About This Particular Macintosh 6.04 - eDisk

About This Particular Macintosh 6.04 - eDisk About This Particular Macintosh 6.04 - eDisk

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There is little to report about the casing. At therear, you will find the mains and USB connectorsand a connector for the transparency adaptor(mini DIN—like an old Apple modem port connector).On one side is a neatly designed lockingcatch for use when transporting the unit. At thefront is a conveniently placed on/off switch. Ofcourse, being a USB device, this switch is actuallyuseful. SCSI devices have to be switched on asthe computer is started, but USB devices can be switched on and off as required.In the front top corner is a small button that is potentially very useful, but which reveals thescanner’s major weakness—its bundled software. The button is intended to be used like the‘copy’ button on a photocopier. Put something into the scanner, press the button, and thesoftware loads, enabling you to say what you want done. It offers all the obvious choices,such as print it on paper, OCR it to text, and load it into Photoshop.What actually happens is that it loads an application called Presto! PageManager. Over theyears, I have come across many poor quality ports of applications originally written for PCs.I can’t recall ever having coming across a more irritating port than this one. Not only does itignore most of the interface conventions developed by Apple, but it performs poorly andslowly.Examine the screenshot; it looks quite ghastly. To say it is utilitarian would be to give falsepraise, as utilitarian implies usefulness. Note that there are two separate Help menus at thetop of the screen. One offers access to the help system; the other turns balloon help on andATPM 6.04 ← 82 → Stuff: Epson Perfection 1200 Photo

off. Pressing F1 for help is not implemented, nor is pressing the Help key on an extendedkeyboard. If you access help, you will discover references to features that are not available inthe Mac implementation. It warns that rotating the scan is not available either, although inreality there is a button which does that! I don’t want to dwell too much on these points andcountless similar ones, as it distracts from my main criticism, which is that the software failsto do its real job adequately.I tried it out with a full letter-sized scan at 300 dpi (you can also scan up to 1200 dpi, orbeyond that for those who are impressed by interpolated resolution figures). The TWAINdriver is needed for all scans and is reasonably fast, but using PageManager to transfer theimage to Photoshop took 91 seconds (25.6 MB file size). The same image acquired directlyfrom Photoshop via the TWAIN driver took 49 seconds. These differences are even morestriking at higher resolutions. PageManager seems to spend ages slowly loading and savingthe image file. I started to repeat the test at 1200 dpi, but abandoned it as it was painfullyslow.ATPM 6.04 ← 83 → Stuff: Epson Perfection 1200 Photo

off. Pressing F1 for help is not implemented, nor is pressing the Help key on an extendedkeyboard. If you access help, you will discover references to features that are not available inthe Mac implementation. It warns that rotating the scan is not available either, although inreality there is a button which does that! I don’t want to dwell too much on these points andcountless similar ones, as it distracts from my main criticism, which is that the software failsto do its real job adequately.I tried it out with a full letter-sized scan at 300 dpi (you can also scan up to 1200 dpi, orbeyond that for those who are impressed by interpolated resolution figures). The TWAINdriver is needed for all scans and is reasonably fast, but using PageManager to transfer theimage to Photoshop took 91 seconds (25.6 MB file size). The same image acquired directlyfrom Photoshop via the TWAIN driver took 49 seconds. These differences are even morestriking at higher resolutions. PageManager seems to spend ages slowly loading and savingthe image file. I started to repeat the test at 1200 dpi, but abandoned it as it was painfullyslow.ATPM <strong>6.04</strong> ← 83 → Stuff: Epson Perfection 1200 Photo

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