fहndi - Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya

fहndi - Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya fहndi - Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya

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with his palms, but nothing happened.The woman was filled with intensegrief and fear.The man went outside, took somewater in his palm making it concave. Thewoman threw some droplets on the radiotaking water from her fingers. They Didthis again and again, but nothinghappened. Radio was silenced forever. Thewoman burst into tears. The man tried toconsole her in unknown voice, sometimesembracing her, sometimes looking at theradio and sometimes aimlessly goingoutside and coming back.The man had dug a pit by evening.The woman was holding the radio in herhands and the man sitting knelt downnearby the pit, holding his head in hispalms. The woman handed him the radiocoming closer to him and he buried it inthe bottom of the pit. Both started fillingthe pit with mud and earth.The woman was sobbing, while slidingmud in the pit. After filling the manoverburdened it with soiled mud andtreaded with feet. The woman broughtsome white and orange coloured powderfrom the jungle and the man a piece ofslender trunk of sagaun tree. All night herubbed the slender trunk thoroughly tomake it glazy and then dug it on the place.The women started making some figuresof wild animals and insects on it by herfingers from the paste made of colouredpowder and water.fgndi •Those were the saddest hours of theirlife.....sometimes, the woman rememberedthe radio.....A voice, her progeny. No matter ifit had not taken birth from her womb.No matter if never the semen of her manfloated inside her to shape that voice,to frame the call made as of only for her.When she clasped it in her chest her breastswere not containing even a drop of milk.....voice is made of her blood,undoubtedly.....voice has the blood of a woman inits veins, the naive vanity of her existence.....voice, the love. Voice, of too manyendless heartbeats.The woman from unknown, barren,secluded, dense and ghostly dark forestsof our times....A woman crying with broken hearton the grave of the voice.The government again called herpeople and ordered them to go in to thejungle, this time again to those peoplewhom they had given the radio. They mustfind out how much the people of jungleunderstood the world outside and whatchanges came through the radio in theirlives. Agents of government had been givenforms and papers to gather, fill and submitthe correct information regarding thisproject.That day, the outside man came verysecretly nearby the area of the man andthe woman. He sat along with in betweenApril-June 2013 :: 125

forest and open land. The man and womansaw him and came hastily towards him.The man was holding wooden spear andthe woman a burning piece of wood....the man saw the long canines andbig thorny nails from dreadful paws of thatferocious wild animal. It seemed to thewoman that this carnivore is just goingto attack her.The jungle man threw the spear withfull power towards him, broached his chestin a sudden blow. The outside man criedand fell down. The woman attacked himwith the burning wood. He got upstruggling and trembling and tried to runout of the deep jungle. The woman wascrying while attacking him again and again.The outside man ran away deep intoforest. He reached a rivulet coming fromhigh mountains flowing in sharp streams.A perennial stream made its way deep interra filled with vegetations. The man felldown nearby fainted and lost sense. Hisback and head was burnt and a flow ofblood from his chest was trickling in therivulet's flow.The year was 1952.In deep, dense, unknown, dark andprimitive jungles of Bastar, it was the firstmurder of a man from the outer world.Tarun Bhatnagar : Born at Raipur, is a poet and short story writer. He is in civil servicesin Madhya Pradesh. Tarun's first collection of short stories entitled 'Gulmehndi ki Jhadian'is published by Bharatiya Jnanpith, New Delhi. He lives and works in Bhopal.126 :: April-June 2013fgndi •

with his palms, but nothing happened.The woman was filled with intensegrief and fear.The man went outside, took somewater in his palm making it concave. Thewoman threw some droplets on the radiotaking water from her fingers. They Didthis again and again, but nothinghappened. Radio was silenced forever. Thewoman burst into tears. The man tried toconsole her in unknown voice, sometimesembracing her, sometimes looking at theradio and sometimes aimlessly goingoutside and coming back.The man had dug a pit by evening.The woman was holding the radio in herhands and the man sitting knelt downnearby the pit, holding his head in hispalms. The woman handed him the radiocoming closer to him and he buried it inthe bottom of the pit. Both started fillingthe pit with mud and earth.The woman was sobbing, while slidingmud in the pit. After filling the manoverburdened it with soiled mud andtreaded with feet. The woman broughtsome white and orange coloured powderfrom the jungle and the man a piece ofslender trunk of sagaun tree. All night herubbed the slender trunk thoroughly tomake it glazy and then dug it on the place.The women started making some figuresof wild animals and insects on it by herfingers from the paste made of colouredpowder and water.fgndi •Those were the saddest hours of theirlife.....sometimes, the woman rememberedthe radio.....A voice, her progeny. No matter ifit had not taken birth from her womb.No matter if never the semen of her manfloated inside her to shape that voice,to frame the call made as of only for her.When she clasped it in her chest her breastswere not containing even a drop of milk.....voice is made of her blood,undoubtedly.....voice has the blood of a woman inits veins, the naive vanity of her existence.....voice, the love. Voice, of too manyendless heartbeats.The woman from unknown, barren,secluded, dense and ghostly dark forestsof our times....A woman crying with broken hearton the grave of the voice.The government again called herpeople and ordered them to go in to thejungle, this time again to those peoplewhom they had given the radio. They mustfind out how much the people of jungleunderstood the world outside and whatchanges came through the radio in theirlives. Agents of government had been givenforms and papers to gather, fill and submitthe correct information regarding thisproject.That day, the outside man came verysecretly nearby the area of the man andthe woman. He sat along with in betweenApril-June 2013 :: 125

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