About This Particular Macintosh 6.04 - eDisk

About This Particular Macintosh 6.04 - eDisk About This Particular Macintosh 6.04 - eDisk

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WelcomeWelcomeWelcome to the April issue of About This Particular Macintosh! We’d like you to know thatour expanding staff of Mac advocates have combed the earth to bring you the best news,views and reviews available on the Internet today. Despite Apple’s best efforts to “lock down”information leaks and embargo important information about yet-to-be-released products,our crack team of Mac specialists have compiled an awesome, fact-filled issue of AudaciousTidbits and Puckish Musings. We lead off this issue with an important socio-fashion statement.Geek ChicMac geeks have brought about a transformation within the geek community. We have single-handedlycreated a new class, which can only be described as “geek chic.” It’s marked bya nonchalant or matter-of-fact competence in terms of our understanding of technologyand its applications. In short, we don’t get hung up on MHz and hardware specs, but finddelight in understanding how technology can play a role in enhancing one’s quality of life.Larry, Can You Spare a Dime?Media reports indicate that Oracle chairman and Apple board member, Larry Ellison, isquickly closing in on Bill Gates in the who-has-the-most-money-in-the-world contest. Inaddition to his 24% stake in Oracle, Mr. Ellison owns and flies his very own disarmed fighterjet. What is it about Apple board members and aircraft? Mr. Ellison’s personal fortune byone estimate stands at about $57 billion, compared to about $80 billion for Mr. Gates. Sowhat’s $23 billion between enemies? Oracle’s stock has had a stellar 52-week run. If its shareprice continues to rise at its current pace, Mr. Gates will soon be dethroned as the world’swealthiest person.Oracle is the world’s largest developer of database software. It’s Mr. Ellison’s belief that hiscompany will benefit in a big way from the explosive growth in e-commerce in the same wayMicrosoft benefited from the growth in desktop PC sales. Although known for his grandioseATPM 6.04 ← 8 →Welcome

WelcomeWelcomeWelcome to the April issue of <strong>About</strong> <strong>This</strong> <strong>Particular</strong> <strong>Macintosh</strong>! We’d like you to know thatour expanding staff of Mac advocates have combed the earth to bring you the best news,views and reviews available on the Internet today. Despite Apple’s best efforts to “lock down”information leaks and embargo important information about yet-to-be-released products,our crack team of Mac specialists have compiled an awesome, fact-filled issue of AudaciousTidbits and Puckish Musings. We lead off this issue with an important socio-fashion statement.Geek ChicMac geeks have brought about a transformation within the geek community. We have single-handedlycreated a new class, which can only be described as “geek chic.” It’s marked bya nonchalant or matter-of-fact competence in terms of our understanding of technologyand its applications. In short, we don’t get hung up on MHz and hardware specs, but finddelight in understanding how technology can play a role in enhancing one’s quality of life.Larry, Can You Spare a Dime?Media reports indicate that Oracle chairman and Apple board member, Larry Ellison, isquickly closing in on Bill Gates in the who-has-the-most-money-in-the-world contest. Inaddition to his 24% stake in Oracle, Mr. Ellison owns and flies his very own disarmed fighterjet. What is it about Apple board members and aircraft? Mr. Ellison’s personal fortune byone estimate stands at about $57 billion, compared to about $80 billion for Mr. Gates. Sowhat’s $23 billion between enemies? Oracle’s stock has had a stellar 52-week run. If its shareprice continues to rise at its current pace, Mr. Gates will soon be dethroned as the world’swealthiest person.Oracle is the world’s largest developer of database software. It’s Mr. Ellison’s belief that hiscompany will benefit in a big way from the explosive growth in e-commerce in the same wayMicrosoft benefited from the growth in desktop PC sales. Although known for his grandioseATPM <strong>6.04</strong> ← 8 →Welcome

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