fहndi - Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya

fहndi - Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya fहndi - Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya

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elite section they came from : and theyshouldn't be faulted for want of dedicationor care.The ladies of the family personallyserved the hungry and the afflicted presentamong the guests. Sharmaji and Vermajiwere doing the job with zeal, but the seniordaughter in law said : 'Give us too a chanceto repay our debts to the dead. Will ourfather in law die and go to heaven againand again?’The diners' hunger was endless.Swooping down upon the poories andvegetables like birds of prey, they calledfor more, more — called unendingly.When their din went up too high the chiefpriest told them to pipe down and staycalm, meaning eat whatever you getwithout your din and clear out from herefast.The younger girl was unwell, or hadher periods, perhaps. She was not takingpart in any ritual. It did displease her sistersin-law.The middle one said the departedone was father to her too, she too hadsome duties to him. The senior sister-inlawsaid sadly, 'The poor thing! Her servicesare probably not acceptable to the fatherhimself. Did she have her last sight of him?If she was fated to hold his touch in herhand would she have landed up four daysafter his death? And now, going uncleanat this time — must be having a meaning,her period coming up now...'The youngest sister-in-law kept quiet,though she too wanted to grumble thatfgndi •the girl had lost faith in customs. Else,couldn't she have eaten some pill orsomething to put it off ? So many waysthere were these days...!Her sisters heard it all and got busyscraping out the halwa from the pan. Whatwere they to say? The girl had turned upfour days after father's death. By then theyhad gone half dead with their mourningbouts. Eyes wide open and dry she hadkept staring at the lamenting women. Andwhen she did cry it was at the wrongmoment, when the soul of the dead feelspain at crying. Everything she did waswrong, ill-timed. Dead set against learningthe ways of the world as she was, whatwas anyone to say to her? And now childrenof her own too, she has.The youngest one had actually wipedoff the drops of tears risen in her eyes atthe sight of the lamenting women : asthough making her private grief public haddemeaned it : although a competition wason in the room for the most tunefullament, for the best weave and compositionof words.The city's entire populace of the lameand tottering, of beggars wrapped in rags,scratching dirty heads and thighs, plonkeddown in rows. Shoveling in handful uponhandful of food, bent on filling up withall they could. Someone choked over a puri,someone coughed kha-kha, but the canyonsin their stomachs wouldn't fill.The chief priest came over to the sons,punctuating his speech with sonorousApril-June 2013 :: 113

salutations to the Ganga : 'These poor,hungry ones today are beside themselvesat the sight of halwa and puris. Earlier theyused to go away leaving half the fooduneaten. Who feeds them full meals thesedays? No, no, nothing to do with the risingcost of living and so forth! What otherthings are they economizing on, tell me!Just charity work it is that they thinkdispensable, to be thrown overboard'.'Look here, look here! What's thisyou're doing? Paying each sadhuindividually one by one! Give me themoney, here, I'll take care of thepayments...Sadhuram! You there,Sadhuram! Come up here...'Sadhuram came over on fast feet : andthe chief priest now engaged with hispatrons more vigorously : 'You need nottarry, sirs. Have something to eat, milk,fruit... Leave this job to us. Tackling thesesmall fry is not for you...'The three brothers were intelligent,took the cue. Setting out for their pilgrimcentre the third brother said to the chiefpriest : 'Everyone should get his share, youwill ensure that, won't you?''Of course! Of course! Without doubt!We don't have to be told!'Lines of displeasure creased the chiefpriest's brow. Brother number one witha sign made number three pipe down.They'll manage. Don't fret. Meaning,expressing doubt is a sign of smallmindedness.The crowd of alms seekerswatched the departure of the patrons withnervous eyes. Perhaps they had already losthopes of getting any of the money. Anywaytheir stomachs were full, for the time beingat any rate.After their meal of fruits and milk, theyleft straight away for Lakshman Jhoola forsightseeing. The children got busy clickingtheir cameras at pilgrims by the riversidedoing their poojas and other rituals, sacredthreads slung across shoulders, at womenwrapped in saris dipping into the waters.Roundabout stood the green hills ofRishikesh. Gusts of clean air filtered intolungs and made the body feel weightless.Sharmaji sought permission from sonnumber one for clicking a group photoof them —'Forget it, it's not a picnic we'vecome on, but for father...' Despite his no'showever, a group photo of them allstanding at the head of the bridge didmaterialize, with the whole family wearingthe prescribed, appropriate, sad looks ontheir faces. The children clowned, strucksome comic poses, but children from tento sixteen years of age, how'appropriatelysad'would they be?At the rows of temples they stood inreverent worship before the gods andgoddesses : admired the carvings on thepillars and walls, dropped coins and notesinto the collection boxes. Looking at anidol of a goddess with clean, aquilinefeatures, Worthy Son Number Two saidto his wife : 'This goddess looks exactlylike Parul, doesn't she?'114 :: April-June 2013fgndi •

salutations to the Ganga : 'These poor,hungry ones today are beside themselvesat the sight of halwa and puris. Earlier theyused to go away leaving half the fooduneaten. Who feeds them full meals thesedays? No, no, nothing to do with the risingcost of living and so forth! What otherthings are they economizing on, tell me!Just charity work it is that they thinkdispensable, to be thrown overboard'.'Look here, look here! What's thisyou're doing? Paying each sadhuindividually one by one! Give me themoney, here, I'll take care of thepayments...Sadhuram! You there,Sadhuram! Come up here...'Sadhuram came over on fast feet : andthe chief priest now engaged with hispatrons more vigorously : 'You need nottarry, sirs. Have something to eat, milk,fruit... Leave this job to us. Tackling thesesmall fry is not for you...'The three brothers were intelligent,took the cue. Setting out for their pilgrimcentre the third brother said to the chiefpriest : 'Everyone should get his share, youwill ensure that, won't you?''Of course! Of course! Without doubt!We don't have to be told!'Lines of displeasure creased the chiefpriest's brow. Brother number one witha sign made number three pipe down.They'll manage. Don't fret. Meaning,expressing doubt is a sign of smallmindedness.The crowd of alms seekerswatched the departure of the patrons withnervous eyes. Perhaps they had already losthopes of getting any of the money. Anywaytheir stomachs were full, for the time beingat any rate.After their meal of fruits and milk, theyleft straight away for Lakshman Jhoola forsightseeing. The children got busy clickingtheir cameras at pilgrims by the riversidedoing their poojas and other rituals, sacredthreads slung across shoulders, at womenwrapped in saris dipping into the waters.Roundabout stood the green hills ofRishikesh. Gusts of clean air filtered intolungs and made the body feel weightless.Sharmaji sought permission from sonnumber one for clicking a group photoof them —'Forget it, it's not a picnic we'vecome on, but for father...' Despite his no'showever, a group photo of them allstanding at the head of the bridge didmaterialize, with the whole family wearingthe prescribed, appropriate, sad looks ontheir faces. The children clowned, strucksome comic poses, but children from tento sixteen years of age, how'appropriatelysad'would they be?At the rows of temples they stood inreverent worship before the gods andgoddesses : admired the carvings on thepillars and walls, dropped coins and notesinto the collection boxes. Looking at anidol of a goddess with clean, aquilinefeatures, Worthy Son Number Two saidto his wife : 'This goddess looks exactlylike Parul, doesn't she?'114 :: April-June 2013fgndi •

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