training module for medical officers primary health centre - NVBDCP

training module for medical officers primary health centre - NVBDCP

training module for medical officers primary health centre - NVBDCP

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National Malaria Eradication Programme (NMEP)The Sixth WHO Expert committee defined malaria eradication in 1956 as the ending of the transmissionof malaria and the elimination of the reservoir of infective cases in a campaign limited in time andcarried to such a degree of perfection that when it comes to an end there is no resumption oftransmission. Encouraged by the stupendous achievements of the National Malaria Control Programme(NMCP) in India, the programme was converted to National Malaria Eradication Programme (NMEP) in1958.Phases1. Preparatory phase Limited survey Planning of project Preliminary operations2. Attack phase Residual insecticidal spray Introduction of surveillance3. Consolidation phase Surveillance operations Focal spray Epidemiological investigations4. Maintenance phase Area handed over to General Health Services.Modified Plan of Operation (MPO)Implementation from April 1977ObjectivesPrevention of deaths due to malariaReduction of morbidity due to malariaMaintenance of industrial and green revolutions due to freedom from malaria, as well as retention ofachievements gained so far.Important changes State malariologists made overall in charge of the programme Zonal teams created with entomological component District Malaria Officer’s post created with direct responsibility <strong>for</strong> spray Spray staff provided on the basis of size of population MO-PHC made responsible <strong>for</strong> malaria work in PHC and MPW <strong>for</strong> surveillance Phasing of programme abolished Areas with 2 API and above to receive regular rounds of spray; other areas to receive focal spray DDCs/FTDs introduced4

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