About This Particular Macintosh 6.04 - eDisk

About This Particular Macintosh 6.04 - eDisk

About This Particular Macintosh 6.04 - eDisk

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Down (as with IE 4.5). However, with AutoComplete disabled, IE no longer generates completionsas you type.Explorer Bar<strong>This</strong> is what Microsoft calls the rotated set of tabs along the left edge of the IE 4.5 browserwindow. In IE 5, the bar has a ribbed appearance and no longer appears to extend into thepage content. It works much the same as before. Clicking a tab pops out the Favorites, History,Search, Scrapbook (more on that later), or Page Holder display. Clicking the tab againcollapses the bar so that only the tabs are visible. Aside from the appearance, the main newfeature is the button at the top, which looks like the eject button on a CD player. Clicking itcollapses the bar and hides the button bar, location bar, and favorites bar, thus letting yousee more of the page. You can still navigate, however, because the top of the Explorer barnow shows the essential buttons: Back, Forward, Stop, and Reload.ScrapbookIE 4 introduced the Web Archive feature that saves all the text, images, and sounds from apage, or tree of pages, into a single file. With IE 5, the Web Archive feature is still present—and it still requires redownloading page elements even if the page is already being displayed—butthere is a new feature called the Scrapbook. Accessed from a tab of the Explorerbar, the Scrapbook behaves like a list of Web Archives, except that Scrapbook entries areATPM <strong>6.04</strong> ← 99 →Stuff: Internet Explorer 5.0

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