fहndi - Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya

fहndi - Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya fहndi - Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya

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us? They have already begun by standingus up, the future promises only worse. Youwill change the future of the country? Thecommunists are mistaken for a long time.Though almost negligible in number, theyboast they are the entire country. Look,in the process of leadership your bald patehas started showing; cheeks gone sunken,life has turned miserable, how many moresuch revolutions? You have a youngdaughter at home to wed and still you wentto salute the Red Flag. Escaping from tenpetty thieves and thugs somehow we gothere staking our lives only to see the Redleader missing? So too we will vanish inthin air. So too we will.. .father made amotion of vanishing with his hand."Oye Napani listen." He called outloud.Napani came up to stand closer- aswarthy, thin and listless girl."Did Bhayya measure you correctlywith tape-measure? Asked father.Napani nodded in affirmation."You hadn't worn high heels whilebeing measured?""Nope" Napani said with head down."Presently you have it on." Fatherlooked at Napani's feet.Napani said nothing."Doesn't Upadhyayaji feed youproperly?" father cast a glance at theemaciated figure of Napani.Napani still kept quiet.“Raise your eyes a bit" father suddenlygrew wary.fgndi •Napani raised her eyes."look straight at me,” father asked her.Napani did."She is Bilarankhi, bro" father got upand started pacing."Ok, what benefit you get teasingsomeone? Father's wife said finally."Teasing ?" Father glowered."What else! Napani, Napani, the refrainhas gone all this while! You may go Beti!"Father's wife told Napani.Napani darted to the next room andstarted weeping on the shoulder of father'sdaughter."I'm telling her and only her." fatherbristled, "Women lack intellect in theirupper storey. Brahma the Creator didn'tbless them with; only hollow-handful. Forone she is Bilarankhi, moreover she wouldcry .That's why we were robbed all theway" saying this father plonked down inthe sofa."For one, Upadhyayaji sent this girl,and the same Oi Napani, Oi Napani refrainfrom all through the way" saying thisfather's wife got up and moved towardsthe wash basin.After a while, Dixitji arrived with hisretinue in attendance. This word was fromfather peering out of balcony. Dixitji badegoodbye to his associates from the groundfloor, and came up through the lift. Hefolded hands before father. Father slightlynodded his head in acknowledgement."Sorry, Pandiji, in fact I was attendinga procession" Dixitji explained.April-June 2013 :: 105

"Was it necessary today itself ?" fatherasked."The matter concerned today; mustn'tthe protest be lodged today itself ?” Dixitjisaid."Protest.. .umm." Father jerked hishead unconvinced.“Hope you got here without anyproblem?" Dixitji asked."Without any problem? Would rathersay life was spared.”"Oh...but then the drivers weresupposed to know that,” Dixitiji said."That means you know it? And stillyou are a leader?" Father's brows arched."Poverty...unemployment...anduncertain future, dear...there are manyreasons." Dixitji offered in an apologeticway."Dear who" father queried." Oh, that'sa habit. More appropriately I should'vecalled Panditji. But then what do I do.I have been in the party ever since I was15. It has almost become a ritual with me."Dixitji said helplessly."What will come of staying in sucha party?" Father quizzed in apprehension."What will come of, means" Dixitjiwondered.What will come of means what will,"Father smiled."In fact, our thoughts don't match."Dixitji said."In the name of thoughts some peopleremain misguided throughout their lives,Dixitji" father threw a clincher."And without thoughts too" Dixitjisnapped."Both are thieves" Father returned.Dixitji smiled because that's what hecould do. But father also smiled."Have heard that bridegrooms arepoached in your part of the world"Suddenly asked father."Poached?" Dixitji couldn't understandanything.“If the boy turned out to be an officer,his life is at risk. It is heard they prowlaround with a list. Are always hunting forthe prey. And they are helped by RanvirSena cadre. Post determines the wages forlabour. It is learnt for a collector it is fivelakh. This is for abduction. Kill the parentsif they object. And for worse, it could bethat you are married to some disabled girl.If married to such a girl, it's curtains toyour wedding night ...” Father turned silentafter this narration."You are very simple, Panditji" Dixitjisaid smilingly."That I am. I raised this issue lest weare in the crosshairs?" Father said inapprehension."If you had this wild apprehension, youshould have called me" Dixitji saidagitatedly.“My son too is an officer" Looking athis son, father said."Panditji is our guest." Dixitji cast aglance at the boy."You have raised us to this pedestal;this has only caused doubts in us. Now106 :: April-June 2013fgndi •

us? They have already begun by standingus up, the future promises only worse. Youwill change the future of the country? Thecommunists are mistaken for a long time.Though almost negligible in number, theyboast they are the entire country. Look,in the process of leadership your bald patehas started showing; cheeks gone sunken,life has turned miserable, how many moresuch revolutions? You have a youngdaughter at home to wed and still you wentto salute the Red Flag. Escaping from tenpetty thieves and thugs somehow we gothere staking our lives only to see the Redleader missing? So too we will vanish inthin air. So too we will.. .father made amotion of vanishing with his hand."Oye Napani listen." He called outloud.Napani came up to stand closer- aswarthy, thin and listless girl."Did Bhayya measure you correctlywith tape-measure? Asked father.Napani nodded in affirmation."You hadn't worn high heels whilebeing measured?""Nope" Napani said with head down."Presently you have it on." Fatherlooked at Napani's feet.Napani said nothing."Doesn't Upadhyayaji feed youproperly?" father cast a glance at theemaciated figure of Napani.Napani still kept quiet.“Raise your eyes a bit" father suddenlygrew wary.fgndi •Napani raised her eyes."look straight at me,” father asked her.Napani did."She is Bilarankhi, bro" father got upand started pacing."Ok, what benefit you get teasingsomeone? Father's wife said finally."Teasing ?" Father glowered."What else! Napani, Napani, the refrainhas gone all this while! You may go Beti!"Father's wife told Napani.Napani darted to the next room andstarted weeping on the shoulder of father'sdaughter."I'm telling her and only her." fatherbristled, "Women lack intellect in theirupper storey. Brahma the Creator didn'tbless them with; only hollow-handful. Forone she is Bilarankhi, moreover she wouldcry .That's why we were robbed all theway" saying this father plonked down inthe sofa."For one, Upadhyayaji sent this girl,and the same Oi Napani, Oi Napani refrainfrom all through the way" saying thisfather's wife got up and moved towardsthe wash basin.After a while, Dixitji arrived with hisretinue in attendance. This word was fromfather peering out of balcony. Dixitji badegoodbye to his associates from the groundfloor, and came up through the lift. Hefolded hands before father. Father slightlynodded his head in acknowledgement."Sorry, Pandiji, in fact I was attendinga procession" Dixitji explained.April-June 2013 :: 105

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