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of Subhash Mukhopadhyay and poets likeBishnu De, whose poetic contributions areconsidered to have brought about asignificant reorientation of BanglaLiterature. In fact, the changes thatemerged in Bangla writings after Bankim,Sharat, Tagore are the outcome ofexperimentation in content and styles ofwritings. Among Bangla writers as also inBuddha Dev Bose one sees the tendencyto free themselves from the influence ofTagore, though ironically it is possible onlyafter an extensive study and a deepunderstanding of Tagore's writings.Dr. Aloke Ranjan Dasgutpa in hismonograph on Buddha Dev Bose reachesa significant conclusion about him thatBuddha Dev Bose discovered with hispredilection in literary criticism throughRabindranath or the study of RavindraSahitya. It can be said without doubt thatthe Indian readers came to know ofRabindranath Tagore's greatness — throughthe discursive writings of Buddha Dev Boseas also through the writings of other Banglawriters, Dr. Aloke Ranjan Dasgupta whohad worked with Buddha Dev Bose inJadavpur University in the field ofcomparative literature clarifies — the bestexamples of Tagorian criticism are foundin the literary studies of Buddha Dev Bose.They are neither biography nor literarycriticism but incorporate the qualities ofboth. This is to say that B.B. created anew type of critical genre to understandTagore. Buddha Dev Bose understood thefgndi •colossal that was Tagore. His study fallsin the same category as that of Ajit KumarChakravarty, Premanath Vidhi and PrabhatKumar Mukhopadhyaya.Certainty Buddha Dev Bose evaluatedafter serious scrutiny Tagore's significanceand relevance to our times. He admittedthat Tagore is a literary phenomenon andnature is an important aspect of his literaryouvre.Almost all of the initial twentiethcentury Bangla writings are influenced byTagore. It is natural that Tagore is not onlyappreciated but venerated in Banglaliterature. But later 20th century literaryevaluation of Tagore has been moreobjective than the earlier criticism, sinceit could detach itself from the emotionalburden of proximity to the great writer.Questions are begun to be raised aboutTagore's literary contribution, this is thatsecond strand of writing which recognizesthe literary merit of both old and new andtheir respective contribution to the makingof modern Bangla literature. In thiscontext, Tagore should be recognized asa creative harbinger, wielding massiveinfluence on writers and their writingsalike. All this could possibly happen whenTagore's multifaceted genius wasunderstood and his literary impact defined.Buddha Dev Bose undertook this task ina planned manner though respectingTagore's genius yet undeterred by hisreputation, he was guided by his ownincisive judgement and intellect.April-June 2013 :: 23

Buddha Dev Bose's writings on Tagorenot only reveal Tagore as a great Indianwriter, a scholar and a literary genius, butBuddha Dev himself appears as a greatcritic. This was a new avatar for him, ifone looks deeply into Budha Dev Bose'scriticism of Tagore, one realizes thatBuddha Dev through his criticism wastrying to establish the importance of one'sown speech and language, though himselfa writer in English and also a professorof English, he propagated the glory andimportance of Bangla through the mediumof English. This sentiment is in 'sync'with Rabindranath Tagore's owncommitment to 'Swabhasha'. Even thecritics of Buddha Dev Bose have agreedthat Bose's purpose of criticizingRabindranath Tagore's to present anintimate view of Tagore's modernity asopposed to his own traditionalism." Thisis to say that Tagore's vision is notcompletely 'modern' as is obvious from hisaffectionate bias towards orientalism, whichis also seen among the Bengali elite. This,according to some is a regressive medievaltendency. Tagore's partisan view of themedieval poetry can be seen in his beliefof its contribution to literature and alsoin his great choice of selection of Kabir'sverses and transliteration of hundred versesof the poet. Rabindranath Tagoreconsidered this as an importantcontribution of his. It would be valid togive three instances to prove RabindranathTagore's bias towards Indian languages andIndianism. It would be right to say thatTagore was well aware of the importanceof English and other European languagesalong with Indian languages. After gettingthe Nobel Prize, one would think that hewould be a supporter of English and otherEuropean languages and would considerhis own language infradig, on the contraryhe preferred to be known as a writer ofBangla though he was not againsttranslations in other languages. He was,as said earlier, a great proponent of Indianlanguages.Buddha Dev Bose has defined Tagoreobjectively with rare insight andincisiveness. Buddha Dev Bose as saidearlier was not a votary of the Englishlanguage, in spite of his training in thislanguage, like many 20th century educatedBengalis. He knew that Anglo-Indianpoetry is like "a blind alley, selling a varietyof wares but not leading you anywhere,"the famous poet W.B. Yeats, in the year1937, had reminded Indian writers–" thatone cannot think or write in other thanhis own mother tongue" Even those criticswho held the view that Buddha Dev Bosewas a man of western thinking agreed onone point that Budha Dev Bose had a deepand life long relationship with the Bengalilanguage.Buddha Dev Bose was considered anintellectual, but as a novelist he was accusedof obscenity. And because of his opennessand liberalism of ideas, he was thoughtto be having a western perspective. Is an24 :: April-June 2013fgndi •

Buddha Dev Bose's writings on Tagorenot only reveal Tagore as a great Indianwriter, a scholar and a literary genius, butBuddha Dev himself appears as a greatcritic. This was a new avatar for him, ifone looks deeply into Budha Dev Bose'scriticism of Tagore, one realizes thatBuddha Dev through his criticism wastrying to establish the importance of one'sown speech and language, though himselfa writer in English and also a professorof English, he propagated the glory andimportance of Bangla through the mediumof English. This sentiment is in 'sync'with Rabindranath Tagore's owncommitment to 'Swabhasha'. Even thecritics of Buddha Dev Bose have agreedthat Bose's purpose of criticizingRabindranath Tagore's to present anintimate view of Tagore's modernity asopposed to his own traditionalism." Thisis to say that Tagore's vision is notcompletely 'modern' as is obvious from hisaffectionate bias towards orientalism, whichis also seen among the Bengali elite. This,according to some is a regressive medievaltendency. Tagore's partisan view of themedieval poetry can be seen in his beliefof its contribution to literature and alsoin his great choice of selection of Kabir'sverses and transliteration of hundred versesof the poet. Rabindranath Tagoreconsidered this as an importantcontribution of his. It would be valid togive three instances to prove RabindranathTagore's bias towards Indian languages andIndianism. It would be right to say thatTagore was well aware of the importanceof English and other European languagesalong with Indian languages. After gettingthe Nobel Prize, one would think that hewould be a supporter of English and otherEuropean languages and would considerhis own language infradig, on the contraryhe preferred to be known as a writer ofBangla though he was not againsttranslations in other languages. He was,as said earlier, a great proponent of Indianlanguages.Buddha Dev Bose has defined Tagoreobjectively with rare insight andincisiveness. Buddha Dev Bose as saidearlier was not a votary of the Englishlanguage, in spite of his training in thislanguage, like many 20th century educatedBengalis. He knew that Anglo-Indianpoetry is like "a blind alley, selling a varietyof wares but not leading you anywhere,"the famous poet W.B. Yeats, in the year1937, had reminded Indian writers–" thatone cannot think or write in other thanhis own mother tongue" Even those criticswho held the view that Buddha Dev Bosewas a man of western thinking agreed onone point that Budha Dev Bose had a deepand life long relationship with the Bengalilanguage.Buddha Dev Bose was considered anintellectual, but as a novelist he was accusedof obscenity. And because of his opennessand liberalism of ideas, he was thoughtto be having a western perspective. Is an24 :: April-June 2013fgndi •

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