training module for medical officers primary health centre - NVBDCP

training module for medical officers primary health centre - NVBDCP

training module for medical officers primary health centre - NVBDCP

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malaria parasite X 100There is a complete range of indicators reflecting programme areas like case finding, disease burden,programme management etc. The requirement of indicators, at each level of <strong>health</strong> care delivery, is veryspecific. At the lower levels like PHCs and Districts indicators are utilized <strong>for</strong> local decision making whileat the National level they are more relevant <strong>for</strong> policy making and assessing the overall progress. Acomplete list of levels of <strong>health</strong> care delivery along with the indicators to be determined at each level islaid down in Table 3. Each level of <strong>health</strong> care delivery is to be encouraged to analyse data based onthese recommendations on a regular basis. For details on input, process, output and outcomeindicators, please refer the Operational manual.Table: Monitoring at different tiers of Health Care DeliveryHealth CareNoLevel1. Village -ASHA/ otherCommunityVolunteer2. Sub<strong>centre</strong>(MPW-Male/Female)Programme AreaSurveillance/ casefindingProgrammeManagementSurveillance/ casefindingProgrammeManagement3. PHC Surveillance/ casefindingDisease Burden/ImpactIndicator (Source of Indicator)- No of Fever cases (M1)- No of Total Malaria cases (M1)- No of Pf cases (M1)- No of RDTs used (M1)- No of slides sent to laboratory (M1)- No of ACT Blister Packs used (M1)- No of bednets impregnated- No of houses assisted in acceptance of spray operations- No of Fever cases (M4-SC)- No of Malaria cases (M4-SC)- No of Pf cases (M4-SC)- MPW in position Yes/ No- Trained MPWs Present Yes/ No- No of RDTs received & used (M4-SC)- No of ACT Blister Packs received & used (M4-SC)- No of ITNs/ LLINs distributed (VC 4 )- Bednets Treated (VC 4)Outcome - IRS Coverage – Population (%) (VC 2)- IRS Coverage – Rooms (%) (VC 2)- % of Eligible population Covered by ITN(VC 4 )ProgrammeManagement- Monthly Blood Examination Rate (ABER) (M4-PHC)- Annual Blood Examination Rate (ABER) (M4-PHC)- No of Fever cases (M4-PHC)- No of Malaria cases (M4-PHC)- No of Pf cases ( M4-PHC )- Annual Parasite Incidence (API) ( M4-PHC )- Annual Falciparum Incidence (AFI) ( M4-PHC )- Test Positivity rate (TPR) ( M4-PHC )- Test falciparum Rate (TfR) ( M4-PHC )- Pf Percentage (Pf %) ( M4-PHC )- No of RDTs received & used ( M4-PHC )- No of ACT Blister Packs received & used ( M4-PHC )- % of MPHW/ASHA/other volunteers trained <strong>for</strong> use of RDT / ACT (PMMR)- % of Diagnostic facilities functional with microscopy/RDT in the lastreporting period (PMMR)- % of spray Equipment in working condition (VC 2)- Insecticide use (VC 2, VC 5)- No of ITNs/ LLINs distributed (VC 4 )- No of BCC Activities (PMMR)57

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