fहndi - Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya

fहndi - Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya

fहndi - Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya


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open attitude towards love andtransperancy in descriptions of relationshipsto be regarded as obscene? The truth thathe stood for was without violence, hatredand doubts against anyone; how could thisattitude be termed obscene? In India'virginity' falls in the same category ofregressive thinking as the ideas aboutprestige of the family or the honour ofthe clan. Virginity as the supreme idea ofhuman behaviour is nothing but amisguided concept propagated byuneducated religious zealots. Buddha DevBose was an iconoclast, who wrote againstorthodoxy and misguided traditionalism,even at the cost of his own reputation.The Hindu fanatics did not have thecourage to oppose such retrogade ideas asBuddhadev could, who inspiredprogressive Marxist thinking, though itwould not be wrong to say that even theMarxist philosophy suffered fromopportunism.Buddha Dev Bose did not care forcriticism of his ideas or even insultingrejection of his view point; he was definitelyahead of his times.He wanted to create a new butprogressive Indian vision. As an extremelyprolific writer of about fifty novels andthirty-five collections of short stories, theaccusation against Buddha Dev Bose ofwesternization would be definitelymisplaced. His first book appeared evenbefore he turned nineteen. He was partof the 'Kallol' movement. He lived throughfgndi •the periods of the great Bengal famine, thetwo world wars and the partition of Bengal.He experienced the pain of Nowa Khaliwith <strong>Gandhi</strong>. He might not have dealt withthese topics in his creative works, but hehad had a first hand experience of thesetragedies. He was a modern who hadexpanded the horizon of Bangla literature.Besides his great contribution to Bengaliliterature, his literary criticism contributedto the development of methodology, in thefield of comparative Indian literature. Thishas without doubt strengthened the Bengalilanguage.Buddha Dev Bose does not suffer fromromantic sentimentalism vis-a-vis theBengali language. He understands theimportance of the usage of the Englishlanguage, being fully conversant with thenational, regional and social realities ofIndia. At the same time, using tools ofmodern evaluative techniques he tried toprocure for Bangla its rightful place as animportant Indian language. He initiateda new genre in the field of Bengali literarycriticism, using parameters, which laterbecame the foundation of the relatively newfield of comparative analysis. In fact thisstudy of literature through comparativetechniques was an idea of Tagore. Hethought of literature as belonging not onlyto one race or nation but to the entireworld. B.B. integrated and developed thisapproach in the course of his study ofWorld literature. His interactions with hiscontemporaries also contributed to theApril-June 2013 :: 25

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