fहndi - Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya

fहndi - Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya fहndi - Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya

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discarded and alone, not too far from theshelter.The radio was speaking continuously,It spoke whole night and day. Nextmorning a stormy wind with rain first filledthe whole jungle with dust and dry leavesand then wet it up to all twigs and tricklingrivulets from leaves, radio was speaking.The whole night trees were makingswishing sound waving in winds and theman and the woman slept embracing eachother, radio was still speaking. Fire wasburning with bursts, radio was speaking.Next day both of them went deep in forestto subside their hunger and came after twodays, radio was still speaking....the woman felt pity for the radio.The woman had seen those animalsso many times sitting calmly and growlingin a low tone, sometimes wounded andsometimes left out of their groups. She feltmercy for them. The woman had no issue.She had seen infants and had an idea thatsome day it will come out from her belly.She waited, but it hadn't come yet. Theradio seemed something like a small bodyof flesh and blood made from man andwoman.She had a half eaten prey they got fromthe forest. She placed a piece of meat infront of the radio, believing that aftersometime it will eat it and calm down.But nothing happened. The radio keptspeaking.The woman became impatient. Shestarted sitting near the radio for a while.fgndi •The man gazed at her sitting afar. Somany times the woman touched the radio,cuddled it, tried fondling it in a low tone—la,la,la, but the radio was still speaking.She rolled about sleeping near her man,man tried again and again embracing her,but she got herself detached from him,sitting on her knees hearing the voices ofradio coming from dark silence and slightlyblowing winds from outside the shelter.The man also awakened, both of thempassed the whole night without even a dropof sleep.One night the man heard the womancalling—la,la,la...’, with choking throat,pointing her index finger towards outsidedark, towards radio. The man came inopen, picked a burning wood from fire,came close to-the radio, gazed at it andsuddenly threw out the wood in forest andscreamed aloud. He shrieked again andagain and the voice which was yet not adialect echoed in the jungle, trembledbetween the land and the sky. Silence ofnight and wild animals heard the screamingsound cautiously with erect keen ears.The radio was speaking, speaking inobscured low tones, it sang and madedistinguished voices, the voices of man andwoman, the voices as of their own.The man and woman felt an appetite.They went deep in to the jungle, into thedeepest deep.There was continuous raining for threedays. The whole jungle became wet andTress were dripping. The shelter flowed.April-June 2013 :: 123

Broken bamboos and thatches strewed allover. While the rain stopped, for almosttwo days wild dogs and jackals made theshelter their home, chewing bones andeating flesh. After five days it was the manwho came first, followed by the woman.The woman had a long piece of leg meatgripped and hanging in her hand. The mansuddenly started shooting those wild dogs,holding spear in both his hands above head,making mysterious shrieks. The two wilddogs were barking again and again on him,jumping towards him, growling, butreceding and at last the man won, the wilddogs left his area. The man squatted nearbyhis demolished shelter.The woman came suddenly close tothe radio while looking at jackals and wilddogs running afar. God knows whathappened to her gazing at those wildanimals barking, voraciously gulping meatand chewing bone running towards forest,she suddenly ran close to the radio, heldit up and embraced it to her breast. Theman also came there and hugged thewoman. A low tone obscure voice wascoming from the radio clasped betweenthe naked chests of the man and thewoman.The radio was singing in a murmuringtone. A sound coming out from the depthof an unknown zone and the beat takingit the right way was vibrating slightly herthick black skin. The sound out ofperforated metal plate was meltingsomewhere in the deep. Something wasgetting intoned under the skin. Radiostopped a bit, murmured, picked the righttone, some new melody arose, some newvoice melted and the metal plate shivereda bit. The woman felt as some unknowninfant's fingers are running on her breastholding her calmly. She looked at themoaning jungle spellbound. A tiny dropemerged in her eyes. The man wassmilingly looking at her.She clasped radio in her arms for along time. The man started making shelter.She was eyeing man with love holding theradio in her arms.All the night passed away.The next day also passed away.The shelter was erected again. The manburnt wood to make fire. Soiled woodburnt with little fire and much fume. Thewoman baked the leg piece of prey. Bothof them swallowed it up to full satisfactionof hunger and came in the radio also camewith the woman. Both slept and the radio,as it was, continuously singing in low tone.A terrifying incident happened thatnight.Late night the woman awaked the man.She was holding the radio. The radio wassilent. It was saying nothing. The womanwas waving the radio in her hands, takingit up and down, clasping it to her chestagain and again, but the radio was mumb,nothing coming out of it. The womanbecame perplexed, looking at the man withoverspread eyes, shaking his shoulders todo something. The man patted it slightly124 :: April-June 2013fgndi •

discarded and alone, not too far from theshelter.The radio was speaking continuously,It spoke whole night and day. Nextmorning a stormy wind with rain first filledthe whole jungle with dust and dry leavesand then wet it up to all twigs and tricklingrivulets from leaves, radio was speaking.The whole night trees were makingswishing sound waving in winds and theman and the woman slept embracing eachother, radio was still speaking. Fire wasburning with bursts, radio was speaking.Next day both of them went deep in forestto subside their hunger and came after twodays, radio was still speaking....the woman felt pity for the radio.The woman had seen those animalsso many times sitting calmly and growlingin a low tone, sometimes wounded andsometimes left out of their groups. She feltmercy for them. The woman had no issue.She had seen infants and had an idea thatsome day it will come out from her belly.She waited, but it hadn't come yet. Theradio seemed something like a small bodyof flesh and blood made from man andwoman.She had a half eaten prey they got fromthe forest. She placed a piece of meat infront of the radio, believing that aftersometime it will eat it and calm down.But nothing happened. The radio keptspeaking.The woman became impatient. Shestarted sitting near the radio for a while.fgndi •The man gazed at her sitting afar. Somany times the woman touched the radio,cuddled it, tried fondling it in a low tone—la,la,la, but the radio was still speaking.She rolled about sleeping near her man,man tried again and again embracing her,but she got herself detached from him,sitting on her knees hearing the voices ofradio coming from dark silence and slightlyblowing winds from outside the shelter.The man also awakened, both of thempassed the whole night without even a dropof sleep.One night the man heard the womancalling—la,la,la...’, with choking throat,pointing her index finger towards outsidedark, towards radio. The man came inopen, picked a burning wood from fire,came close to-the radio, gazed at it andsuddenly threw out the wood in forest andscreamed aloud. He shrieked again andagain and the voice which was yet not adialect echoed in the jungle, trembledbetween the land and the sky. Silence ofnight and wild animals heard the screamingsound cautiously with erect keen ears.The radio was speaking, speaking inobscured low tones, it sang and madedistinguished voices, the voices of man andwoman, the voices as of their own.The man and woman felt an appetite.They went deep in to the jungle, into thedeepest deep.There was continuous raining for threedays. The whole jungle became wet andTress were dripping. The shelter flowed.April-June 2013 :: 123

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