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fहndi - Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya fहndi - Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya

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Globe on Potter's Wheel : ClimbingSteps of MediaPradeep Trikhafgndi •Madhav Hada's Seediyaan Chadhataa Media is a landmarkcontribution to the media studies in Hindi. This is a timely andwelcome addition to the current wave of books on a range ofcontemporary issues. It demonstrates the method of literary andcultural evaluation as multiple ways of shaping popular consciousness.It is a known fact that media have played an important role in theprocess of globalization and there is ever growing academic materialon the subject but rarely do we find a formal, systematic andconvincing detailed study on the issue. He has elevated media to thecentre stage of globalization discourse. This is also an attempt to fillthe gap in the burgeoning globalization literature. Hada definesglobalization as 'the process in which worldwide economics, political,cultural and social relations have become increasingly mediated acrosstime and space'. This is a first-rate resource book for research studentsand for general readers and even the beginners who are interested indetails of contemporary issues on media. He traces the process ofglobalization to the beginning of the fifteenth century, with theonset of European powers for trade with the rest of the world and insearch of new countries. According to him a fresh phase started in1492 with Christopher Columbus' voyage to America that ended in1800. The second phase came to an end in the year 2000 and sincethen the third phase has started which in literal sense gave rise to aunified globe due to steep decline in prices, of personal computers,cell phones, satellites, fiber optical cables and expansion of worldApril-June 2013 :: 151

wide web (www) which has created aphenomenon of 'knowledge explosion'. Inthe opening essay 'Globe on the Potter'sWheel', Hada refers to Thomas L.Friedman's The World is Flat, (2000). Inhis overview of contemporary media scenehe submits to the historical facts such asBritain wood's Agreement among fortyfournations after the Second World Warto revive global economy which laterrenovated into open market economy.During 1997, in order to counter globaleconomic recession globalization becameinevitable. In India its cumulative influencecould be seen on culture, literature, societyand media. Hada skillfully installs logicalline of reasoning in order to substantiatehis analysis in the ensuing essays such as'Concurrence of Short Story in Hindi visa-visthe Media', 'Poetry in the Realm ofMedia', 'Newspapers in Villages and SmallTowns', 'You Have come a Long way Baby','Hindi on the Flipside of Hinglish','Changing Perspectives', 'Constructing &Deconstructing Jargon of Media' and'Climbing Steps Media'. In the post scriptto the anthology an interview with SwayamPrakash, Hindi contemporary writer istitled as 'Mahabharata is on in Minds', is asignificant addition to the book. Hadaemphasizes that literature is a culturalproduct and thus like any other productin global economy it should havemarketability. According to him rumpusand entertainment have become thekeywords for the writers as well as thepublishers and the readers also for now thesociety is in constant search of voyeuristicdesire-fulfilment, by peeping into theprivate lives of the politicians,administrators, actors and sports persons.It is not that masses are only interested inreading books on Clinton-Lewinsky affairs;they are equally interested in Nehru-Edwina Mountbatten affairs even today. InHindi the writers such as Rajendra Yadav,Ashok Vajpayee, Maitriyee Pushpa,Surendra Verma and scores of others haveswitched over to mode of creating ruckus,for it sells and generates economic gainsfor the writer-publisher nexus, no longerthe trepidation is for sensitization.'Poetry in the Realm of Media' dealswith contemporary scene of Hindi poetryin which the number has grownexorbitantly but the quality declined, thereason for this is extensive use of blankverse, which is more often, prose-convertedpoetry and thus neither it remains a prosepiece nor turns into a poem. Thus it hardlysensitizes its readers or its listeners and yetit is extensively flooding the markets.'Kitaab Se Katti' Apathy to Books} is aninteresting essay on onslaught of televisionon children's life style in India. Hadaretraces 1960s and 1970s that witnessedmushroom growth of children's magazineslike Champak, Nandan, Parag andChandamama which were spitefully readand fervently anticipated by the hordes ofkids around the country and werepublished even in regional languagesKeeping in view their marketability duringthe 1990s, the divide between books andchildren grew due to the 'plug-in-drugs'(44) i.e. television, computers and now152 :: April-June 2013fgndi •

wide web (www) which has created aphenomenon of 'knowledge explosion'. Inthe opening essay 'Globe on the Potter'sWheel', Hada refers to Thomas L.Friedman's The World is Flat, (2000). Inhis overview of contemporary media scenehe submits to the historical facts such asBritain wood's Agreement among fortyfournations after the Second World Warto revive global economy which laterrenovated into open market economy.During 1997, in order to counter globaleconomic recession globalization becameinevitable. In India its cumulative influencecould be seen on culture, literature, societyand media. Hada skillfully installs logicalline of reasoning in order to substantiatehis analysis in the ensuing essays such as'Concurrence of Short Story in <strong>Hindi</strong> visa-visthe Media', 'Poetry in the Realm ofMedia', 'Newspapers in Villages and SmallTowns', 'You Have come a Long way Baby','<strong>Hindi</strong> on the Flipside of Hinglish','Changing Perspectives', 'Constructing &Deconstructing Jargon of Media' and'Climbing Steps Media'. In the post scriptto the anthology an interview with SwayamPrakash, <strong>Hindi</strong> contemporary writer istitled as 'Mahabharata is on in Minds', is asignificant addition to the book. Hadaemphasizes that literature is a culturalproduct and thus like any other productin global economy it should havemarketability. According to him rumpusand entertainment have become thekeywords for the writers as well as thepublishers and the readers also for now thesociety is in constant search of voyeuristicdesire-fulfilment, by peeping into theprivate lives of the politicians,administrators, actors and sports persons.It is not that masses are only interested inreading books on Clinton-Lewinsky affairs;they are equally interested in Nehru-Edwina Mountbatten affairs even today. In<strong>Hindi</strong> the writers such as Rajendra Yadav,Ashok Vajpayee, Maitriyee Pushpa,Surendra Verma and scores of others haveswitched over to mode of creating ruckus,for it sells and generates economic gainsfor the writer-publisher nexus, no longerthe trepidation is for sensitization.'Poetry in the Realm of Media' dealswith contemporary scene of <strong>Hindi</strong> poetryin which the number has grownexorbitantly but the quality declined, thereason for this is extensive use of blankverse, which is more often, prose-convertedpoetry and thus neither it remains a prosepiece nor turns into a poem. Thus it hardlysensitizes its readers or its listeners and yetit is extensively flooding the markets.'Kitaab Se Katti' Apathy to Books} is aninteresting essay on onslaught of televisionon children's life style in India. Hadaretraces 1960s and 1970s that witnessedmushroom growth of children's magazineslike Champak, Nandan, Parag andChandamama which were spitefully readand fervently anticipated by the hordes ofkids around the country and werepublished even in regional languagesKeeping in view their marketability duringthe 1990s, the divide between books andchildren grew due to the 'plug-in-drugs'(44) i.e. television, computers and now152 :: April-June 2013fgndi •

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