fहndi - Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya

fहndi - Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya fहndi - Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya

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Shadows of The PastRamesh Pokhariyal ‘Nishank’Pramila Gargfgndi •It was a wintery night with bone chilling cold but Bhagirathi wasfast asleep with the burning charcoal and cow dung cakes in theangithi. From her quivering nostrils came out smothered soundof snoring, which filled their little room. But there was no sleepin Ramrath's eyes. This wakefulness was neither because of coldnor because of snoring of Bhagirathi, all these he was used to. Oneface was coming up again and again before his eyes. If his Sarjuwas with him would he look like that boy? He felt like shakingBhagirathi vigourously to wake her up, why should he face thisheartache alone? But he pitied his old woman; she had undergonegreat pain and misery in her youth. So many years have passed;she might have removed those memories from her mind.But what should Ramrath do? No sleep in his eyes, he wasfeeling today more cold as compared to other days and Bhagirathi'ssnoring was disturbing him a lot. Still, he knew the reason forno sleep was not all this.A group of local and foreign students had come there for tracking.They had stopped on their way to have tea at Ramrath's shop.Ramrath had made delicious tea with ginger and cinnamon forthe boys who were trembling with cold. A boy stepped forward;putting a hundred rupee bill in Ramrath's hand he said somethingin a foreign language.April-June 2013 :: 127

"But I have already taken the money,"Ramrath was flabbergasted."Keep it, he says you have made verygood tea," one Indian student told him.Now Ramrath looked at the foreignerboy more closely. He was smiling, Ramrathagain looked. His hand shook and the notefell from his hand. His whole bodytrembled as if the entire snow of themountain had entered his body paralyzinghis nerves.'Why this face is so familiar to me?'he thought.'Sarju. Yes he is Sarju, the same noseand the same mole on the chin, how couldhe forget him.’"Grandpa, where are you lost? Keepthis money, this boy has come from aforeign country and he is pleased to drinksuch good tea."Ramrath woke up as if from sleep."Which country he has come from?Where are you people going?" he askedboth the questions rapidly."Grandpa, do you know the names ofthe countries?" he counter questioned."Yes son," Ramrath smiled.Looking at the dilapidated conditionof the hut and the old wrinkled man hethought, 'how could he know the namesof various countries. He must be thinkingthat we are students.'"Grandpa, his country is theNetherlands," and looked towards thehillock, "we are going there," he saidpointing towards the mountain in frontof them.There was so much facial similarity andthe name of the country was the samewhich moved Ramrath to tears."What happened grandpa? Why thesetears?""Nothing, only I rememberedsomebody. But why are you people goingthere in such cold? Now it will startsnowing soon," a natural worry entered hismind."Don't worry grandpa, we will comeback and have your tea once again."Gradually that group of boysdisappeared from his eyes.Once again Ramrath changed his sidewhich woke Bhagirathi up from her sleep."Why are you so restless? Aren't yousleepy?" Bhagirathi looked at him withsleepy eyes. Because of Ramrath changinghis sides so frequently her sleep wasdisturbed and she was feeling cold too."Today I saw Sarju," these words ofRamrath drove away whatever sleep wasleft in her eyes.She sat up immediately and startedstaring at Ramrath thinking, 'Could be,the old man has gone crazy.' Ramrath waslooking in the darkness and tear dropsrolled down his eyes.'Sarju' how much joy and happinessthis name gave her and after a few yearshow much pain and sorrow.After ten or twelve years of marriagewhen no child was born to them they lostall hope. They got treatment from localmedical practitioners, got special prayersperformed for the purpose. They followedwhatever treatment anybody suggested, butnothing happened. They never had so128 :: April-June 2013fgndi •

Shadows of The PastRamesh Pokhariyal ‘Nishank’Pramila Gargfgndi •It was a wintery night with bone chilling cold but Bhagirathi wasfast asleep with the burning charcoal and cow dung cakes in theangithi. From her quivering nostrils came out smothered soundof snoring, which filled their little room. But there was no sleepin Ramrath's eyes. This wakefulness was neither because of coldnor because of snoring of Bhagirathi, all these he was used to. Oneface was coming up again and again before his eyes. If his Sarjuwas with him would he look like that boy? He felt like shakingBhagirathi vigourously to wake her up, why should he face thisheartache alone? But he pitied his old woman; she had undergonegreat pain and misery in her youth. So many years have passed;she might have removed those memories from her mind.But what should Ramrath do? No sleep in his eyes, he wasfeeling today more cold as compared to other days and Bhagirathi'ssnoring was disturbing him a lot. Still, he knew the reason forno sleep was not all this.A group of local and foreign students had come there for tracking.They had stopped on their way to have tea at Ramrath's shop.Ramrath had made delicious tea with ginger and cinnamon forthe boys who were trembling with cold. A boy stepped forward;putting a hundred rupee bill in Ramrath's hand he said somethingin a foreign language.April-June 2013 :: 127

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