About This Particular Macintosh 6.04 - eDisk

About This Particular Macintosh 6.04 - eDisk About This Particular Macintosh 6.04 - eDisk

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The final citizenship problem I should point out is that IE still grabs a lot of backgroundprocessing time. That is, even when it’s idle in the background, it makes your other applicationsrun more slowly. For this reason, I use iDo Script Scheduler to periodically run anAppleScript that quits IE if it has no open windows.ToolbarsSo far I’ve been talking about what’s underneath the hood of IE 5 because that’s where themost radical changes are. But the first thing you’ll notice about IE 5 is its new look.According to Microsoft Mac Business Unit Product Manager Irving Kwong 11 :One of the goals was to build a browser that was literally the best Mac browser out there. To dothat, we had to make it more Mac-like. The Mac has a lot of style and we found in our researchthat the number three attribute of why new users purchased an iMac was because of style. So wesaid to ourselves, “The software has to have style. Why can’t your browser have style?”…Nowwe’ve got this cool looking translucent chrome background on it (the browser window), brandnew icons that have this really cool glow when you mouse over them and the ability to switch yourcolor to match your iMac. This is the kind of stuff Mac users care about!The problem with making an application stylish is that you’re bound to polarize users intothose that like the look and those that don’t. I find IE 5’s toolbar hideous and the new iconsindistinct. Others think they’re a nice prelude to Aqua. In my opinion, they don’t look muchlike Aqua, and the ribbed background makes the button names difficult to read.Aside from the styling, there are other important differences from the IE 4.5 toolbar. Thebuttons themselves are much larger now. They consume more precious vertical space, andfewer buttons can fit horizontally within the window width. As in Microsoft Windows, when11. http://www.macnn.com/features/ie5trans.shtmlATPM 6.04 ← 96 →Stuff: Internet Explorer 5.0

there are too many buttons to fit horizontally on a toolbar, IE replaces the rightmost oneswith a popup menu disguised as a >>.You can change the colors of the buttons to any of Apple’s recent case colors—the iMac flavors,graphite, PowerBook black, and PowerBook bronze. However, you cannot pick yourown custom color, and none of the ones Microsoft provides match any of Apple’s Appearanceaccent colors. I’m not a fan of any of Microsoft’s choices; the graphite and blueberry areprobably the least distracting. You might think that the color of the toolbar buttons is aminor issue—after all, some people even hide the toolbar. However, Microsoft has ensuredthat everyone will care by changing the accent color within IE to match the chosen toolbarcolor. Focus rings in text boxes, scroll bar thumbs, the menu highlight color, and the namesof form buttons all use the toolbar color in IE. Thus, even standard interface elements lookdifferent in IE than in any other Macintosh application. Consistency is perhaps the mostimportant Macintosh interface ideal, and Microsoft has let its stylistic choices get in the wayof it. Even worse, IE 5 has a bug where its toolbar color replaces the system accent color in allapplications. This persists after you’ve quit IE, and the only solution is to restart yourmachine.IE 5’s toolbar is completely customizable. Select Customize Toolbars… from the Viewmenu, and IE loads a special Web pages that shows the toolbar buttons that are available. Youcan drag them onto the toolbar, rearrange the toolbar, and drag buttons you don’t want toATPM 6.04 ← 97 →Stuff: Internet Explorer 5.0

The final citizenship problem I should point out is that IE still grabs a lot of backgroundprocessing time. That is, even when it’s idle in the background, it makes your other applicationsrun more slowly. For this reason, I use iDo Script Scheduler to periodically run anAppleScript that quits IE if it has no open windows.ToolbarsSo far I’ve been talking about what’s underneath the hood of IE 5 because that’s where themost radical changes are. But the first thing you’ll notice about IE 5 is its new look.According to Microsoft Mac Business Unit Product Manager Irving Kwong 11 :One of the goals was to build a browser that was literally the best Mac browser out there. To dothat, we had to make it more Mac-like. The Mac has a lot of style and we found in our researchthat the number three attribute of why new users purchased an iMac was because of style. So wesaid to ourselves, “The software has to have style. Why can’t your browser have style?”…Nowwe’ve got this cool looking translucent chrome background on it (the browser window), brandnew icons that have this really cool glow when you mouse over them and the ability to switch yourcolor to match your iMac. <strong>This</strong> is the kind of stuff Mac users care about!The problem with making an application stylish is that you’re bound to polarize users intothose that like the look and those that don’t. I find IE 5’s toolbar hideous and the new iconsindistinct. Others think they’re a nice prelude to Aqua. In my opinion, they don’t look muchlike Aqua, and the ribbed background makes the button names difficult to read.Aside from the styling, there are other important differences from the IE 4.5 toolbar. Thebuttons themselves are much larger now. They consume more precious vertical space, andfewer buttons can fit horizontally within the window width. As in Microsoft Windows, when11. http://www.macnn.com/features/ie5trans.shtmlATPM <strong>6.04</strong> ← 96 →Stuff: Internet Explorer 5.0

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