilas Sharma. Allthree of them were part of the sametradition of criticism. It is only society andpublic which binds all the three together.Ramchandra Shukul talks of publichappiness, Hazari Prasad Diwedi aboutpublic welfare and Ram Vilas Sharma aboutpublic awakening. The center of theircriticism, in one way or the other, is theworld and public only. The public hadbecome important in the period of 'Bhakti'(devotion) movement, and it became thecenter during the anti-imperialistmovement. It is only possible in the publicmovement where there is no pathway; theywill make it by walking on one. Hiswisdom is the gift of his experience. Publicalso decides not only about history andculture, but also about the economicdevelopment. The public has come up witha new entity in the 20th century. Henceit was natural that all the critics havelistened and cared for public instead ofbooks and Government power. They wereworried about the public all the time.One can see that neither RamchandraShukul is against Kabeer nor Hazari Prasadagainst Tulsidas. One more interesting factis Ramchandra liked Valmiki. Ram VilasSharma and Hazari Prasad both likedKalidas. Actually the traditions of criticismfor both should -have developed on parallellines, Ram Vilas Sharma should not havewritten about Kalidas. The important thingis that all the three critics had given higherplace to the world (people) than to thebooks and political discussions. All threeof them wanted to see literature asliterature. These three critics were againstfeudalistic narrowness, European thinkingand imperialism.Actually by using the standards of greatand little subaltern traditions in a verymechanical way Ram Chandra Shukul anadmirer of Tulsi Das, was honoured as asupporter of 'Great tradition' and HazariPrasad who did great work on Kabeer hadbeen honoured for the 'Little Tradition'.This is a method of sabotaging (destroying)Indian Culture. The idea behind it is thatthe tradition of Bhakti movement was notcompatible with the society of that timeand that in India there are innumerabletraditions which go together. The collisionof traditions is not the only reality; theother reality is intermixing andtransformation of traditions also.Ram Vilas Sharma does not opposethe misleading categories of 'GreatTradition' and ‘Little Tradition’ but he putsa forceful question, "In order to prove RamChandra Shukul and Hazari Prasad Diwedias reactionary and progressive respectively,we use the social standards of 'GreatTradition' and 'Little Tradition'. Theirloved poets Tulsi and Kabeer have also been36 :: April-June 2013fgndi •

silent about Hazari Prasad Diwedi. I thinkboth these beliefs are wrong, these arematters of racial destruction.In spite of their differences and distancewith each other, there was nearness alsoamong Ram Chandra Shukul, HazariPrasad Diwedi and Ramvilas Sharma. Allthree of them were part of the sametradition of criticism. It is only society andpublic which binds all the three together.Ramchandra Shukul talks of publichappiness, Hazari Prasad Diwedi aboutpublic welfare and Ram Vilas Sharma aboutpublic awakening. The center of theircriticism, in one way or the other, is theworld and public only. The public hadbecome important in the period of 'Bhakti'(devotion) movement, and it became thecenter during the anti-imperialistmovement. It is only possible in the publicmovement where there is no pathway; theywill make it by walking on one. Hiswisdom is the gift of his experience. Publicalso decides not only about history andculture, but also about the economicdevelopment. The public has come up witha new entity in the 20th century. Henceit was natural that all the critics havelistened and cared for public instead ofbooks and Government power. They wereworried about the public all the time.One can see that neither RamchandraShukul is against Kabeer nor Hazari Prasadagainst Tulsidas. One more interesting factis Ramchandra liked Valmiki. Ram VilasSharma and Hazari Prasad both likedKalidas. Actually the traditions of criticismfor both should -have developed on parallellines, Ram Vilas Sharma should not havewritten about Kalidas. The important thingis that all the three critics had given higherplace to the world (people) than to thebooks and political discussions. All threeof them wanted to see literature asliterature. These three critics were againstfeudalistic narrowness, European thinkingand imperialism.Actually by using the standards of greatand little subaltern traditions in a verymechanical way Ram Chandra Shukul anadmirer of Tulsi Das, was honoured as asupporter of 'Great tradition' and HazariPrasad who did great work on Kabeer hadbeen honoured for the 'Little Tradition'.This is a method of sabotaging (destroying)Indian Culture. The idea behind it is thatthe tradition of Bhakti movement was notcompatible with the society of that timeand that in India there are innumerabletraditions which go together. The collisionof traditions is not the only reality; theother reality is intermixing andtransformation of traditions also.Ram Vilas Sharma does not opposethe misleading categories of 'GreatTradition' and ‘Little Tradition’ but he putsa forceful question, "In order to prove RamChandra Shukul and Hazari Prasad Diwedias reactionary and progressive respectively,we use the social standards of 'GreatTradition' and 'Little Tradition'. Theirloved poets Tulsi and Kabeer have also been36 :: April-June 2013fgndi •

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