fहndi - Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya

fहndi - Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya fहndi - Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya

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the way you have done to me. SatheSathyam (tit for tat)....or whatever theysay." Father looked at the driver."Still we have not encountered goons?"he asked the driver."Will come up against them soonenough." the driver told."And one more thing..." father lookedat his son.The son was in rapt silence."If the girl turns out to be Bilarankhi(cat-eyed) then reject." Said father."Why?" Dared say son."Bilarankhi doesn't believe infaithfulness" Said father."What does that mean?""Forget meaning" Snapped father."Keep quiet, will you, now." Said wifefrom behind."And mind you, atttention will haveto be paid to complexion also" cautionedfather."For that you are there." The wife said."You know, that leaves a lot of scopefor deception. Have heard of beauticianswho would do such a 'fair job' that youwon't come to know of the originalcomplexion" wondered father.At this his adolescent daughter sittingbehind sniggered."O darling, I guess you would seethrough the original?" quizzed the father."Oh, yeah father." The daughteragreed."And what's the height of Dulhan (girl)in bio-data?" asked father.fgndi •"Five feet six inches." His daughterinformed."And how tall Napani is?" Asked father."Five feet three inches" His daughtertold."That means standing beside Napani,Dulhan should look three inches taller forwhich we will have to make allowance."Father said."What if she fell short of an inch orso, Saheb!" Bantered the driver."How the heck she will fall short?"Wondered father."You are right, Saheb. To ascertainbeforehand is just the right thing." Addedthe driver."And mind you, no idle talks.Whatever is happening in UP, how doesthat concern us? We are family people.Somehow managing to live saving our lives.We don't have to dance to the tune ofpolitics" Saying this, father lapsed intosilence.Transverse on the road ahead lay a longgreen branch of a tree and four guys weremotioning with their hands for the car tostop. Father immediately whipped out thewallet from his pocket. From it, he puta tenner in his fist and some tenners heput in his other pocket. And then the walletin the inner secret pocket Won't be safeto take out purse every time to shell outmoney at different points. Lest those goonssnatched the purse? father thought. Bothvehicles stopped in tandem- front and back.Opening the side door, father got out ofApril-June 2013 :: 103

the car."Tell me what do you want?" fatherasked with a tenner clenched in his fist."Tax" one of them demanded."Tax?" wondered father."Donation!" one of them added."Donation to which party?" Fatherasked."Congress, Communist, BJP...whichever you like"One of them coolly said."So you guys play politics" said fathersmilingly."Are you a stupid cunt?" one of theboys quipped.Father put a tenner in his hand. Theboy rolled the note, spat in it and madeas if to hand it back to father."What's this?" Father winced."Returning your thing with interest,spit... You corrupt rascal, how much youhave digested?" The boy flicked the notewet with spit, at father.Father dodged sideways."Where's your home?" asked anotherboy."Dumrao." Promptly replied father."Raja Ka Budhwa Jharela Hey Sala!"Two boys laughed mutually."Today is an inauspicious day." Fathersaid."What did you say?""Not to you," Father quickly changedtrack."Trying to act smart. You rascal cheat,you bloody cheat people, government...amass wealth. Will move in two cars andpreach philosophy!"Father vaguely smiled."Look at this green branch? will rudelyforce it up your bottom to scare thedaylight out of you." Said one boy dourly."Oh no, I' m happy to have seen you""Happy?"Father again smiled wanely.'Fork out you craven coward, or else"Threatened the boy."How much, Saheb" Getting out ofthe car the driver asked."Seventy for two vehicles."The driver handed the money from hisown pocket."Pick up that currency Panditji andpaste it on your vermillioned forehead"Saying this the boy moved towards otherheld-up vehicles.Thus paying goons a tax at four orfive places, father and party reachedBhagalpur. Keep account, father told thedriver and got down the car.Their venue, the hotel was given afacelift and the road was swarming withactivity.It was learnt that his Samdhi hadconveyed his regrets. He was in a processionand hence couldn't turn up to receive. Mustbe on his way. Dumping family andluggage father sulked. "I do understandeverything. Everything. Do as you please.But will have to pay for your deeds. Youalready knew we were coming? In that case,what was more important- procession or104 :: April-June 2013fgndi •

the car."Tell me what do you want?" fatherasked with a tenner clenched in his fist."Tax" one of them demanded."Tax?" wondered father."Donation!" one of them added."Donation to which party?" Fatherasked."Congress, Communist, BJP...whichever you like"One of them coolly said."So you guys play politics" said fathersmilingly."Are you a stupid cunt?" one of theboys quipped.Father put a tenner in his hand. Theboy rolled the note, spat in it and madeas if to hand it back to father."What's this?" Father winced."Returning your thing with interest,spit... You corrupt rascal, how much youhave digested?" The boy flicked the notewet with spit, at father.Father dodged sideways."Where's your home?" asked anotherboy."Dumrao." Promptly replied father."Raja Ka Budhwa Jharela Hey Sala!"Two boys laughed mutually."Today is an inauspicious day." Fathersaid."What did you say?""Not to you," Father quickly changedtrack."Trying to act smart. You rascal cheat,you bloody cheat people, government...amass wealth. Will move in two cars andpreach philosophy!"Father vaguely smiled."Look at this green branch? will rudelyforce it up your bottom to scare thedaylight out of you." Said one boy dourly."Oh no, I' m happy to have seen you""Happy?"Father again smiled wanely.'Fork out you craven coward, or else"Threatened the boy."How much, Saheb" Getting out ofthe car the driver asked."Seventy for two vehicles."The driver handed the money from hisown pocket."Pick up that currency Panditji andpaste it on your vermillioned forehead"Saying this the boy moved towards otherheld-up vehicles.Thus paying goons a tax at four orfive places, father and party reachedBhagalpur. Keep account, father told thedriver and got down the car.Their venue, the hotel was given afacelift and the road was swarming withactivity.It was learnt that his Samdhi hadconveyed his regrets. He was in a processionand hence couldn't turn up to receive. Mustbe on his way. Dumping family andluggage father sulked. "I do understandeverything. Everything. Do as you please.But will have to pay for your deeds. Youalready knew we were coming? In that case,what was more important- procession or104 :: April-June 2013fgndi •

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